Your favorite

Je55ica_79 Posts: 278 Member
So what are your favorite activities to do? What brings you joy?
What relaxes you?
What excites you?


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    My favorite activities are hiking and creating things. Mostly my husband and I work on these "just for fun" collage notebooks for hours at a time, but I also like to draw.
    Reading and cleaning/organizing relaxes me.
    Travel excites me, as does seeing live music or comedy.

    How about you, OP?
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    Some friends company brings me joy. Potatoes and many different potato products. Also running or walking and listening to music.

    Relaxes: I like showers, having all my laundry clean, clean white sheets and towels, no dishes in sight, quiet (or alone time anyhow and the freedom to do what I want), naps too - especially during rainfall and sleeping in.

    Excites: Ideas! Anticipation of future fun! Dreams! Possibilities! Thriller/creepy movies!
    ....and awaiting an Amazon (or whatever) purchase to show up!

  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
  • Je55ica_79
    Je55ica_79 Posts: 278 Member
    My favorite activities are hiking and creating things. Mostly my husband and I work on these "just for fun" collage notebooks for hours at a time, but I also like to draw.
    Reading and cleaning/organizing relaxes me.
    Travel excites me, as does seeing live music or comedy.

    How about you, OP?

    I'm in a huge funk which is why I made the post. I feel dead inside. I don't know what would make me have any good feelings. I'm mostly anxious, anger and sad. I hate saying that. But it's just where I am. I would love to have a great laugh or peace or something other than how I feel lately. I'm trying very hard to change this! I'm working on me everyday!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    everjcjv wrote: »
    My favorite activities are hiking and creating things. Mostly my husband and I work on these "just for fun" collage notebooks for hours at a time, but I also like to draw.
    Reading and cleaning/organizing relaxes me.
    Travel excites me, as does seeing live music or comedy.

    How about you, OP?

    I'm in a huge funk which is why I made the post. I feel dead inside. I don't know what would make me have any good feelings. I'm mostly anxious, anger and sad. I hate saying that. But it's just where I am. I would love to have a great laugh or peace or something other than how I feel lately. I'm trying very hard to change this! I'm working on me everyday!

    I probably sounded joyful in my answer but I know those dark days too, and have had way too many lately. I really hope you can find some things that bring you to a better place soon. I know that sounds kinda cliche but I truly do!!
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    edited February 2019
    What i do to relax: read, workout, get massages, watch movies

    What gets me excited: travel, planning trips, seeing animals, music, snorkeling, jet skis, zip lining.
  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    everjcjv wrote: »
    My favorite activities are hiking and creating things. Mostly my husband and I work on these "just for fun" collage notebooks for hours at a time, but I also like to draw.
    Reading and cleaning/organizing relaxes me.
    Travel excites me, as does seeing live music or comedy.

    How about you, OP?

    I'm in a huge funk which is why I made the post. I feel dead inside. I don't know what would make me have any good feelings. I'm mostly anxious, anger and sad. I hate saying that. But it's just where I am. I would love to have a great laugh or peace or something other than how I feel lately. I'm trying very hard to change this! I'm working on me everyday!

    Good that you’re working at it, don’t ever give up :) after a lifetime of living a sedentary lifestyle, I found that I actually enjoy exercising and I believe there’s a direct correlation between physical activity and quality of life. I’d recommend doing any exercise you can, I started with walking because that’s all I could do when I was obese and then progressed to hiking and now running. I know that getting those natural feel-good endorphins moving through my system helps make my anxiety much more manageable. Try different activities until you find something you enjoy, you never know just where it will lead you. 6 years ago I would have NEVER in my wildest dreams have identified myself as a runner, yet I’ve found my true passion for trail running, go figure ;)
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    everjcjv wrote: »
    My favorite activities are hiking and creating things. Mostly my husband and I work on these "just for fun" collage notebooks for hours at a time, but I also like to draw.
    Reading and cleaning/organizing relaxes me.
    Travel excites me, as does seeing live music or comedy.

    How about you, OP?

    I'm in a huge funk which is why I made the post. I feel dead inside. I don't know what would make me have any good feelings. I'm mostly anxious, anger and sad. I hate saying that. But it's just where I am. I would love to have a great laugh or peace or something other than how I feel lately. I'm trying very hard to change this! I'm working on me everyday!

    old fashioned jazz is making me smile lately
  • Je55ica_79
    Je55ica_79 Posts: 278 Member
    I'm listening to Keith sweat twisted and drinking and enjoying myself. But I want to be happy with out drinking...working on it. Thank you monkeefan1974 for the support encouragenent I really appreciate it!
  • Cowsfan1
    Cowsfan1 Posts: 7,937 Member
    I like coaching/watching my kiddos play sports - soccer for my daughter and all sports with my son -

    picking at my guitar is relaxing learning a new song is always fun - listening to music or sports talk radio and scrolling thru chit chat has become a decent way to pass the time

    Life is full of highs and lows - if your in a low right now you’ll bounce back soon
  • RhiAnLewis17
    RhiAnLewis17 Posts: 2,299 Member
    Truly my favourite thing to do is sleep. And sleep through. That would be ideal.

    But, you're in a good place to have a good laugh. Or, if you want to feel invigorated try getting out into the country (if it's possible) and connect with nature. That always puts things into perspective for me.

    I find that when I'm low I can isolate myself, and that just worsens the situation, it's a self perpetuating cycle. Sometimes I have to do things I don't feel like doing because I know that I can enjoy them or have at some point. Delayed gratification I guess.

    I hope you get out of your funk 😊
  • 2Racks
    2Racks Posts: 3,677 Member
    For me it’s all about my kids, I was widowed in 2017. My daughter is 14, boys are 7,5. Spending time with them and watching them grow is what keeps me going. As far as what excites me it’s still playing hockey at a competitive level and working out. I’m also trying to teach my kids the importance of eating well and physical activity!
  • Je55ica_79
    Je55ica_79 Posts: 278 Member
    2Racks wrote: »
    For me it’s all about my kids, I was widowed in 2017. My daughter is 14, boys are 7,5. Spending time with them and watching them grow is what keeps me going. As far as what excites me it’s still playing hockey at a competitive level and working out. I’m also trying to teach my kids the importance of eating well and physical activity!

    I'm sorry for your lose 😢
    Truly my favourite thing to do is sleep. And sleep through. That would be ideal.

    But, you're in a good place to have a good laugh. Or, if you want to feel invigorated try getting out into the country (if it's possible) and connect with nature. That always puts things into perspective for me.

    I hope you get out of your funk 😊

    I live in the county when we first moved here I loved it. Thank you for the support and encouragement!

    How about you, OP?[/quote]

    and i know it sounds cheesy but sometimes being nice and doing nice things for people i love puts me in a good mood too, even if i have to drag myself at first it just makes me feel good to be useful


    I'm a people pleaser so I used to do this often but I think I did it far too much.
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,890 Member
    Well I ride my bike and miles are my meditation. I like to spend time outdoors and go on hiking and biking adventures. Learning how things work or why things happen. I read philosophy and it answers a questions but also raises just as many.
  • Sew3rin
    Sew3rin Posts: 115 Member
    Crafty things with fiber.
  • RhiAnLewis17
    RhiAnLewis17 Posts: 2,299 Member
    Sleep and sex. One excites me the other relaxes me

    I get excited by sleep. Just saying.
  • Je55ica_79
    Je55ica_79 Posts: 278 Member
  • thereshegoesagain
    thereshegoesagain Posts: 1,056 Member
    edited February 2019
    everjcjv wrote: »
    I'm listening to Keith sweat twisted and drinking and enjoying myself. But I want to be happy with out drinking...working on it. Thank you monkeefan1974 for the support encouragenent I really appreciate it!

    At the ripe old age of 60, I've discovered that drinking increased my anxiety and depression. I drink less often now and limit myself to 2. I haven't stopped completely 😉

    I hope you find your joy again. ♡
  • Je55ica_79
    Je55ica_79 Posts: 278 Member
    everjcjv wrote: »
    I'm listening to Keith sweat twisted and drinking and enjoying myself. But I want to be happy with out drinking...working on it. Thank you monkeefan1974 for the support encouragenent I really appreciate it!

    At the ripe old age of 60, I've discovered that drinking increased my anxiety and depression. I drink less often now and limit myself to 2. I haven't stopped completely 😉

    I hope you find your joy again. ♡

    I drank alot 18-23 then really only drank on special occasions but the last 3 years its become much more often and this last year it's even more often. I'll be 40 this year and at times I feel so lost I don't know. I know coffee for me can heighten my anxiety so then I drink to chill out. I've tried to cut back on both.

    Thank you I hope I find it too. I hate living/feeling the way I do!