I screwed up! šŸ˜«

Ok so I have been doing sooo good and even eating healthy and having smaller portions when I go to my parents house on Sundays.. well for the past 3 days now I have failed. It started off with Saturday I took my son to a birthday party they had pizza and cake. Of course I ate some. THEN Sunday I cook this amazing dessert to take over to my parents house.. well I had some and they didnā€™t even cook healthy at all. Today I had some of the dessert after supper. Blah I failed soo bad!
Anyways I weighed myself this morning and I gained 2 pounds back! This is soo depressing after being good for soo long.
Anyways if your still reading thank you I wanted to vent to somebody.
Tomorrow is a new day which of course I will weigh myself and Iā€™m going to start working off these 2 pounds back off šŸ˜« which by tomorrow it will probably be more


  • Foxes1994
    Foxes1994 Posts: 2 Member
    Donā€™t beat yourself up about it too much! Just get right back into it, donā€™t focus on how ā€œyou failedā€ focus on how the new day will be and just really try to plan out your meals. Itā€™s all about willpower when it comes to this
  • BMsJourney
    BMsJourney Posts: 106 Member
    You didn't screw up, you saw food that tastes good and decided to enjoy it. That's what humans do. It's unnatural to force yourself to eat a certain way, so many people can't keep that up unless it's so easy for them that it becomes natural. In most cases, idealistic plans have to go in favor of something more sustainable.

    The only thing I see you could have done differently is plan. You went into a situation where you knew you would be exposed to things that look tempting and the only plan you had is to ride your willpower. That rarely works for most people. Next time you know you will be exposed to higher calorie foods that you like, have a strategy in place. For example, you could save up calories in advance to enjoy more food, you could take a couple of days eating at maintenance, you could fill your stomach with lower calorie options beforehand so you aren't tempted to eat more than a couple of slices of pizza, you could decide to limit your choices to a few things you really like...etc. Anything that works, guilt-free. You may need to experiment quite a bit to find something that makes it easier not to overdo your calories in certain situations.

    It's just food, not the boogie man. You're making things harder than they need to be by linking food to negative emotions and measuring your "goodness" level by the foods you eat.

    P.S: that weight gain is temporary. Some foods (and things other than food) can cause the body to retain more water. Your weight can fluctuate up and down after certain things or even for no reason at all. That's not real fat gain, so don't worry about it.

    This! :)
    Repeating - don't worry, the fluctations are more than likely temporary!
    Happy thoughts, straight course, progress is coming!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,136 Member

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    No one does this perfectly right from the start. It's a learning process.

    What did you learn from this? What will you differently next time (if anything)?

    And reference your two pound gain, read this article...

  • zeejane03
    zeejane03 Posts: 993 Member
    Ok so I have been doing sooo good and even eating healthy and having smaller portions when I go to my parents house on Sundays.. well for the past 3 days now I have failed. It started off with Saturday I took my son to a birthday party they had pizza and cake. Of course I ate some. THEN Sunday I cook this amazing dessert to take over to my parents house.. well I had some and they didnā€™t even cook healthy at all. Today I had some of the dessert after supper. Blah I failed soo bad!
    Anyways I weighed myself this morning and I gained 2 pounds back! This is soo depressing after being good for soo long.
    Anyways if your still reading thank you I wanted to vent to somebody.
    Tomorrow is a new day which of course I will weigh myself and Iā€™m going to start working off these 2 pounds back off šŸ˜« which by tomorrow it will probably be more

    Unless you ate 7,000 calories OVER your maintenance calorie intake, you did not actually gain 2lbs of fat. It's mostly water retention and will disappear over the next few days.

    Do you have a weight trending app? If not I'd suggest getting one, it will help you learn what your body's normal weight fluctuations are. Remember-your weight will fluctuate daily due to all sorts of things, and this is perfectly normal (I'm up on the scale today because tom started-no biggie). For android it's Libra and for apple its Happy Scale.
  • Phirrgus
    Phirrgus Posts: 1,894 Member
    If you screwed up (one time) then I'm screwed for sure :D My wife makes the best homemade brownies and I murdered a bunch of them this past weekend lol. You're ok, today is a new day. Start new, be kind to yourself. :)
  • JohnnytotheB
    JohnnytotheB Posts: 361 Member
    I just got done with a very heavy weekend of partying and everything else that does with it! I know where you are coming from. I told myself I am not going to let that stop or derail me with my longer term goals of healthy eating, exercise and weight loss. I got back on the good eating train yesterday and that's what I suggest you do. Quickly realize what your past mistakes are, learn from those mistakes and move forward. Good luck to you!!
  • DarianJP
    DarianJP Posts: 95 Member
    Hell, I ate a little extra this weekend. Probably 300 cals over Saturday about 400 Sunday but Iā€™ve got the rest of the week planned out to have a small 100-200 calorie deficit each day to even it out. Donā€™t beat yourself up about it, itā€™s all about balance not perfection.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    No one does this perfectly right from the start. It's a learning process.

    What did you learn from this? What will you differently next time (if anything)?

    And reference your two pound gain, read this article...


    @quiksylver296 I won because I posted it first. :triumph:
  • jenniferkaye22
    jenniferkaye22 Posts: 84 Member
    Phirrgus wrote: Ā»
    If you screwed up (one time) then I'm screwed for sure :D My wife makes the best homemade brownies and I murdered a bunch of them this past weekend lol. You're ok, today is a new day. Start new, be kind to yourself. :)

    Omg my dessert had brownie on the bottom layer. Brownies are my favorite I canā€™t turn them down. The rest of my dessert I had I threw away in the trash so I canā€™t be tempted to eat it šŸ˜€