Got a bulging disc doing deadlifts in July

And as per doctors they say ease into working out to get the L4-5 back into place. I find it hard wanting to go to the gym with little to no weight workouts that press on the spine. Anyone else ever have this problem or have a nice routine to follow so I don't feel left out of going to the gym? I lost my amazing results and now find it hard wanting to keep going


  • StargazerB
    StargazerB Posts: 425 Member
    Are you still having symptoms from the bulging disc? Have you been cleared for lifting at all? I have old herniations in L4-5 and L5-S1. I can lift but I'm very mindful of my form. And I have unfortunately exacerbated the injury a couple of times from deadlifting when adding weight too quickly.
  • themightybodack
    themightybodack Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah, I have both like you just forgot the exact term for the second one. I've had leg weakness, stiff walking with one leg and back pain. Just got a second epidural yesterday and while I don't feel as bad as I used to I don't know the timeframe to do lower back exercises now.
  • StargazerB
    StargazerB Posts: 425 Member
    Yeah, I have both like you just forgot the exact term for the second one. I've had leg weakness, stiff walking with one leg and back pain. Just got a second epidural yesterday and while I don't feel as bad as I used to I don't know the timeframe to do lower back exercises now.

    Are you working with a physical therapist at all? I would start there.
  • themightybodack
    themightybodack Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah, I have both like you just forgot the exact term for the second one. I've had leg weakness, stiff walking with one leg and back pain. Just got a second epidural yesterday and while I don't feel as bad as I used to I don't know the timeframe to do lower back exercises now.

    Are you working with a physical therapist at all? I would start there.

    I was but at some point I felt it wasn't beneficial maybe I need to start with another doctor. I think due to the longevity of it I need to switch it up.
  • StargazerB
    StargazerB Posts: 425 Member
    Yeah, I have both like you just forgot the exact term for the second one. I've had leg weakness, stiff walking with one leg and back pain. Just got a second epidural yesterday and while I don't feel as bad as I used to I don't know the timeframe to do lower back exercises now.

    Are you working with a physical therapist at all? I would start there.

    I was but at some point I felt it wasn't beneficial maybe I need to start with another doctor. I think due to the longevity of it I need to switch it up.

    Yeah, I think talking with a doctor is good starting point.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Could try hip thrust/ glute bridge.. easier on the back.
  • themightybodack
    themightybodack Posts: 8 Member
    When you feel like the doctors don't help what do you do though? Like I've been getting hit with medical bills left and right because of this.
  • StargazerB
    StargazerB Posts: 425 Member
    edited January 2019
    When you feel like the doctors don't help what do you do though? Like I've been getting hit with medical bills left and right because of this.

    Honestly the thing that helped me the most was rest, for at least a few weeks. And ibuprofen around the clock. Also a heating pad for pain. I didn't have weakness or numbness as a symptom, only nerve pain.
  • themightybodack
    themightybodack Posts: 8 Member
    Did you do any specific stretches that helped? Also, did simple stuff like crunches seem unbearable before you knew to rest? I have been on a very lax resting period at this point.
  • StargazerB
    StargazerB Posts: 425 Member
    Did you do any specific stretches that helped? Also, did simple stuff like crunches seem unbearable before you knew to rest? I have been on a very lax resting period at this point.

    Everything was unbearable when I first injured my back. Lying down on my side was the most comfortable, standing was miserable, and sitting was the worst. You need to rest or you might cause further injury. Also if you're not happy with your current doctor maybe see a spinal specialist.
  • Barfly57
    Barfly57 Posts: 333 Member
    I'm in the same boat - back is completely wrecked.
    I started lifting again, once cleared, with split squats and one legged deadlifts. Apparently they put less strain on the back.
    As I got better, I graduated to rack pulls.
    Dr. tells me strong back muscles are what's keeping me out of a wheelchair.
    (You might want to add reverse hypers, too.)
  • themightybodack
    themightybodack Posts: 8 Member
    What did it take to get you cleared? I'd love to know but PT currently are Out of Network for my insurance so I am very precautious with appointments.
  • ellkay2
    ellkay2 Posts: 7 Member
    I blew out my L4-L5 doing Squats, I upped the weight too soon, got distracted and wasn't paying attention to form. I recommend seeing a Sports Physiotherapist, they'll give you stretches to do that'll really help, both my doctor and physio told me NOT to rest, I had to do stretches every 2 hours and go out and walk 3 times a day, I did this for 8 months until I was cleared to go back to the gym. Obviously every injury is different, some people need to rest, some don't so you really need to get a professional to look at your back and give you advise. Taking mine or someone else's advise could cause you more harm. I really wish you the best, I know it sucks being out of the gym, get a physio and do what they say and you'll be back at it in no time.
  • Barfly57
    Barfly57 Posts: 333 Member
    I did some PT, but it didn't really feel like it helped all that much. It just took time.
    My doctor had me do range of motion checks with her about once a month until she was satisfied.
  • 76Crane76
    76Crane76 Posts: 133 Member
    I had 2 bulging discs (not from "lifting" but from lifting heavy patients as a healthcare worker). I did not want the cortisone shot even though I was in horrible pain. I chose physical therapy and the chiropractor. PT helped me strengthen my core and work on the piriformus and other related muscles. Chiro helped the discs return where they were supposed to be. Good luck !
  • Mithridites
    Mithridites Posts: 595 Member
    Many body weight exercises to strengthen the muscles around the injury, such as Supermans and bird-dogs, combined with gentle stretching (look up Yoga with Adrienne “yoga for the lower back” and “yoga for sciatica” ). You want to do these often, like daily, for several weeks. The aim being to strengthen the small stabilizing muscles alongside the big impressive muscles that most weightlifting focuses on. If you find a good massage therapist, it might be worth the expense. I’ve been through the herniated disc thing, you have my sympathy. Super important : improving your posture 24/7 and paying attention to perfect form when you perform the aforementioned exercises. Hold off on deadlifts for a good long time, not saying forever, but you want to strengthen the muscles a lot without loading the spine or you’ll be staring into the cold dead eyes of spinal surgery. Good luck.
  • themightybodack
    themightybodack Posts: 8 Member
    I did leg press the other day and felt okay-ish but I think its just been awhile since doing legs so the soreness I am not used to