HELP - Dance Central QUESTION


I was wondering if anyone knew is there is a way to play multiple tracks in a row on dance central or zumba for the XBox? I love the games but hate pausing in between??? (seeing as you can't exactly do a lot of movement in between as you get caught by the camera haha)


  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
  • NyxLovexGoddess
    NyxLovexGoddess Posts: 4 Member
    Unfortunately no. Thats probably the only really sucky thing about working out with dance central. I still use it 5 days a week though. I tend to just go down the list so the pauses arent that big for me. hopefully thats something they'll fix in Dance central 2. I dont have zumba yet but I really really want it. I'm too broke to get it though lol
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Thanks, that is pretty good advice. I played for almost two hours last night and can't wait to get moving again tonight haha - after the gym though probably