Clothes feel tighter despite losing weight

So I've been working out for about a month and a half now, and I feel great... for the most part. I am getting stronger, and when i look in the mirror I can definitely see progress!

However..... the same clothes I wore before working out now seem tighter. Originally, I figured my boyfriend had maybe accidently shrunk some of my clothes... but then I noticed.... it is now all of my clothes. Even underwear I hand wash feels disturbingly tight. I feel like I'm going insane.
I haven't weighed myself, but as i said.... I can see a difference...
But at the same time, what if im actually getting fatter, despite working out and eating healthier? What if my eyes are lying to ME? I'm honestly too scared to step on the scale.
Has this happened to anyone else?

Also, I know some ppl may suggest "girl time" or "waterweight".... I feel this has nothing to do with those, cuz I know how my body boosts when It comes to these two things.... and it happens outside of those times



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    imxnianne wrote: »
    First things first... calm down and take a breath. Have you ever thought they shrunk because you’re building muscle? Best thing to do is use that body composition scale. To test out body fat. To see where you actually are in your journey.

    scales are not accurate to measure body composition
  • imxnianne
    imxnianne Posts: 216 Member
    imxnianne wrote: »
    First things first... calm down and take a breath. Have you ever thought they shrunk because you’re building muscle? Best thing to do is use that body composition scale. To test out body fat. To see where you actually are in your journey.

    scales are not accurate to measure body composition

    Well for at home. It’s the closest we can get without the hassle.
    I do agree with your second comment though.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    So I've been working out for about a month and a half now, and I feel great... for the most part. I am getting stronger, and when i look in the mirror I can definitely see progress!

    However..... the same clothes I wore before working out now seem tighter. Originally, I figured my boyfriend had maybe accidently shrunk some of my clothes... but then I noticed.... it is now all of my clothes. Even underwear I hand wash feels disturbingly tight. I feel like I'm going insane.

    I haven't weighed myself

    but as i said.... I can see a difference...
    But at the same time, what if im actually getting fatter, despite working out and eating healthier? What if my eyes are lying to ME? I'm honestly too scared to step on the scale.
    Has this happened to anyone else?


    Weigh yourself.

  • euronorris
    euronorris Posts: 211 Member
    i think checking in with your treatment team would be a really good idea

    This! Please. From your other post you are obviously struggling with intrusive thoughts at the moment, and as you have suffered with an eating disorder in the past, you really need to reach out for help now please x
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    edited February 2019
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    So I've been working out for about a month and a half now, and I feel great... for the most part. I am getting stronger, and when i look in the mirror I can definitely see progress!

    However..... the same clothes I wore before working out now seem tighter. Originally, I figured my boyfriend had maybe accidently shrunk some of my clothes... but then I noticed.... it is now all of my clothes. Even underwear I hand wash feels disturbingly tight. I feel like I'm going insane.

    I haven't weighed myself

    but as i said.... I can see a difference...
    But at the same time, what if im actually getting fatter, despite working out and eating healthier? What if my eyes are lying to ME? I'm honestly too scared to step on the scale.
    Has this happened to anyone else?


    Weigh yourself.

    OP is running another thread--past ED. It has been strongly suggested that she contact her treatment team. OP- really please do this first and report back. At this point people just can't give you good advice. Your mental health is at stake here--you need a professional. Hugs.

    I don't read every thread in the place.

    Her post sounded like a joke to me ... "Originally, I figured my boyfriend had maybe accidently shrunk some of my clothes... but then I noticed.... it is now all of my clothes." :lol::lol:

    That's why I posted. We don't want to do more harm than good. OP is really anguished.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    edited February 2019
  • TouchofWrath
    TouchofWrath Posts: 16 Member
    I understand avoiding the scale if it makes you demotivated or makes you too focused on a number. I too use clothes and how they fit to judge my weight loss. But, your clothes did not shrink.. you could be building muscle ..which is why you look better but it is making you a bigger size because you are not losing weight. Make sure you're not being hard on yourself.. look at your height and then the BMI chart long as you're in the normal range.. you're good.

    Sorry for the other posters judging you ..and investigating your prior posts. They've branded and outed you for your "own good." may want. to deactivate your account and rejoin under another name.

    I am very grateful for your concern, however, I don't see what making another account would do for me. My struggle with ED is a part of me, and even if i made another account, it would eventually get brought up again in the forums. I appreciate those who saw my other forum and kept it in mind when choosing their words; most of which were kind and non-judgemental. If i am to be branded with "t hat one user who had ED and struggled to weigh herself" then fine; the more joy itll bring me when i concur it. :smile:

    As for the other part of your comment I guess i am just so shocked and bewildered at the idea that it could really be muscle; whenever I see girls who lost weight but gained muscle they are all still so tiny. And when i lost a lot of weight before, I didn't go through this phase... however, last time i wasnt trying to build muscle.... this time I am.
  • TouchofWrath
    TouchofWrath Posts: 16 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    So I've been working out for about a month and a half now, and I feel great... for the most part. I am getting stronger, and when i look in the mirror I can definitely see progress!

    However..... the same clothes I wore before working out now seem tighter. Originally, I figured my boyfriend had maybe accidently shrunk some of my clothes... but then I noticed.... it is now all of my clothes. Even underwear I hand wash feels disturbingly tight. I feel like I'm going insane.

    I haven't weighed myself

    but as i said.... I can see a difference...
    But at the same time, what if im actually getting fatter, despite working out and eating healthier? What if my eyes are lying to ME? I'm honestly too scared to step on the scale.
    Has this happened to anyone else?


    Weigh yourself.

    OP is running another thread--past ED. It has been strongly suggested that she contact her treatment team. OP- really please do this first and report back. At this point people just can't give you good advice. Your mental health is at stake here--you need a professional. Hugs.

    I don't read every thread in the place.

    Her post sounded like a joke to me ... "Originally, I figured my boyfriend had maybe accidently shrunk some of my clothes... but then I noticed.... it is now all of my clothes." :lol::lol:

    That's why I posted. We don't want to do more harm than good. OP is really anguished.

    Thank you so much for defending me and for the care in your words.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    I understand avoiding the scale if it makes you demotivated or makes you too focused on a number. I too use clothes and how they fit to judge my weight loss. But, your clothes did not shrink.. you could be building muscle ..which is why you look better but it is making you a bigger size because you are not losing weight. Make sure you're not being hard on yourself.. look at your height and then the BMI chart long as you're in the normal range.. you're good.

    Sorry for the other posters judging you ..and investigating your prior posts. They've branded and outed you for your "own good." may want. to deactivate your account and rejoin under another name.

    I am very grateful for your concern, however, I don't see what making another account would do for me. My struggle with ED is a part of me, and even if i made another account, it would eventually get brought up again in the forums. I appreciate those who saw my other forum and kept it in mind when choosing their words; most of which were kind and non-judgemental. If i am to be branded with "t hat one user who had ED and struggled to weigh herself" then fine; the more joy itll bring me when i concur it. :smile:

    As for the other part of your comment I guess i am just so shocked and bewildered at the idea that it could really be muscle; whenever I see girls who lost weight but gained muscle they are all still so tiny. And when i lost a lot of weight before, I didn't go through this phase... however, last time i wasnt trying to build muscle.... this time I am.

    Building muscle for us ladies takes a lot of time and effort; eating at maintenance, eating a lot of protein, and following a progressive weight program. I think (and I'm going based on memory here) women can only gain about a pound of muscle a month. Definitely a long-haul venture!

    Honestly, before doing or worrying any further please reach out to your treatment team and let us know your progress. People aren't bringing it up to shove you off, we're genuinely concerned because weight loss sites can sometimes be triggering or hard to handle for those struggling with ED. And folks would rather see you get better and healthier on all levels.
  • TouchofWrath
    TouchofWrath Posts: 16 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    So I've been working out for about a month and a half now, and I feel great... for the most part. I am getting stronger, and when i look in the mirror I can definitely see progress!

    However..... the same clothes I wore before working out now seem tighter. Originally, I figured my boyfriend had maybe accidently shrunk some of my clothes... but then I noticed.... it is now all of my clothes. Even underwear I hand wash feels disturbingly tight. I feel like I'm going insane.

    I haven't weighed myself

    but as i said.... I can see a difference...
    But at the same time, what if im actually getting fatter, despite working out and eating healthier? What if my eyes are lying to ME? I'm honestly too scared to step on the scale.
    Has this happened to anyone else?


    Weigh yourself.

    I am fully aware you did not know of my other post when leaving behind this picture. I am aware you somehow saw this as a joke.
    However, even if this were someone else, I do no understand why youd post such a picture on a forum where someone is obviously distressed and wanting advice; this is a support forum, not a joke forum.
    That being said, I forgive you. I know I should eventually just "get over it" and weigh myself. We're getting there.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    it's not muscle - the more muscle i've put on, the baggier my clothes have gotten, with the exception of now having to wear wider crop tops because my old size 8's no longer fit around my back - i'm up to size 12.

    Pants - falling off. Dresses, hanging off.

    But as others have said above, do go seek your help team from the ED treatment.

    And I must say @Machka9 , that dryer refrigerator thing would have been funny AF in the right context :smile: loved it! (but not this post coz of the other post OP made about being scared of the scales, which you didn't see so all good)
  • TouchofWrath
    TouchofWrath Posts: 16 Member
    Cahgetsfit wrote: »
    it's not muscle - the more muscle i've put on, the baggier my clothes have gotten, with the exception of now having to wear wider crop tops because my old size 8's no longer fit around my back - i'm up to size 12.

    Pants - falling off. Dresses, hanging off.

    Well, what do you believe it is then? I mean I'm sure the most obvious answer is "fat" but as i said, I've noticed myself slimming down (and my boyfriend has too)... so if it isn't fat, but also isnt muscle, what could it be?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    Cahgetsfit wrote: »
    it's not muscle - the more muscle i've put on, the baggier my clothes have gotten, with the exception of now having to wear wider crop tops because my old size 8's no longer fit around my back - i'm up to size 12.

    Pants - falling off. Dresses, hanging off.

    Well, what do you believe it is then? I mean I'm sure the most obvious answer is "fat" but as i said, I've noticed myself slimming down (and my boyfriend has too)... so if it isn't fat, but also isnt muscle, what could it be?

    i think checking in with your treatment team would be a really good idea

    Don't ask us. Follow the advice you've been given.

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Cahgetsfit wrote: »
    it's not muscle - the more muscle i've put on, the baggier my clothes have gotten, with the exception of now having to wear wider crop tops because my old size 8's no longer fit around my back - i'm up to size 12.

    Pants - falling off. Dresses, hanging off.

    Well, what do you believe it is then? I mean I'm sure the most obvious answer is "fat" but as i said, I've noticed myself slimming down (and my boyfriend has too)... so if it isn't fat, but also isnt muscle, what could it be?

    it could be your eating disorder talking.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    OP, there are many posters that have ED on here--there's also a support group for them. We want you to get better, that's why the advice. As you should know, you see your body differently than others do. See what your treatment team says and look into the support group. Best of luck.