February challenge and support group

Getting together a group for support throughout February (and hopefully months to come) to challenge ourselves to lose weight and build healthier habits.

This group will provide accountability through daily weigh ins, as well as looking at start and end weights. We can support each other with encouragement as we succeed, and reassurance through any bumps in the road.

Post you starting weight and current weight between today and February 1st, goal weight by the end of the challenge, and ultimate goal weight. Add a little about your motivation and areas you struggle with, so others can provide reassurance and assistance. I shall start with mine below.

SW: 222 (a few years ago)
172.2 (beginning of January when resolving to lose weight again)
CW: 163.3
End of February goal: 157
Final goal: 135/140

My motivation is to reduce my chronic back pain and get back to a level of athleticism I had in my teens when I was a dancer, or at least see if it's possible for me still. I struggle with periods of high motivation where I lose weight easily, and periods where I can't seem to focus on weight loss and tend to stay the same or gain 5-10lbs back. I'm hoping being accountable to others will help me stay motivated. Feel free to add me as a friend here as well!


  • Running2Fit
    Running2Fit Posts: 702 Member
    I love accountability threads! I’ll join in.

    SW: 190
    CW: 143.8
    Feb Goal: 139.9
    Ultimate Goal: 120

    This is the best progress I’ve ever made with my weight loss. I haven’t been in the 140s since college, 10 years ago. My primary motivation is that my husband and I want to try to have a baby in 2020 so I want to be as healthy as possible for that.

    I also signed up to do a half-marathon in September. I’m pretty new to running so I’m doing a very slow mileage build to get there. This week I just started Hal Hidgon’s Novice 10K Training program. I’m hoping that this goal will keep me motivated to stay on track.

    My biggest struggle right now is accepting the slow in my weight loss. I was averaging 1.5 lb per week until this month and it’s slow to just under 1 lb a week on average. Which is still good but I’m not a patient person lol. And balancing weight loss with training may be tricky as I need to eat in a calorie deficit and still make sure I’m fueling my workouts, especially my running.
  • D_watch_me
    D_watch_me Posts: 10 Member
    February 1st starting weight: 161.7
    End month goal- 158
    Goal weight: 125-130

    I'm 5'0 and always been bottom heavy (Pear shaped) so would like to work on getting as small as my body allows but healthy.
    *want to work on finding a balance. When I give up sugar I binge harder on it and more.