Is it ok to eat less than 1000 cals per day?

Im a female 5”2”
Mostly sit at the office all day.
I barely do any exercises

Since i joined this app, i started taking calories less than 1000 /per day in order to loose weight. (Mostly 800-950 cal)

I actually feel ok and i don’t feel starving
My food for breakfast just mostly whole wheat grains bread , fresh fruits and vegetables

Anyone doing this too? What had been your experience so far?


  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    edited February 2019
    1200 is the minimum required for any female NOT bed ridden to get the required nutrition to function. It is unsafe to eat below that (at for the average women, eat MORE than that) unless directly supervised by a doctor as you do it.

    here is why:

    how long have you been eating this little, and how much have you lost? how much are do you need to lose?

    do you use a food scale?

    are you getting any protein (you mention bread, fruit???)
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    I am 5 foot 2. If I sat on my *kitten* all day doing spreadsheets, I would still need to eat more than 1000 calories a day. So do you.

    Eat more. You don't need to go super-low to lose weight, so don't.
    You just described my life :lol: And I definitely have to eat more than 1k per day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    It'll catch up to you...and when you start losing your hair, menstrual cycle, etc you will have a lot of work to do to reverse that damage.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Your metabolism will slow down if you don’t consume enough. I know this because it’s what I’ve done to myself. I think it’s okay to temporarily eat this way if you’re significantly (like..80 lbs or more) overweight.

    Check this link out:
    Metabolic slowdown is an umbrella term for any decrease that your metabolic rate experiences throughout the weight loss process.

    That means any factor that slows your metabolism to any extent while you lose weight falls under the scope of the term “metabolic slowdown.” It covers all of it.

    Basically, your metabolism slows down as you shrink, even if you aren't running too aggressive a deficit. But no, it's not okay to temporarily eat 1000 calories or less unless under a doctor's direct supervision. Think about it. You need more calories to fuel you the larger you are. That's how, at 5'3 and 254lbs, I ended up on 1720 calories to lose 1lb per week and now, at 146.2lbs, I'm on 1340 to lose 1/2 per week. The smaller you are, the fewer calories you need.

    It stands to reason that when you're larger, even though you want to become smaller, your body still needs higher calories to run properly.

    If you're over 75lbs overweight, you can safely lose up to 2lbs per week. That's still not going to take you below 1200. (For me, personally, I wanted something a little slower and less-painful, so I opted for 1lb per week, even at my heaviest, and I have no regrets; it's been a lot easier to stick with the plan.)

    This is an excellent point that many underestimate the importance of. These extreme low calorie diets that professionals undergo have a full staff of medical professionals monitoring them throughout the process - most in a clinical setting. This is not something anyone can do on their own without incredible risk.

    Metabolism is simply and end point of mass with the variability below the detectability of instrumentation. Even the difference between muscle and fatty tissue is minuscule when you think in terms of daily basal metabolic rate.
  • dippy_duck
    dippy_duck Posts: 18 Member
    You definitely need more than that. I did about a year of 1000-1200 calories a day about 6 years ago. By the end I was so unwell. My eating was so disordered that looking back I can’t believe I did it. I was anxious and unhappy all the time and my body was starting to suffer. My friendships suffered too. I lost a huge amount of weight until I was underweight but I’ve since put a lot of it back on. I’m now losing weight again but aiming for slow and steady with good calories and inevitably days when I exceed my allowance!
    I wouldn’t wish that low calorie lifestyle on anyway, it was so damaging to me!
    Please eat more - no weight loss is worth that low calories! :-)