15 stone and get very hungry at night

I am returning to calorie counting. I have allocated 1,700 a day. I often go off the rails at night because I get hungry. How many calories should I eat at night to keep hunger away?? I also have a sweet tooth. Is 700 or 800 Ok?


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    How do you typically spread your calories out during the day? Are you getting a good balance of protein, goods fats and high fibre foods?

    If you use 700 or 800 calories at night time, a 1000calories during the day is plenty. It isn't just necessarily about the calories though its making sure you are eating food that will keep you satisfied (not full) for longer.
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 984 Member
    You say that you have allocated 1700 a day. Do you really mean that you decided on that number or is that what MFP gave you when you entered your details? On top of eating however many calories MFP gave you, log whatever exercise you do and eat at least 50% of the calories that MFP gives you for that too. That way you'll be eating at deficit and will lose weight but you shouldn't get the munchies at night.

    I may be wrong but, for someone who's currently 15 stone, 1700 cals a day seems quite low or you've selected a very aggressive weight loss rate. Maybe try adjusting your weight loss rate. You'll obviously lose weight slower but at least you'll have more calories to play with each day.

    As the post above says, eat plenty of protein and good fats for satiety too. MFP gives you a goal for those - try to achieve them each day.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    You say that you have allocated 1700 a day. Do you really mean that you decided on that number or is that what MFP gave you when you entered your details?

    I may be wrong but, for someone who's currently 15 stone, 1700 cals a day seems quite low or you've selected a very aggressive weight loss rate. Maybe try adjusting your weight loss rate. You'll obviously lose weight slower but at least you'll have more calories to play with each day.
    I have deleted parts of the post I am not commenting on :)

    Strudder you have made some good points there, I hadn't picked up the current weight and calorie allowance.

  • azzeazsaleh5429
    azzeazsaleh5429 Posts: 77 Member
    A. Suppress hunger to meals only
    B. Consider diet plans that are satiating
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I'm about your weight and 1,700 calories a day isn't enough for me - I need exercise calories as well. If you exercise, what percentage of the calories you earned from that do you eat back?

    I have a sweet tooth too but don't find foods like ice cream or baked goods filling at all - they are completely empty calories for me. So I rely on small amounts of dark chocolate or fruit to satisfy me for less calories.

    Also, when I hit my protein goal of 20%, the MFP default, I am less interested in sweets. Oh, hitting the MFP fiber default helps me as well. I have no need to track Sodium or Sugar so swapped them out for Fiber and Iron (I'm anemic.)

    While your diary is open you haven't logged anything the last few days. We would be able to help you better if you did log for a few days.