PCOS Soul Cysters Unite



  • DawnWendalynn1973
    DawnWendalynn1973 Posts: 97 Member
    bump for later.
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    I was dx'd when I was 24...I turn 40 next month. Ugh!
    I used to be on BC but after multiple rounds of fertility stuff, it stopped working for me. Fertility stuff didn't work either, no kids. I've had to go through multiple surgeries, last one in 2006 sealed my fate of ever having kids (endo. ablation). Things still aren't going the greatest for me and I'm doing a last resort of Depo-Provera before I have to face the inevitable (hysterectomy).

    I was dx'd with Type 2 last year, even though I was on Metformin for year. Thanks to MFP, I've got things in order and my numbers are great (in normal ranges). While I don't have to be on the Metformin, I choose to in order to play it safe, so to speak. :)

    I know it's drastic, but the hysterectomy is the greatest thing I've even done! I had a partial, as they didn't want to send me into early menopause. But I feel better than I've ever felt! Good luck!
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS & endometriosis officially at the age of 16, when I had "explatory surgery" because I'd been having lots of pain and nausea and such for a year and a half. I'd never had a period. They put me on bc to induce periods and control symptoms. About a year later, my dr. wanted to remove and freeze my eggs so I could have a chance at getting pregnant later. He told me I'd never be able to conceive on my own anyway. I decided against it. Even at 16, I knew that was not the way to go for me. I never had a period on my own, without the help of BC. Things were fairly status quo until I was 24 and became pregnant, unexpectedly, while taking the pill(religiously!). The good news was my bf and I had started planning our wedding, so it wasn't a bad thing necessarily... Just a shock! We'd always thought we'd cross the infertility bridge when we came to it. We'd do treatments, adopt, whatever. Turns out, we didn't need to! I gave birth to a healthy baby girl, and 8 months later, became pg with my son.

    I couldn't believe how lucky I was!

    Just over a year after my son was born, I suffered a stroke. I had an allergic reaction to a medication. Luckily, I made an amazing recovery and am back to nearly 100%, even after being totally paralyzed for nearly 2 weeks. I was 28.

    One day shy of a year after I had my stroke, I had a partial hysterectomy. My symptoms were out of control. I was in terrible pain 3 weeks out of the month. I had a partial because they didn't want to send me into early menopause as I cannot take any hormones anymore so there is nothing they could do to stifle the side effects from menopause. Obviously, I have 2 small children and my Dr. said I would not want to deal with those in addition to my stroke stuff, while raising my 2 kiddos!

    Anyway, I'm now 30 and have never felt better. I didn't have any side effects from the hysterectomy and HIGHLY recommend it, if you can! Mine was robotic surgery and was back up to par within a week.

    It never occured to me that my current struggle with acne was related to the PCOS. I never had any problems with it when I was a teen, so I'm less than enthused about it now!!! It's awful. Maybe I'll discuss it with my dr. next visit. I've been using proactive, to no avail... :-(

    Hopefully this story helps someone. And hopefully you can alll help me with my goal of losing 35lbs! :-)
  • jbrod19
    jbrod19 Posts: 47 Member
    hey everyone! i was diagnosed with PCOS last October because my periods were really irregular -- I didn't really have any other symptoms other than occasional hairs on my face. Now I'm on BC and my periods are completely regular and the hairs have mostly gone away. i've lost some weight since i was diagnosed (was at 170, now at 155)...

    honestly i'm so happy to have found a group like this and talk to people who are suffering from the same ANNOYING condition!!! i work out 4-5 times a week and eat pretty well, but its hard for me to lose weight! i'm in college and i feel like that makes it so much harder too :( if i stop working out if i'm busy for like a week or two, i WILL gain weight -- calorie intake doesn't even matter.

    anyway sorry to rant haha but feel free to friend me! i could definitely use some more friends on here who understand what i'm going through :)
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 26. I am now 46, so I've been suffering for 20 years. I have good days and bad....here lately, more bad than good. I had a laparoscopy in 1991, which confirmed my diagnosis. Ever since, I've been on a birth control pill. This past April, my OB/GYN changed my pill to a Progesterone Only pill, due to my age, she didn't want me taking estrogen. Since then, I have gained almost 10 pounds, and have whiskers growing out of my chin. (Sigh....) I'm not sure what to do now. I have a call in to my doctor, to see if she will refer me to an endocrinologist. I've also joined MFP, to begin logging my meals, curb what I eat, and start an exercise plan. I know that diet and exercise is an important part of living with PCOS, and I want to make these positive changes....now....what can I do about my whiskery chin? I am starting to resemble my Chihuahuas..... :(
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    Diagnosed here! Pretty much since I hit puberty. Never ever had a reg TOM. Had several miscarriages before I had my son. Have a horrible sugar adiction and even harder time losing weight. But right now Im giving it everything I got and so far slowly the weight is coming off. Just went off of Met. I hated it and now I feel better than ever after getting off the sugar/carb roller coaster. Its a battle but Im determined to win!
  • MonicaLee1982
    MonicaLee1982 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey everybody! *waves* I was diagnosed 8 years ago with PCOS. I weighed 310 #'s at that time. I was put on Metformin and Yasmin an lost down to 170 pounds in about a year, with no changes in exercise or eating habits. I had to change gynos, and the one that I have now is constantly changing my metformin. She wants me to come in every 3 months for bloodwork to check my liver function, because apparently Metformin can severely damage your liver. Obviously I don't want to damage my liver, but this has been going on for 3 years, and I'm back up to 266 #'s. I don't feel like I can make any progress. I'll take my 3 metformin a day for three months, loose weight, then go in for bloodwork (which has NEVER shown me to be having liver problems) and she'll change me to 2 a day, or 1 a day and up the weight goes again. SOOOO FRUSTRATING. She also changed my BC, and the reason I was given was that I had low estrogen. Not really sure how she came to that conclusion, all I know is I've had wicked mood swings ever since the change. Anyway, waiting on my future hubby's insurance to cover me (getting married Thursday!!!) and then going to start trying to get some better answers. I've gotten more useful information from the threads on MFP about PCOS than I ever have from my dr. Hope everyboday has a great week. Feel free to friend me!
    (Sorry for the rant, this subject gets me wound up :smile: )
  • jenrod1118
    jenrod1118 Posts: 150 Member
    Congrats on your upcoming wedding! I know how you feel about pcos and what the drs don't say
  • michaelachallis
    michaelachallis Posts: 137 Member
    was diagnosed with PCOS at 16, it has given me a hell of a time, still unable to get regular periods (and when i do they are pretty painful), have only just got my acne under control (thank god), my doctor attributes my weight to PCOS, i don't fully blame it but i would attribute it to part of the problem as to why i have never been able to get 'skinny', even when i was in high school and played hockey twice a week, went to the the gym 5 days a week and had multiple sports practices i was over weight. it is a pain in the *kitten* really.
  • caligirl2802
    caligirl2802 Posts: 232 Member
    A PCOS question.... I'm struggling with HORRIBLE mood swings at the moment and have been for a number of months now. I had been taking metformin and Yaz (birth control pill) while living in the US and since moving back to the UK I'm having a hard time getting re-diagnosed with my doctor. I've not taken medication since January and I've noticed that I'm having terrible emotional mood swings, one day I'm fine the next day I'm falling apart and with seemingly little reason. Is anyone else experiencing this and what do you do to work through it? Its now affecting my diet and exercise as I'm back in that funk where I have lost all my motivation :frown:


  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    Was just diagnosed a couple of months ago. Will come back with the entire tale later.
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    Made an appointment with an endocrinologist today (mid next month is first available) to see if she can better manage my situation...
  • hloftin32
    hloftin32 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi! I have been passed along so many gynos but i was finally diagnosed with PCOS. Currently on BC and metformin, and hopefully I can start losing weight.

    Feel free to add me everyone!
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    Hi! I have been passed along so many gynos but i was finally diagnosed with PCOS. Currently on BC and metformin, and hopefully I can start losing weight.

    Feel free to add me everyone!

    Yep, on Metformin & BC & still struggling to lose... Good luck , I hope it works for you!
  • Hello Everyone! :smile:

    Another Cyster here! I was diagnosed at the age of 18. I am now 31. With the help of clomid/metformin I was able to have 2 daughters, ages 7 and 9 (She turns 9 in Oct). I struggled for 4 years before I was pregnant with my first child. I started this journey at my highest weight ever of 280 Ibs. I'm tired of being fat. So much so that I've thought about weigh loss surgery, but can't afford it and insurance won't cover it. I am on metformin and spirolactone as well as vitamin D because I am deficient. I also have high high cholesterol and take meds for that. In addition, sleep apnea. I'm a walking train wrecker. I hope to high my goal weight of 165 Ibs some day...:flowerforyou:
  • Guys feel free to add me on facebook .... reena kainth..

    or reenakainth@hotmail.com
  • Hey ladies! i'd love to join! I wasn't offically DX with PCOS when my husband and I were TTC my son in 2008. I was also dx with hypothyroid, which was a 2 year struggle in itself to get diagnosed. I was always thin and athletic but I ended up gaining 50+ lbs with that. Anyway I am annovulatory, high androgen's, insulin resistant, irregular cycles ext. It took us almost 2 years of fertility treatment to have my son. We tried everything under the sun and ended up doing IVF.
    I have been at my prebaby weight since he was 3 months old but it has been a struggle to loose the remaining 25+ lbs i gained from my thyroid. DH and I are about to start the process of IVF again for baby #2. So until i'm not allowed i'm trying to excercise and tone up as much as i can. We are planning a FET mid October.

    Are any of you ladies from soulcysters.net? I have met so many amazing people on there! Please feel free to friend me, I love having other cysters to chat with!!
  • i've only had and HSG and sonohysterogram. Sorry that's not much help. hoping that it's not too painful. I know my HSG was extrememely but my SHG was fine.

    My husband and I didn't have issues with sperm antibodies, but based on what I know about it isn't IVF usually the best option? I did ivf myself to conceive my son (and planning to do a frozen transfer again next month) so if you need to go that route i'm here if you need support or have questions.

    Good luck with everything. When is your procedure?


  • Made an appointment with an endocrinologist today (mid next month is first available) to see if she can better manage my situation...
    Good luck with your appt! are you TTC or just trying to get your hormones under control?!!
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