Daily Goals - Thanksgiving Countdown



  • kwinty37
    kwinty37 Posts: 66
    Here we go...

    Good afternoon everyone!!!

    Name: Melissa
    Height: 5'4”
    CW: 185
    Goal Weight by Thanksgiving: 170
    Favorite workouts: Walking, Doing yard work (Does that count??? lol )
    Other: I am 27 yrs old. I work full time in banking (8am - 6 pm)... pretty much sit in a desk chair ALL day!!!! I have gained 45 pounds in almost 5 years. Yikes.... I need a life change!!! I am very miserable.

    My Fitness Goal: To walk 15-30 minutes when I get off work today.
    My Diet Goal: To stay under MFP daily calorie limit!
    Challenges I anticipate: motivation!
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    After re-reading your initial post, I'd like to be more specific with my goals/information.

    Name: Lana
    Height: 5'3
    CW: 160.4
    Goal Weight by Thanksgiving: 147
    Favorite workouts: walking/running in the neighborhood, hiking, yoga
    Other: have a boyfriend of 14 years, 2 grown step-daughters, 2 cats

    My Fitness Goal: to walk 40 minutes
    My Diet Goal: 2 cups fruit & 2 1/2 cups vegetables
    Challenges I anticipate: I am craving carbs b/c we took a very long hike on Saturday. I'm still sore from the hike, so my exercise will need to be light. I already blew my diet this morning, so I'm trying to get back on track for the rest of the day.
  • @Christy: It can be hard to not indulge after a good workout, but remember, the burn isn't worth it if you overdo the calories. Also, what kind of rowing machine do you use? It's been awhile since I use one, am thinking of buying one...
    @Melissa: I'm with you, I'm a counselor, so I sit ALL DAY as well, even bought a comfy work chair, scared of gaining because it keeps me sedentary all day. Good luck with your walk today!
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    1. swillis21
    2. curlyleslie
    3. corbansmom
    4. aryabrookenelson
    5. slimdownspicey
    6. sanya77
    7. change_happens
    8. jennifergayfield
    9. tryingeveryday
    10. kwinty37
    11. jesustapdancingchristy
    12. launawe
    13. poppyinboulder

    and welcome to those who just joined, hurrying to clean for family, lol and still have yet to workout so, g2g for now, I'll close the group here soon, to keep it on the smaller side like i'd said. Love meeting everyone so far btw!!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    oh oh oh, I want in! Thanks!
  • Krebsea
    Krebsea Posts: 5
    Would love to join if there's still an open spot! I'll post my info/goals in a bit.
  • Krebsea
    Krebsea Posts: 5
    Name: Elisabeth
    Height: 5'6"
    CW: 150
    Goal Weight by Thanksgiving: 135
    Favorite workouts: Walking/running (treadmill or outside), organized sports (volleyball, soccer), and any kind of rowing (canoeing, kayaking, etc.)
    Other: Have a 2-year old beagle mix named Annie... she takes up most of my time. :) Oh, and I'm a wine fiend... hoping to curb that "bad" habit by using MFP.


    My Fitness Goal: I'm training for a 5K and did 3+ miles yesterday, so giving my muscles a little break today. Back on full-force tomorrow. :)
    My Diet Goal: 8 glasses of water, NO wine, and more fruits & veggies
    Challenges I anticipate: I'm a nighttime eater, so I always anticipate difficulty staying away from food and wine after 6pm. So far so good...
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    1. swillis21
    2. curlyleslie
    3. corbansmom
    4. aryabrookenelson
    5. slimdownspicey
    6. sanya77
    7. change_happens
    8. jennifergayfield
    9. tryingeveryday
    10. kwinty37
    11. jesustapdancingchristy
    12. launawe
    13. poppyinboulder
    14. oliviawink
    15. krebsea

    k, ladies. Let's all be sure to introduce ourselves, and do our best to check-in daily! :D I'll start a new thread soon w/the same title - just as a closed group.

    @ Elizabeth :) we have the same exact starting a goal weights! I think that's neat!!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Is it too late to join the group? I'll add my info once I know if there is still room Thanks!
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @ Loveme45, sure, we'd love to have you, we'll just want to be moving the group to a new "closed group" thread soon. Just waiting for everyone to introduce themselves and check-in.

    The new thread I'll start and title it same but as closed group, so: Daily Goals - Thanksgiving Countdown (Closed Group)
  • Hey Shannon, how did your run go yesterday? Saw that it was included in your calorie burn yesterday. I ran the 2 miles at about a 9.5 min/mile pace, then slowed down for the half mile cooldown...I love running but wish I was able to do more, slowly but surely though.
    Goals for today 8/21/11:
    Fitness: Run 2 miles and ab workout (not yet decided what I will do here, any ideas anyone?)
    Food: Greens, specifically spinach!
  • @Christy: It can be hard to not indulge after a good workout, but remember, the burn isn't worth it if you overdo the calories. Also, what kind of rowing machine do you use? It's been awhile since I use one, am thinking of buying one...

    Hey Jennifer, I don't actually have a row machine but use 2 different ones at my apt gym and the gym near my work. One is an old school Concept2 and I love it, even though the foot straps are funky since it's old. The other is a Kettler and it gets the job done. As for my post-softball indulgence, I just had 2 beers with the group (didn't even eat one onion ring or tater tot!) and then went on my way. I was starving by the time I got home and made some eggs with veggies on corn tortillas, covered in my favorite hot sauce. Worth it :)
  • Any chance of me joining????? I was invited yesterday, but just had a chance to get on . . . Would love to have a small group to help keep me honest.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Hi all!
    My name is Poppy and I live in Boulder. I'm not very original, LOL, or creative when I'm online.
    I'm 60 years old and really want to lose this weight once and forever.

    I'm really hoping this thread will give me the incentive I need to succeed.

    Thanksgiving day goal weight - 225

    Exercise goal - I already had my walk, need to hit the gym
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @Jennifer - glad your run went well! I think we have to acknowledge we're not in HS still, lol, my mind doesn't know it sometimes, but my body does! haha. My run went great, thanks, I pushed myself a lot, even though the time is not too great :/ but I did good for me! I also always run with it at a 1% incline bc I read that this helps make it more like running outdoors since the belt's movement decreases your need for initiating movement yourself - lol, tough to explain, but it made sense to me ;) Good luck w/your run tday btw!

    My Daily Goals...
    Fitness: Run 1.5 miles & 20 min Just Dance 2 (w/jumping rope between songs!)
    Diet: Drink 12 glasses of water
    *Challenges I anticipate today. Going for a run AND Just Dance, usually do one or the other in a day. And drinking more water, have to go get started on that now ;)
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    K, I will move the thread tday, so look for it when you can. About 1/2 of us haven't checked in yet w/info or goals, so hope to hear from you soon! And jump over to the new thread to do so. Hope everyone is liking the accountability this gives them for every day being a good one! Thanks guys!! ttyl:flowerforyou:

    "DG-Thanksgiving Countdown" > I decided to abbreviate "Daily Goals"
  • I am doing The 30 Day Shred, trying to stay focused on that. So, basically, my goal is to just get through that :) At one point I had weight loss goas until Mrs. Plateau decided to hang around for a bit. :)

    I started this journey at 188 lbs.
    I am hoping to end this journey at 125 lbs (somewhere around there. Depends on how I look as I lose)

    Thanks for having me in the group.
  • My daily goal is to drink more water and post all my food. I've managed to succeed at tracking my food for 2 days straight. I just need to keep that going.

    I've just recently discovered that a high-protien smoothie is my best bet for a breakfast that sticks with me. And it's quick, easy, and pretty inexpensive. I saw a tip somewhere - to put in a 1/4 cup of oats (uncooked) in the smoothie to keep full longer. I haven't tried it yet because I've been doing fruit and that makes it pretty thick and does the trick.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
  • Sanya77
    Sanya77 Posts: 172 Member
    Name: Sanya
    Height: 5'3
    CW: 142
    Goal Weight by Thanksgiving: 130
    Favorite workouts: Walking, Elliptical and Kapalbhati(Yoga)
    Other: Student, mother of 2(12 & 4 yrs. old)
    My Fitness Goal: Walk 2.5 miles
    My Diet Goal: No late night eating
    Challenges I anticipate: Balancing time between study, home, Indian cooking(really took most of my time), and kids extra curriculum activities.
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