Ending it all seemed like the best option

Greetings -
I’m back! This time heavier and less capable. I just spent two months in a bed, recovering from yet ANOTHER back surgery, this one the most involved (8 levels fused, C4-T4). Also battling a diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease so moving in general is something I just don’t want to do - the pain has driven me to exhaustion and life just wasn’t worth trying to live anymore, even way before my surgery. My plan was to die fat and get cremated so no one would have to carry my casket. To avoid a long, boring story, I’ll skip to yesterday. I saw an internist that specializes in non-surgical weight loss and she instructed me to get on here and log food for a week; NOT my particular forte. So I am hoping something sparks and I can get through or around or over this train wreck formerly known as my health! I have about 150 pounds to lose, and the thought of losing just 5 or 10 seems almost insurmountable. I have started KonMari, and I’ve let go of clothes I kept for “one day”. I know I’ll have better options (and taste) when/if that day comes. So that’s a start. Maybe tidying my possessions will have a ripple affect on my weight loss endeavors. May we all be blessed in our endeavors to heal our minds, bodies, and spirits.


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    If you are able to acquire a kitchen scale for weighing food, do so. These are available on-line and in big-box retailers. A scale is very easy to use, and when you weigh food before eating it, you can accurately log it.


    That's the USDA food database.

    Read the sticky messages at the top of each discussion category. They have lots of very good information.

    My wife went through 4 years of pure hell with a degenerate disk, resolved only with cervical fusion at C4-C5.
    She's well now, working, and not afraid of anything.

    You can conquer this, and while you do, you'll know that you can conquer anything.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Losing weight with a chronic illness isn't easy but it is possible, many here have done it. I have lupus and diabetes myself.

    A couple of suggestions. First, be as active as you are able, and plan to do just a little more every day. If you are able to do just arm motions, do arm motions. If all you can do is wiggle your feet, wiggle your feet. If you can walk slowly, do it. Ask for a PT appointment if you can to learn what you could be doing. Because the more you do, the more you will be able to do.

    The other thing is, when you're in pain and what you can do is limited, it's very easy to make food a main source of pleasure. I have had days when eating was the only thing I could do that didn't hurt. It's hard to give up any source of pleasure when you aren't getting much pleasure to begin with. So actively seek out sources of pleasure other than food. Listen to music you love, read books, learn a new language, paint your fingernails, whatever makes you happy. When I was recovering from an injury last year I took up birdwatching at the feeder in my own backyard - it made me happy when I wasn't very mobile.

    Best of luck to you, wishing you better health and good days ahead.
  • April8114
    April8114 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you to those that took time to write helpful tips and suggestions. They are all extremely valuable and I am writing into a note to make my lock screen as constant reminders. It is nice to get different perspectives- always something more to learn.