200’s Club: Anyone weigh anywhere in the 200’s? Let’s support one another here!



  • pecabonitas
    pecabonitas Posts: 153 Member
    I did really well on Sunday!!!! I packed my own food... lol and even though the wings, pizza, chips, all my favs was tempting, being healthy and fit is more tempting to me now. I just keep thinking about my daughter.... I really need to be around for her.
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    Soooo goood!
    Lettuce/ cilantro, diced onion/ Carrots/ palm full of carnitas and tons of water. I did good. Had it catered from a local Mexican Restaurant. Made sure All The leftovers went with my buds. I was thinking of you all!!
  • squishylicious
    squishylicious Posts: 7 Member
    @cheekiegeek Wow! Your progress is amazing and very motivating. I’m reflecting on what your advice today as I go about my day, having again hit another plateau.

    I think it’s my internal dialogue that needs to change... through talking with this group I’ve begun that journey...

    I will try to remind myself that it’s not about the final number, it’s about being accountable each day and feeling good about hitting my daily targets, consistently, whatever that target is today and however I choose to spend my calories.

    I’m so grateful for you guys. This is such a such a supportive group. Thank You!
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    SqiLicious is squishing us together into a force. When others look at us, they do not see the beauty we know is in us; but we do. Together, we will turn our individual houses into temples.
    This is thrilling. We are on our way! Think, Remember Our Objective, Then Decide. We can do this, and we now know it.
  • New_me_19
    New_me_19 Posts: 40 Member
    hey, I just found this. i am also am trying to get out of the 200's.
    after a binge cpl weeks due to alot birthdays (my 3 daughters, mums 50th and little sisters 20th ) im back on my healthy food. ordered my muscle food comes Friday so will be meal prepping.
    Cw- 220
    Gw- 160

  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    200 pounders! Speak up! How’s it going out there; the weekend awaits?!
  • gwendtland
    gwendtland Posts: 2 Member
    I started selling my clothes on eBay. A collection amassed over 10+ years as my career took off and my kids grew from children to teens. I decided it was time because I am not going back again to size 22-26W. Each item represented a place, time, event, family or friends.

    My closet and my mindset is transitioning to a lower number. As each piece sells on eBay, I resupply with my new size of the moment. These aren’t the final destination but part of the journey.

    SW 334
    CW 248
    GW 180

    This was a really big deal for me to let go. No one ever talks about managing the change with losing large amounts of weight.
  • kathryn_kidd_92
    kathryn_kidd_92 Posts: 4 Member
    I have not been very good this past week! Theres really not a great reason or excuse, but I think after I'd seen I'd lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks, I decided to give myself a little wiggle room for a while. I'm sure I'll see the damage that's done when I weigh in in a couple days, but that's okay. Actions have consequences, and that's how I arrived at this unhappy weight.

    Something I find helpful when I lose motivation is to go to YouTube and watch an inspirational weight loss video. If I watch this, not only am I inspired to work out, but I also am more purposeful and less lazy when I do so. It works wonders! I also have sticky notes that stick to my wall where I do hair and makeup with little reminders of why I am doing this.

    How has everyone else's week been?
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    Seven in a week!
    I try for an average of three ounces a day. By September that should be about forty pounds. That plus the twenty or so since last August will add up to sixty. Then, only seventy-five to go and hopefully another twenty years of life on this Earth. Then, on to the next life, where life really begins!
    So don’t beat yourself for a couple of weeks; we are in this for the long haul. Me, you and everyone else on this thread; THE MOST SUCCESSFUL THREAD ON THIS SITE!
  • Fatamie85
    Fatamie85 Posts: 3 Member
    Hiya ladies!! Im joining the party if that’s ok 😊

    I reached my highest weight in December and after seeing photos of myself I was devastated to see just how big I had gotten, I hadn’t really realised that I had this giant gut...so I’m on a mission!

    I started slimfast 5 days ago, my plan is to do this for a month to prepare myself and my stomach to small consistent meals before moving on to a more life friendly calorie based diet.

    My s/t goal is 180lb
    I’m not so bothered about the number on the scales as I am in how I feel, I know I was so confident at a size 14 (uk) so that’s aim and then I’ll go from there.

    Start 5/2/19
    CWL - 7lbs
    GW - 180lbs (s/t)

    Good luck guys and hopefully we can encourage and help each other out!

  • anewmatt2019
    anewmatt2019 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Matt and this year (2019) I want to create a new life for myself. I want to become fit, shed the pounds and begin running long distances such as marathons and half-marathons. Just to be fit for my wife and family.

    SD: 2019/02/10
    SW/CW: 240
    GW: 180

    Excited to be part of the community.
  • squishylicious
    squishylicious Posts: 7 Member
    @Fatamie85 our stories are so similar and so to our goals. The biggest achievement I ever made was making the decision to do something about my weight and sticking to it!

    You’ve come up with a plan and set your goal, so I know you’re gonna smash this!
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,635 Member
    231 currently
  • Fatamie85
    Fatamie85 Posts: 3 Member
    @squishylicious thank you!

    Well done on making the decision to make yourself happier and healthier!!

    My first proper weigh in tomoz! I’ve lost 7lb so far and am hoping for another 1lb. It’s my first week so I know my future weight loss probably won’t be anywhere near that!

    How far along is everyone and how’s it going?

  • mprocyszyn
    mprocyszyn Posts: 56 Member
    Hello everyone.......started Oct.28th at 262 lbs and currently at 249 lbs. I swear the logging of every morsel that goes in my mouth is helping me as well as choosing to eat low carb food. I've not gone very low on carbs but chose to make sure I don't go above or stay under 80 carbs per day. This time it is working....looks like I am taking 1 lb off every 10 days. I am older (68) with health issues (walking with walker) so losing any weight is challenging but like I said I think the logging and low carbs is the thing working for me. My first goal is to lose 60 lbs....no time frame.....as long as the lbs stay off......then we will continue from there. I am glad I found this site as not only is it easy to keep track of the food but I have received such good ideas for eating low carb from others on this site. So good luck to all and lets support each other and give each other tips how to get past our worst times. Mary
  • brishelle07
    brishelle07 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey guys. I've been over 200 since 2013. My goal is 180. Now I'm currently 220, with my max being around 247 while pregnant. the past few years, I've been average around 240. Feel free to add me
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,383 Member
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    Childhood heartbreaks when we would hopelessly wait for recognition that never came. We then read the few words on a handful of heart-shaped candies and settle for sweetness ingested. For some of us, grown to adulthood, a box of chocolate gifted or otherwise; then slowly consumed...satiated, but seldom for more than a moment on the lips; and as the saying goes- “forever on the hips”. Tomorrow night we’ll celebrate thirty-three years of anniversaries with a massive Ice Cream Social; overlooking beautiful Eden Park, in Cincinnati. A few dozen dear friends. One more opportunity to prove myself control. I Can Do This. We- Can Do This. Never, Never, Never Give Up. Good Luck Fellow Sojournist.
  • melliemotivated
    melliemotivated Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I'd like to join in :)

    HW: 264
    CW: 260
    GW: 130ish - I'm only 5', and my lowest adult weight was 134

    I graduated high school weighing 215lbs, and lost 81lbs over the next 5 years. I've struggled with my weight since then, and went up to the 250-260 range after having 3 kids. My youngest is 5, and I'm still a few pounds heavier than I was when he was born. I was recently put on blood pressure medication, and that was my wake up call for getting healthy.