scared to weigh, scared not to weigh

Im feeling a bit frustrated this afternoon. Ive only been doing this for a week and have been doing it to the letter....Im just worried that when I weigh, it will not reflect much. Im eating all day but within my range....Im walking, burning 300 calories. My husband says hes proud of me and I feel like its probably going to work but Im hungry (yes, I snack VERY often, drink lots of water and just ate celery with laughing cow cheese....Its like in my mind, it is impossible for me to budge.


  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    Pictures and measurements. You are going to be more pleased with your results if you rely more on the way you look in a photo and measurements than the number on a scale.
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    I feel the same way. I have been really working out HARD approx. 2 hours a day I burn tons of calories and sweat like crazy. I eat very CLEAN drink lots of water. I have been doing the Turbo Fire workout program starting my 12th week today and have not missed one day of excersie. I use to give myself 1 cheat day but I gave that up about 1 month ago and the scale still did not move. But I started using the Shakeology from beachbody and I started by doing the cleanse, this is where you drink 3 shakes a day for 3 days and you eat a very small dinner each night. I finally ended up losing 5.6 pounds. I was very happy, then I was in your shoes the following week I wanted to weigh but I so afraid that I lost water weight and that I may have gained weight back. So I sucked it up and got on the scale and I stayed the same. So I was happy to know that I maintained my weight loss. I am hoping that this cleanse has broke through this stall in weight loss that I have been in.I hope this helps you out some. Good Luck and keep up the hard work...
  • irishkiss
    irishkiss Posts: 115 Member
    annie, be sure to eat back those calories you burn otherwise you will be under your calorie goal.
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    Just do it--go ahead and step on the scale. Just don't get too involved in what the scale says on any one day--it is the trend you are looking for. Plus one week is no time at all. Stick with the diet plan, exercise and be consistent. I set MFP for losing 1 lb per week, but I tried to come in below my calorie goal every day--even if only 20, 30 or 100 calories.

    You WILL see the weight come off. It will not happen fast. You did not gain the weight overnight, over one week or one month or even one year. Don't expect it to come off fast. It took me about 4-5 months to lose 40 lbs.

    Weigh yourself. If you are going to obsess about it, limit the weigh-ins to once per week, same day and time. Don't get too hung up on the weight, though. You will see progress. Sometimes, your weight will go up, sometimes down. For me, it often went up before making a larger move down. Go figure.

    Just stick with the plan. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Good luck. You can do this--others have and so can you.

    PS: Cheese is high calorie, so you might want to look into other snacks. I am not saying all cheese is bad, but 100 calories of cheese is not as filling as 100 calories of fruit for example.
  • RN4Surgery
    RN4Surgery Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks so much....Im sticking with it......felt great this morning...just having a rough afternoon;) the laughing cow light swiss is only 35 calories a wedge and I eat it on celery...thats a pretty good snack.....I just feel like Im constantly eating....ironically enough Im not used to that...I used to eat 3 meals a day but they were BIG poboys and such....I feel like I look a little slimmer in the neck and from the side...been one week today but Ive had conflicting advice on how long to wait to weigh the first time. be it one, or two weeks. My friend weighs every day but has lost a great deal. After I lose a bunch, I will want to do it more often to make sure Im not regressing, its just hard that first time;)