when the weight loss slows down

I am a little older now and although at the moment I am losing weight on a steady path I know from experience in the past that it will slow down as I get closer to my goal.I am 58 now and owing to arthritis excercise is not as easy as when I was younger,I am walking and swimming as much as I can but my BMR is only 1499 now.When I lose more it will be even lower and I am only losing about one pound a week.I know I should take one day at a time but I fear that when it slows right down I might get despondent and lose my resolve.This is definetely a journey for life but I so want my BMI to be within the healthy range,what if I never get there?

thanks for reading this:ohwell:


  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Glen you'll get there. If you have arthritis, you know how important weightloss is to keep you healthy longer term. Keep that goal in your mind, and when you feel low, cling on to that image of how you want the rest of your life to be.

    My mum is now in a wheelchair, and that's a fate I'm determined to avoid, hence my commitment to losing weight and building muscle, to ensure my slightly crunchy knees don't become a crippling arthritis...
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    thanks just hope I can
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Well you have already made the step by coming here so now you just have to make sure you are eating right. Do whatever you can to build muscle though. Muscle burns fat which helps weightloss. I woudl talk to your doctor to find out how you can do this with arthritus because you really don't want to lose the muscle when you lose weight. Less muscle = slow metabolism.

    I am sure you can stick with it and figure this out since you have made the first step by coming here. Keep pushing it though
  • Trishrunnerhi
    Trishrunnerhi Posts: 35 Member
    Like you, my weight loss has slowed down some and my baseline caloric needs have gone WAY down in the last 5 or 6 years. I'm 51. I just try to adjust portions to add up to what I need for calories (i"m amazed at how little it takes to make me full now!) and I try to eat everything I want, just less of it. My mind still thinks I'm 18, though, and I'm in the habit of making enormous portions of everything, but when I try to eat the whole thing, I feel too full and hate myself for blowing it. (Sound familiar?)

    The only time I can eat like I used to is after a really long intense workout. So I try to keep in mind my body really doesn't need what it used to, and stop trying to compete with my husband and kids. (No winning trying to keep up with a son who is 17 and an athlete!)

    Sounds like you're learning, like me. It's all in the way you learn to adjust to the new stages of our lives. I used to think elderly people were so picky and being a pain when they didn't eat much, and now I know they really can't.

    Keep up the exercise-- it's everything in weight loss and maintainence as we get older.

  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    thanks just hope I can

    I'm sure you can. But don't worry, for now, about the weightloss slowing issue. Wait till that starts to happen before starting to be concerned and looking for solutions. It may, after all, never happen!

    Take care of yourself, I'm sure you will do just fine.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    slow wins the race!! You're doing everything right. 1lb per week is fantastic!

    'What's ifs' are just pointless! Keep living each day moving steadily towards your goal.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    thanks your all so supportive