The Diamond Challenge (DITR) Round 5 Week 1

Congratulations and Welcome to the Diamond Challenge!!

DiamondsInTheRough consists of 30 wonderful women, making up 3 teams of 10. You have all been paired off into partnerships, so be sure to check out the DITR blog to find out who you are with. The DITR blog also includes some light reading (FAQ and Rules) which I highly recommend you read. There are requirements to being a part of this challenge, so be sure you know what they are!

As DITR we compete against another Diamond League group, the Little Diamonds (LD's). Each week we will weigh in and compare to find out who the biggest losing team was as well as congratulate our biggest losers! There are signature prizes and bragging rights for being one of our biggest losers, so get ready for some competition ladies!!

Weigh-In's will be open each Friday (link will be posted in the blog) and close Sunday at noon, PST. I will not be including any late weigh in's so watch the clock Diamonds! If you cannot weigh in on those days, asking your partner or another team member to do it for you is your best bet. Every Monday I will start a new week with a new Forum Thread announcing our winners, this will also be linked in the blog!!!

I will be posting the Question Of the Day (QOTD) this week, so check back in every day to participate. Feel free to use this thread for general chat, tips, questions, even just to get to know one another! I look forward to the next 4 weeks ladies!

One last thing, be sure to add one another for support, and message your partner daily!! Participation is key to being a successful Diamond!



  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    Changed my profile pic & added my siggy. Partner messaged, just waiting to hear back. So super stoked to be a part of this group. The timing is perfect since I leave for Disney right after the challenge ends.

  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Hello Diamonds!

    I'm Jennifer, your DITR leader. Feel free to add me and if you have any questions please direct them this way. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!!!
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Changed my profile pic & added my siggy. Partner messaged, just waiting to hear back. So super stoked to be a part of this group. The timing is perfect since I leave for Disney right after the challenge ends.


    Great name!! Super excited to have you with us!!
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    QOTD for Monday August 22nd.

    What changes have you made to your diet/fitness routine, if any, to kick off this challenge?
  • britneeb23
    QOTD for Monday August 22nd.

    What changes have you made to your diet/fitness routine, if any, to kick off this challenge?

    I will be adding strength training and I plan to walk a mile each day.
  • kris24824
    kris24824 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey Ladies!! So glad to be apart of this group and have some motivation and accountability! I have my first triathlon in 20 days, so as part of this groups starting today, my goal is to stick to my training plan completely for the next 20 days, and then after that, to keep active for the last 10 days of this challenge too! :)
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    I changed my workout time this week. I had been going to the 5AM class, but it is just too early for me. I am still half asleep & don't feel like I work as hard as I could. I switched to the 6:40PM class today. Here's to hoping it helps. I still don't know if I should eat back all or any of my workout cals, so I will try to stay right around my 1200 cal before my workout. I will then eat some protein afterwards. Worked well today, I don't feel hungry & did a great workout.
  • o0IrishEyes0o
    o0IrishEyes0o Posts: 82 Member
    Hey Ladies!!!

    I'm all set and ready for this challenge!!

    q: What changes have you made to your diet/fitness routine, if any, to kick off this challenge?

    a: Well my biggest change is that I'm gonna be hardcore for the next 4 weeks. Usually I give myself the weekends off (within reason, not like, binging... but usually no where near as strict). So none of that this time! I'd also like to get back to running 3x a week!
  • Imgoingdown
    Imgoingdown Posts: 14 Member
    I plan to make sure I log my calorie intake each day, including weekends, and stay under my goal.
  • CalamityCat
    I'll be doing 90 mins every day of exercise for the duration - and staying 20% under my earnt calories!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Hi all, not quite sure how to add the diamonds in the rough picture in my signature? what is the link to this? x
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Hi girlies :D
    Going to exercise every day, weekends included, even if its only a power walk. And going to eat clean, no refined carbs at all, lots of veggies, lots of water. Cant wait for the results!!! :drinker:
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Hi all, not quite sure how to add the diamonds in the rough picture in my signature? what is the link to this? x

    Thats the links from the blog:
    How to Add "Diamonds in the Rough" to your signature.
    1. Select the size you want
    2. Copy the code below into your signature**Access your signature by clicking on Community then Signature on MFP**
    3. That's it :-)



    If you click "quote" you should get the link rather that the picture :)
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi there! well I am starting out with an outright alcohol ban this week, not a drop, and Jillian michaels 30 day shred twice a day. I am currently injured and my calf isnt improving so am going back to my dr to try and get some help with that I MISS MY CYCLING AND RUNNING AND HILL WALKING and all are currently banned, am going a bit nuts!!!!! so a solution i need to find!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I can not find the blog? :/ xx
  • CME37
    CME37 Posts: 16
    Hi DITR's! I will be pushing for the goal of at least 60 to 90 mins of cardio daily, staying under my calorie goal & drinking lots of water (the water alone a challenge in itself for me! lol) Feel free to add me, even if you're not on my team! Ok Diamonds! IT'S TIME TO SHINE!:wink:
  • romade188
    romade188 Posts: 88 Member
    I am going to get outside and do something active with my son everyday. I need to make this journey fun, because life should be enjoyed, and I plan on being able to enjoy it for a long time!!
  • millionsofpeaches
    Hello Diamonds!

    I'm Jennifer, your DITR leader. Feel free to add me and if you have any questions please direct them this way. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!!!

    You are in my group!! Go blue.
  • millionsofpeaches
    QOTD for Monday August 22nd.

    What changes have you made to your diet/fitness routine, if any, to kick off this challenge?

    Change #1 - I will be eating as clean as possible! Basically no more "junk"!
    Change #2 - Along with my half marathon training, I am going to start the Gillian Michaels 30 Day Shred to boost my fitness!
  • romade188
    romade188 Posts: 88 Member
    ELLIEBELLIE1, just copy this link into your browser, and it will take you to the information you need!!