going vegan hard?

LaurN326 Posts: 99 Member
edited October 1 in Motivation and Support
Im vegetarian and i was thinking about going vegan.
I not sure how easy it will be. HELP!!!


  • ladybug11
    ladybug11 Posts: 87 Member
    Read Skinny B*tch. Did it for me. I went veg overnight and have never looked back. Or watch Earthlings. Have you read The China Study? It's quite lengthy, but very informative. Hope these ideas help.
  • Watch Food Inc.
  • bevcrok
    bevcrok Posts: 40

    Changing to a vegan diet can be hard or easy. It really depends on the person. The best thing to do is to find a way of eating that works for you. If you want to do it slowly, go for it. Maybe just start with one meal a day or one day per week. There are many resources online that can help with the transition as well.

    Feel free to send me a message/friend me if you want to talk more about it.
  • emma1488
    emma1488 Posts: 175
    Go for it! If you are doing it for compassion for animals then it should be easy! Just google the conditions of dairy cows/bobby calves and hens.

    I have pictures burned into my mind that resurface anytime I am faced with a dairy/egg meal. Then I choose an alternative.

    I'm sure you could be persuaded by the health aspects, as there are many too.

    I watched this lecture: http://www.adaptt.org/ its quite confronting, but it's the truth, as ugly as it seems.
  • ccaym
    ccaym Posts: 86
    I am not vegan, but have recently started to eat more vegan (as well as raw) meals and snacks. I think that making a gradual change can work well. Set whatever goal makes sense for you....like keeping 3/4 of each meal vegan, or eating 2 vegan meals a day. Best wishes!
  • Kalleen60
    Kalleen60 Posts: 2 Member
    My husband and I have been vegan for about 6 years and it really wasn't hard for us to go vegan. There are so many good products out there now that make great substitutes for dairy. It's fairly easy to veganize most recipes, and have yummy treats too. There are delicious substitutes for cream cheese, sour cream, and ice cream! Daiya cheese is a tasty cheese substitute. There are lots of good vegan cookbooks available. My first was Vegan with a Vengence. You can bake cakes and cookies just as easily without eggs so you still need to watch what you eat. Vegan doesn't always translate to "healthy and low calorie". It doesn't mean that you just live on green salad either. There are some recipes that are more difficult to duplicate taste and texture but just keep trying recipies until you get something that works for you. Going vegan really opens up your view on food. It starts making you aware of all the other kinds of foods that are out there to try. It takes you out of the rut of eating the same things over and over. What's great is how many calories you don't consume spontaneously - because you are vegan. Someone brings donuts to work - you don't eat them because they aren't vegan. The "hard" part is when people try to insist that you should have what they're having. The best defence against that is to carry some of your own food with you for snacks and learn how to order items from menus that are vegan. Ask the server / the chef for vegan options. It's actually been fun being vegan. I have learned so much more about other foods and have tried lots of new things.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    Read Skinny B*tch. Did it for me. I went veg overnight and have never looked back. Or watch Earthlings. Have you read The China Study? It's quite lengthy, but very informative. Hope these ideas help.

    Earthlings was the most disturbing movie i've ever seen. i gave up meat the next day.
  • yogavegan
    yogavegan Posts: 116 Member
    its as hard as you make it.
    if you don't want to eat dairy anymore, don't do it.
    i don't really understand the question, because when i decided to go vegan it was very easy. it was completely for ethical reasons, i felt like a hypocrite eating dairy but not eating meat. the dairy industry is much worse and full of torture and violence, moreso than the meat industry.

    i wish you luck! feel free to add me if you have questions.
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