
I'm frustrated. I know I've come a long way and more often than not, I feel pretty good about my body, even though I still have a ways to go. But recently, more bad things than good have been on my mind.

First of all, the other day, I was sitting in the car holding onto that little bar thing above the window. I happened to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and realized that I had stuff hanging down from my arm. I kind of freaked out. I swear that this was never there before. Yeah, my arms were bigger, but there was no flab there. My husband said that it might be just extra skin from the weight loss and still a little bit of fat. Whatever it is, it is new and I do NOT like it at all.

The other thing is bathing suits, lol. I had come to terms with the fact that even when I hit goal weight, I'd probably never be able to wear a bikini. But then I started spending some time with my cousin's friend who just moved out here. She's great, first of all, lol. But we are very similar in size- we could share clothes. I have some parts that are smaller (waist, hips, maybe thighs) than her and some that are bigger (breasts), but if I were to give my honest opinion, I think that I weigh less than her (we are about the same height too). She is much stronger than me I'm sure, but doesn't have any visible muscle definition. We've been spending a lot of time at the pool and at the beach, and she always wears a bikini. And despite the fact that we are so similar size-wise, she actually looks decent in a bikini, and I'm really torn up about it. I still have that awkward roll where my belly button is indented in and then there is a bit of an overhang of my stomach over my hip area that makes it impossible for me to wear a bikini, even though my waist is smaller than hers. She has a large stomach but hers is just rounded and she doesn't have any rolls. And I don't understand it. I keep looking at myself in the mirror and wondering why I look this and not more like her.

It was easy when I was heavier and always the largest one in the room to say that I'd never be able to wear a bikini. But now that I'm so much smaller, and have worked so hard and come so far, I can't just accept it anymore. I know that the fact that my breasts are pretty large would prevent me from wearing certain things anyways, but that's not what I'm taking issue with now. I don't get why the rest of me doesn't look better, you know? Especially now that there are others that I see (not just her- there was another girl at the pool one day who was similar in size to both of us (no muscle definition to her either) and she had a bikini on too) that look so much better than me even though we could share clothes.

:grumble: I've just been super frustrated lately and I think my husband is sick of hearing it, so I felt the need to vent. Thanks for listening and for any words of encouragement/advice... I appreciate it.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,132 Member
    You've lost 68 pounds. Time to start counting the reasons why you are thrilled to death.
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    You could weigh 102 and you probably would still not be satisfied with the way your body looks. Us women are really hard on ourselves......I know I am. cmriverside girl is right though, you should really applaud yourself for losing 68 pounds! That is amazing! Keep going...then one day you will like what you see in the mirror when you have jeans on or a cute sun dress. But expecting to like what you see in a bikini??? IDK about that. I weigh 127 and I hate myself in a bathing suit. (So I wear a two piece bathing suit with board shorts and I'm much happier!!) But I always try and find the good. And I ALWAYS see someone who looks worse LOL! Good luck. Stay positive. What we think about, we bring about. Lisa
  • rossana1223
    rossana1223 Posts: 3 Member
    I thought you look great! and your 68lbs less! That is the most encouraging, awesome thing to me! If toning and sculpting is what you are concerned about find a gym and begin to tone it. My husband and I are shopping for a gym right now. Because I not only want to lose the weight and keep it off but would like to look more scultped instead of loose. Now that you have identified your new concerns begin a plan to attack it...just like you did when you lost the 68lbs. Go have come so far...keep going.
  • PandaofDestruction
    Stop comparing yourself to others, those other ladies may have been the same size and maintained their same size for most of their lives. Losing weight as well as gaining weight changes the shape of your body and appendages. As you have done, by losing over 60lbs, you know that change is possible, you can change anything with hard work. Be happy about yourself, and comfortable in your own skin, you have accomplished too much to be disappointed about not wearing a two piece. (I am sure you would look just fine in the right style) Try not to be so over critical of yourself, what matters the most is that you love yourself and be proud of all that you have accomplished, I am sure there used to be days when you dreaded going to the pool in the past, good for you spending time poolside in a bathing suit, that is more than I have accomplished at this point :) Hang in there, you are beautiful!
  • mdoran86
    mdoran86 Posts: 2 Member
    I know that you don't know me, but I think that you are amazing for getting so far. Keep it up, and don't sweat the small stuff.