Back at square 1 :/

I didn't think I would be back at the starting line again but here I am. 3 years ago I stepped on a scale and weighed 198 pounds and told myself I was tired of feeling the way I felt. So I started doing 21 Day Fix and within 9 months I lost 30lbs, was in the best shape of my life and finally had confidence. I was able to maintain for about 2 years and within the last year (mostly the last 6-8 months) I've ballooned up to my current weight of 209.7lbs. To say I'm disappointed in myself would be an understatement. But the crazy thing is....I work out 5-6 days a week! And yet the weight just keeps packing on. I've had every level checked, every test done and everything comes back perfect. So it has to be my eating (which I thought was pretty ok....I don't binge eat, I don't eat junk food,but I guess I was wrong). Tracking is not my strong suit so I'm really trying to hold myself accountable in that department. I'd love to get some friends on here to follow and help me stay on track. The weight HAS to come off because I hate feeling the way that I do and I want to be able to look in the mirror and love the person staring back at me again. Thanks for reading!


  • Kamille68
    Kamille68 Posts: 46 Member
    Just track everything. I stopped using MFP a year ago because I didn't like tracking what I ate. But now I regret that I stopped. I'm now tracking everything and I hope that in 1 year I have lost some weight. Just look forward and not look in the past. You can't change what you did in the past. I'm only looking in the future. You can ad me if you want. Maybe we can support each other.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Yes tracking your food intake is key.

    I did exactly the same thing as you and now I am back to tracking again, wish I had never stopped. I think complacency sets in and slowly we up our portion sizes without even realising it.

    Bad habits are always lurking.
  • mikeashford20
    mikeashford20 Posts: 1 Member
    The good thing is you are at day one! You've taken notice, you're accountable and you know worst case scenario in nine months you can feel amazing!
  • oconnell699
    oconnell699 Posts: 8 Member
    I've been the same lost it all and told myself I wouldn't ever go there again....but here I am back again I'm logging everything now and in 2 weeks I'm 4.2 down I'm feeling determined at mo but we all of those moments where we need support and motivating I'm really enjoying this site again
  • Hephzibah35
    Hephzibah35 Posts: 9 Member
    Been there lost 55lbs and gained 75. Feel free to add me!
  • neh92207
    neh92207 Posts: 4 Member
    I've been the same lost it all and told myself I wouldn't ever go there again....but here I am back again I'm logging everything now and in 2 weeks I'm 4.2 down I'm feeling determined at mo but we all of those moments where we need support and motivating I'm really enjoying this site again

    Congrats on your loss since starting over!!
  • guil0095
    guil0095 Posts: 327 Member
    edited February 2019
    I feel like we have a similar story. I was working out hardcore 5-6 times a week and the weight kept packing on. It wasn't until I was finally calorie counting that I knew I was eating twice the amount that I should. :open_mouth: I had no idea how important calorie counting was with weight loss. What helped me was planning out my meals the night before and logging it all then. That way I didn't have to think about it during the day. If you ever need extra motivation, you are welcome to add me. I am a serial calorie tracker now :smiley: