Feeling Frustrated....

And need some reassurance.

Started back here 1/1 and have logged religiously since. 1500 calories per day minimum but I generally earn between 300-500 in exercise. I end each day with between 0-200 left. I measure and weigh 95% of what I eat and hit my macros 6-7 days a week.

I'm exercising 5-6 days per week; mostly Peloton cycling, but usually 2 weights classes and a day of running.

Over the last 6 weeks the scale has literally not budged, in fact some days it's up.

What gives?! I'm 165 and want to be about 150. I know the weight comes off quicker with more to lose but not even a lb.?!?!?!

Keep me going!!!!


  • Phirrgus
    Phirrgus Posts: 1,894 Member
    Maybe it's time to revisit your calories/macros? It could also be possible that 150 is a bit low? How tall are you? With between 0-200 left per day, you might be eating at maintenance some days and not realize it.
  • JennLH81
    JennLH81 Posts: 26 Member
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    Maybe it's time to revisit your calories/macros? It could also be possible that 150 is a bit low? How tall are you? With between 0-200 left per day, you might be eating at maintenance some days and not realize it.

    I'm 5'7" so I think 150 is totally doable. It might even been on the heavier side of my range.

    When you say revisit my calories/macros, what would make sense to adjust? I'm confused how I could be eating at maintenance when I have calories left?!
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Take measurements with a tape measure. Do your clothes feel the same or looser? Even if you haven't lost weight on the scale it is possible you have lost inches.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    the lower you weight the less your maintenance will be - I think that's what was mean by revisit your calories above. Unfortunately that is how it works :(

    I just lost 1.5 kilos and literally JUST had to readjust my maintenance calories just because of that tiny loss. came down into the 1900's from being in the 2000s.

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    edited February 2019
    Do you enjoy how you're getting stronger and fitter?

    Surely you're not exercising just to burn calories, right?

    Because if you are just exercising to lose weight and if you're planning on no longer doing that when you're maintaining...well... you can probably just lose 5lbs of water and food in transit weight by stopping all exercise and eating without any exercise calories (*not actually recommended; inserted for shock value; disclaimer inserted due to this being the Internet; let's not forget the obligatory :lol: )

    Beyond that. What is your deficit? You should be aiming, in my opinion, for a deficit of no more than 20% of what you're burning.

    This would probably translate into trying to lose between 0.5 and 1 lbs a week.

    You need a weight trend app to see such a small movement. and even then it may be hard for women who have to contend with monthly hormonal weight changes

    Your water weight variation will easily overwhelm such small changes to your weight trend.

    You could easily be losing 0.5 to 1lb a week and weigh more on the scale 6 weeks later than you did six weeks ago.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    JennLH81 wrote: »
    And need some reassurance.

    Started back here 1/1 and have logged religiously since. 1500 calories per day minimum but I generally earn between 300-500 in exercise. I end each day with between 0-200 left. I measure and weigh 95% of what I eat and hit my macros 6-7 days a week.

    I'm exercising 5-6 days per week; mostly Peloton cycling, but usually 2 weights classes and a day of running.

    Over the last 6 weeks the scale has literally not budged, in fact some days it's up.

    What gives?! I'm 165 and want to be about 150. I know the weight comes off quicker with more to lose but not even a lb.?!?!?!

    Keep me going!!!!

    15lbs is going to come off slowly. That 95% may need to be 100%, since you're talking a 250cal daily deficit which can easily be wiped out. Also you may be over-estimating your burn and eating even a little too much of those back could wipe out your deficit, and loss could also be hidden by fluctuations.
  • JennLH81
    JennLH81 Posts: 26 Member
    puffbrat wrote: »
    Take measurements with a tape measure. Do your clothes feel the same or looser? Even if you haven't lost weight on the scale it is possible you have lost inches.

    I wish I had done that at the start. Honestly, my clothes don't feel really different. That's the frustrating part. I thought it would show up somewhere....LOL
  • Phirrgus
    Phirrgus Posts: 1,894 Member
    Cahgetsfit wrote: »
    the lower you weight the less your maintenance will be - I think that's what was mean by revisit your calories above. Unfortunately that is how it works :(

    I just lost 1.5 kilos and literally JUST had to readjust my maintenance calories just because of that tiny loss. came down into the 1900's from being in the 2000s.

    Yes, thank you. That's my thought.
  • JennLH81
    JennLH81 Posts: 26 Member
    11Templars wrote: »
    JennLH81 wrote: »
    And need some reassurance.

    Started back here 1/1 and have logged religiously since. 1500 calories per day minimum but I generally earn between 300-500 in exercise. I end each day with between 0-200 left. I measure and weigh 95% of what I eat and hit my macros 6-7 days a week.

    I'm exercising 5-6 days per week; mostly Peloton cycling, but usually 2 weights classes and a day of running.

    Over the last 6 weeks the scale has literally not budged, in fact some days it's up.

    What gives?! I'm 165 and want to be about 150. I know the weight comes off quicker with more to lose but not even a lb.?!?!?!

    Keep me going!!!!

    Hey Jenn,

    So if I understand correctly you're eating 1500 cals a day + 3-500 in earned cals, for an average total of 1800 cals. Is this correct?

    I would not eat my earned cals for 7 days and see if that makes a difference. Just my opinion, but a fairly educated one. Also, how much water are you drinking a day? Hope it's a least 3 litres.

    If you're moving that much, and exercising that much, 3-500 cals seems off. I workout 5 days a week and do Cardio every day and on a bad day I can burn way over 500 cals. How long are you working out for?

    Have you noticed any changes in clothing fittings, or minor body shape changes?

    Yes...I'm probably eating between 1500-2000 calories depending on the day. 1500 was my base and then I usually eat 3/4 of my exercise calories.

    I feel like I couldn't work out at the level I do and only eat the 1500 calories?!?!

    I'm drinking between 90-120oz. of water a day and workout for between 30m-1 hour. I rely on my Apple Watch to track my heart rate and calorie burn. I had thought it was pretty accurate but maybe I'm wrong?!
  • zeejane03
    zeejane03 Posts: 993 Member
    JennLH81 wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Do you enjoy how you're getting stronger and fitter?

    Surely you're not exercising just to burn calories, right?

    Because if you are just exercising to lose weight and if you're planning on no longer doing that when you're maintaining...well... you can probably just lose 5lbs of water and food in transit weight by stopping all exercise and eating without any exercise calories (*not actually recommended; inserted for shock value; disclaimer inserted due to this being the Internet; let's not forget the obligatory :lol: )

    Beyond that. What is your deficit? You should be aiming, in my opinion, for a deficit of no more than 20% of what you're burning.

    This would probably translate into trying to lose between 0.5 and 1 lbs a week.

    You need a weight trend app to see such a small movement. and even then it may be hard for women who have to contend with monthly hormonal weight changes

    Your water weight variation will easily overwhelm such small changes to your weight trend.

    You could easily be losing 0.5 to 1lb a week and weigh more on the scale 6 weeks later than you did six weeks ago.

    Definitely not just exercising to lose weight....more so exercising to eat....LOL. But in reality with the purchase of my Peloton I LOVE exercising so it really it for enjoyment. I actually look forward to it.

    Talk to me about deficit....I let MFP calculate that for me right? I had it set for 1lb. a week but just adjusted it tonight to .5lbs. a week.

    I use Happy Scale and it's true the trend, albeit small, is in the downward direction. Good perspective!

    Yep, with so little to lose .5lb a week is a good rate of loss. And using a weight trand app is really good, like you're doing, because it will give you the 'big' picture, even when it's hard to see in the day to day.

    It sounds like you're actually doing things pretty good-just make sure you're choosing accurate entries from the database and taking into account everything that has calories that you're eating. Sometimes it's easy to forget about things like condiments, coffee additions etc.
  • tknight127
    tknight127 Posts: 1 Member
    JennLH81 wrote: »
    And need some reassurance.

    Started back here 1/1 and have logged religiously since. ...

    Over the last 6 weeks the scale has literally not budged, in fact some days it's up.

    What gives?! I'm 165 and want to be about 150. I know the weight comes off quicker with more to lose but not even a lb.?!?!?!

    Keep me going!!!!

    Hi, are you weighing your food with a scale? When I started back at 235 lbs, I wasn't weighing. I was using cups/volume measuring, or "eyeballing" it. I started weighing my food and the weight came off. I'm at 188 now.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    JennLH81 wrote: »
    11Templars wrote: »
    JennLH81 wrote: »
    And need some reassurance.

    Started back here 1/1 and have logged religiously since. 1500 calories per day minimum but I generally earn between 300-500 in exercise. I end each day with between 0-200 left. I measure and weigh 95% of what I eat and hit my macros 6-7 days a week.

    I'm exercising 5-6 days per week; mostly Peloton cycling, but usually 2 weights classes and a day of running.

    Over the last 6 weeks the scale has literally not budged, in fact some days it's up.

    What gives?! I'm 165 and want to be about 150. I know the weight comes off quicker with more to lose but not even a lb.?!?!?!

    Keep me going!!!!

    Hey Jenn,

    So if I understand correctly you're eating 1500 cals a day + 3-500 in earned cals, for an average total of 1800 cals. Is this correct?

    I would not eat my earned cals for 7 days and see if that makes a difference. Just my opinion, but a fairly educated one. Also, how much water are you drinking a day? Hope it's a least 3 litres.

    If you're moving that much, and exercising that much, 3-500 cals seems off. I workout 5 days a week and do Cardio every day and on a bad day I can burn way over 500 cals. How long are you working out for?

    Have you noticed any changes in clothing fittings, or minor body shape changes?

    Yes...I'm probably eating between 1500-2000 calories depending on the day. 1500 was my base and then I usually eat 3/4 of my exercise calories.

    I feel like I couldn't work out at the level I do and only eat the 1500 calories?!?!

    I'm drinking between 90-120oz. of water a day and workout for between 30m-1 hour. I rely on my Apple Watch to track my heart rate and calorie burn. I had thought it was pretty accurate but maybe I'm wrong?!

    It is not a good idea to just eat no exercise calories at all. Your body needs fuel for its activities, and no one wants you to feel faint at the gym due to undereating. MFP intends you to eat back exercise calories, assuming they are calculated correctly. We typically recommend that people eat half their exercise calories in order to compensate for potentially inflated estimates, and then adjust from there after giving it a few weeks. Fitness tracker calorie burns can be exaggerated, but we just don't know whether that's the case for you or not.

    Drink water when you're thirsty. Fat loss is caused by a calorie deficit, not by drinking a lot of water.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I am in about the same situation. I lost weight starting in July and weight came off good at first, now slow, not moving at all the last few months. I also want to weigh 150. I am 157-162 all the time, and I am 5' 4. I guess like everyone says the closer you get to goal the slower the weight comes off, I guess patience.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    If I read your answer correctly OP, you ARE seeing a downward trend on Happy Scale.

    Thus the answer is that your scale HAS MOVED in the past 6 weeks. The movement may not have met your expectations... but it *has* taken place!

    Speed is of no concern as long as you're headed in the right direction while doing things you find sustainable and fun.

    It took me a year to lose 70lbs... and it also took me a year to lose 10lbs. When you're at (or near) normal weight fat loss does not happen at the same rate as when you're obese.

    My answer is... set things up so that you're happy doing what you're doing (set up the pre-conditions) and the rest will follow in due course...