
Hey everyone! Im 27 and have been dealng with the inability to sustain a healthy diet. I got down to 100 pounds and feel faint and have no energy. With the help of my amazing brother who happens to also be a nurse, he introduced me to this app and is helping me manage my food intake. I struggle with eating and if anyone can offer support or understanding, I would feel way less alone. I dont know how I let myself get intot this cycle and Im still struggling to understand my relationship with food. I have OCD and thought maybe that was a component to my distraction of not remembering to eat. When Im stressed, I lose my appetite, when Im happy, I lose my appetite, when Im focused on other things....I don't remember to eat and don't think about it to the point where Ive gone days without eating and not noticed. I know I have a problem, I just don't know what caused it or how to fix it. I want to be healthy and not feel faint every time I stand up. I want to eat and not think that its bad. I want to change my perspective on food and how I even got to this point of such irrational thinking. Im trying really hard but forcing myself to eat isn't fun, having my parents monitor me isn't fun and constantly being told I look severely emaciated. I want to be better, I just don't know how.


  • KelseyJane88
    KelseyJane88 Posts: 9 Member
    I’m here for you 😘😘😘 Everything is going to be ok! Thanks for your openness and honesty. You are truly brave! Small steps at a time. Slowly get yourself into a routine of eating. It dont have to be a big meal, just something. Eventually your body will expect something and you will have the urge to want to eat. Just don’t get discouraged babe! You’re trying and I can tell just by reading what you wrote. You will love this app. Very supportive people that will help keep you encouraged. All you gotta do is log in!!! I’m here for you 😊 sending you a request now!
  • KelseyJane88
    KelseyJane88 Posts: 9 Member
    It won’t let me request you for some reason! Try to send me one!
  • ryanpatt84
    ryanpatt84 Posts: 13 Member
    Stay strong 💪 👍
  • Howl_Of_Solace
    Howl_Of_Solace Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for sharing your experience! We're all here to support you :) I've sent you a friend request. It'll be hard but you're not alone <3