How to get in the right mindset for weight loss?



  • eriellegonzalez01
    eriellegonzalez01 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank You for the support. ❤️
  • Phirrgus
    Phirrgus Posts: 1,894 Member
    Thank You for telling me about your daughter. Sometimes I forget I'm not the only one going through this kind of thing.
    It just seems like everyone I encounter seems so... normal. Like, there's nothing wrong in the world — especially thin people.

    As for the mirror thing, I looked into it for the first time in forever this morning, and I actually smiled. 🙂

    You're welcome. Don't forget that just because others are going through it that doesn't make your instance any less important. And thank you for telling me about smiling in the mirror. That's awesome. You'll get this 😉
  • amy19355
    amy19355 Posts: 805 Member
    Perhaps. I currently live in a small college town, so I don't think I'll find anything here, but Austin is 30 mins away from where I am. Maybe, I'll go somewhere there.

    do you have health insurance, or are you covered on your parents' plan? there may be coverage available to help you get some mental health counseling.

    your self image does start with your acceptance of yourself. One day at a time, even one hour at a time , might be how you have to start, but embrace the successes even when they seem little. it all adds up.

    good luck.
  • Anita4548
    Anita4548 Posts: 39 Member
    I have struggled with this as well. Kids (and sometimes adults) don’t really think about how they can affect you and trigger you with their comments. I have particularly struggled with like you said - if someone gives you a compliment, you just don’t believe them. I stuggle to this day - no matter what someone compliments me about, i always find something wrong with it. Even recently someone said - oh you have nice hair. My response was oh no its not, my ends are dry. Like wtf, i was thinking after that, why couldn’t I just say oh thank you! And thats to do with my hair! Lets not even talk about if someone says you are beautiful - its very difficult to accept that compliment when you have a bad image of yourself.
    I honestly don’t have an answer of how you can feel better, other than - just spend more time on things that make you feel good about yourself. Just do more of it, because I know how bad the cycle of “i just don’t care” is - I have been stuck on it so many times. And the only thing that helps me is if I just have a bit more ‘me’ time and spend some more time on myself rather than just ignore what I look like and hide my emotions, eating crappy food.
    Feel free to frend request me if you like! Hugs Xx
  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    Have you looked into OA (Overeaters Anonymous). You can find all sorts of info including where local meetings are online. There are also online and phone meetings and phone sponsors. Check out their webpage.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,593 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    I’m going to make a crazy suggestion. How about you focus on maintaining your weight for now. Just stop and don’t gain any more. Then, when you’re ready, take the leap. Listen to the podcast Half Size Me.

    I am actually going to suggest the same thing. Listening to Half Size Me podcast and WhysAdvice (FatDag) podcast have been game changers for my mindset. Each for different reasons.
  • InsertFunnyUsernameHere
    Alright, so I've been struggling with weight loss since middle school, and as of right now, I'm a junior in University.
    I am at the highest weight I've ever been right now, and I really want to lose weight so I've started thinking about all my past attempts at weight loss, and I've come to the conclusion that it's not just about eating healthy and exercising — you have to be positive and a non-toxic mind in order to really go though with weight loss successfully.

    And that's my problem.

    I absolutely hate myself.
    So much, that I haven't looked in the mirror in so long. I feel like I was bullied into submission in middle school. Before, middle school, I was fine. I never had a negative thought, but after 3 years of torment, I just... learned to hate myself and started agreeing with what everyone said. Whenever someone calls me 'beautiful' or 'pretty', I freak out and accuse them of lying or saying that to be polite or to make me feel better.

    Anyway, I want to get better, but I have no idea how. I've become a binge eater because of my past (and family issues too) and I heard Yoga helps with the mind, so I'm starting to do that and I hope it helps, but it kinda sounds too good to be true...

    Don't hate yourself. That's a Pandora's Box you don't want to open up. The sooner you learn this lesson, the better you'll be... other peoples' opinion of you is their business, not yours. Don't base your self-esteem on whether or not you get external validation. What matters is how you feel about yourself. Your issue is that you need to recover some of that lost self-esteem. Losing weight will do that for you, but so will many other things. Improve yourself. Set little daily goals and meet them. Find hobbies that you enjoy. Do well in your studies. Fill up your life with activities that help you grow as a person and do well at them and your self-confidence and self-esteem will return. Every day that you go to sleep closer to your goals is a good day and one to be proud of.

    It might help to know that lots of people know exactly how you feel. Either they've been there themselves, or are there now. A lot of people who have their lives together now, once felt like you do about themselves.

    Also, find some positive people to spend time with. Don't dwell on negative thoughts and don't spend your time around people stuck on negative thinking.
  • badrury7201
    badrury7201 Posts: 2 Member
    Download "Insight Timer" on your phone and meditate. There are guided meditations for losing weight.
  • OneRatGirl
    OneRatGirl Posts: 124 Member
    It's taken me until 27 to reach the right mindset, and high 320s in weight.

    Getting my mental health better is what's made it possible for me. The unhelpful truth is, I decided one day I was going to do it, made a plan, am sticking with it. I'm not sure what exactly triggered that, but it's a first for me. I want to do it for me, for my health, ability to live a longer and healthier life, primarily. Everything else is secondary.

    A doctor advised me a while ago to just try to keep my weight steady until I was ready to lose, that was great advice for me, and I think it's a helpful strategy. Use the website and set to maintainance maybe, but don't keep trying to eat under it, just try to keep your weekly average around it (so the odd day over is countered by the odd day under).

    I know getting mental health help isn't always easy, but it's worth doing.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Alright, so I've been struggling with weight loss since middle school, and as of right now, I'm a junior in University.
    I am at the highest weight I've ever been right now, and I really want to lose weight so I've started thinking about all my past attempts at weight loss, and I've come to the conclusion that it's not just about eating healthy and exercising — you have to be positive and a non-toxic mind in order to really go though with weight loss successfully.

    And that's my problem.

    I absolutely hate myself.
    So much, that I haven't looked in the mirror in so long. I feel like I was bullied into submission in middle school. Before, middle school, I was fine. I never had a negative thought, but after 3 years of torment, I just... learned to hate myself and started agreeing with what everyone said. Whenever someone calls me 'beautiful' or 'pretty', I freak out and accuse them of lying or saying that to be polite or to make me feel better.

    Anyway, I want to get better, but I have no idea how. I've become a binge eater because of my past (and family issues too) and I heard Yoga helps with the mind, so I'm starting to do that and I hope it helps, but it kinda sounds too good to be true...

    Two things:
    1. Those calling you beautiful or pretty, might not be lying. Fat does not necessarily mean ugly, so appreciate the compliments.
    2. Sometimes it takes a medical emergency for a person to change their lifestyle. Mine was a prediabetic diagnosis. For you, obesity can lead to other medical issues, so your mindset could be wanting to stay healthy. Reducing your weight would be a proactive way of avoiding certain types of health problems.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Apply the same principles to the rest of your life that you learned in your studies. All in this world is but an output of behavior.

    You don't really hate yourself. I suspect you realize your potential and upset at not fulfilling this, but hate? Too strong a word.

    We don't invest in things we hate, we invest our valuable time and energy on what we love. Any act of self improvement is an inherent act of love.
  • whitej1234
    whitej1234 Posts: 263 Member
    Maybe try to make a big change in your life, that is not weight related. Something you always wanted to do.
    For me it was moving out of my parents place and living on my own. Even though I love my family, and never had issues, I felt I needed to do that for my self, and it did miracles on myself esteem and overall feeling. Your's can be something else, but something you always felt like doing and always thought either "later" or "it is not for me".
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,900 Member
    Yeah, I figured.
    I wish I wasn't this way, you know?
    But, I'm going to try Yoga and just see where that takes me...
    Though, I tried going to a yoga class on my own once a week ago, and I couldn't even make it inside without panicking and running off. I have such a low self-esteem. I saw mirrors and thin people and just scrammed.
    I had a friend come with me after that, but I wonder if I'm going to be dependent on her forever...

    Sure, I found yoga tremendously helpful, and eventually became a certified yoga teacher.

    Where are you taking the classes? I, and many other yoga teachers, tailor the languaging to the location, so Gym Yoga is going to be a different experience from Yoga Studio Yoga, although the postures may be the same.

    In general, Yoga Studio Yoga would be more helpful for people in your situation.

    I first started taking yoga at a small liberal arts college, and that was a fabulous experience. There were two different teachers during my 4 years there, and they were both great in very different ways.

    During that time, I also learned some Cognitive Behavioral Therapy tips from a handful of Smart Recovery and Rational Recovery meetings I attended to deal with my abuse of alcohol, and those tips translate to self-medicating with food as well.

    Oh, I don't like the mirrors either. It was nice when I started teaching, and then my back was to the mirrors ;)
  • eriellegonzalez01
    eriellegonzalez01 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm taking them at my University's recreational center. They have sessions everyday in different levels. I'm doing "Intro to Yoga" and "Mindful Yoga". I don't know what the difference between those two are, but they're pretty great.
    I've been able to sleep better because of them.
  • eriellegonzalez01
    eriellegonzalez01 Posts: 33 Member
    Two years ago, I had an experience like the one you had. The whole "Okay, I'm going to stop my unhealthy habits and just do something" thing. And I did it for about four months, lost almost 50 lbs... but then my cousin, who was helping me, moved to another state, school was starting up again, I had hit a plateau and all that progress just — POOF! Gone.

    I gained all that weight back and more, and it's just really annoying since I always think back to that moment of time and think "if I had kept going, I would be where I wanted to be by now". That makes me despise myself even more.

    I, honestly, don't know how much more I can take of this before completely giving up. I know I don't want to! Just seems like no matter what I try just ends in complete utter failure.