Starting walking after surgery

Hi. I’ve just had a partial knee replacement ( 10 days ago) and it went really well. I’m having the other done later in the year but I’m already feeling the benefit after so long with pain and reduced mobility, and the effect on my quality of life and mental health.
So I’m keen to get started on regaining some mobility and fitness, loose a bit of weight too. I know I can’t do too much too soon but feel ready to get out and do some gentle walking.
But I’m not sure where/ how to start. I was thinking head out, walk as far as I comfortably can and log my steps then aim to build up from this starting point.
Does this sound ok or does anyone else have other ideas or suggestions.


  • rockymir
    rockymir Posts: 498 Member
    Did you get doctor's approval to do that? If so, yes you just get out and walk but don't add too soon too early.
    Your doctor/physio can advise how much they feel you should do.
  • AprilMLowe
    AprilMLowe Posts: 447 Member
    I would say run it by the surgeon and physical therapist. You could get better advice that way! Your body will definetly tell you if you over do it.
  • Dilvish
    Dilvish Posts: 398 Member
    Once the incision has healed over completely consider "water walking". Walking in waist or chest high water in the local municipal or private swimming pool after knee or hip surgery is a great way to get more exercise with almost no impact or fear of falling.

    Physiotherapists are starting to recommend this type of therapy more and more because they are seeing great benefits. The recovery times are shorter too and many patients end up doing this exercise on a regular basis after recovery because water has 30 times more resistance than air so it's better than walking on land and less effort because you are relatively weightless in water.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,298 Member
    Have you not been referred to physiotherapy? Possibly your appointment date has not come through just yet. I would make enquiries of your doctors, surgeon anyone. Until you know better, take it ease please don't be tempted to over do it. It would be awful to set yourself back.

    You can make a start on minding you weight now you are feeling easier in yourself. Exercise is not necessary for everyone to loose weight, some find it a way to be able to eat more making use of the calories they have earned above their activity level setting. There are many on here who are less active by physical restrictions who still loose weight by dietary restriction, when given the medical, ok. I suggest you use the guided setup to maintain because at 10 days post op you are very much still in the healing phase of all this and your body needs good nutrition. If this is the first time you have concentrated on your weight it can be a steep learning phase, even knowing how much you eat now is helpful, getting to know calorie counts and portion sizes etc is good to know. Accumulating the lists of foods you use for your different meals will all be helpful in the long run. When you have had the opportunity to take qualified advice then follow their instructions. All the very best on your road to recovery.
  • jasonpoihegatama
    jasonpoihegatama Posts: 496 Member
    I have not had a knee replacement but have knee pain, I do water walking it take the weight of my knee