Exercising with young children at home...



  • rebysue
    rebysue Posts: 136
    I have little ones as well. I do exercise videos before they get up in the morning or do them during quiet time (our version of naptime when they outgrow naps). My favorites are Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred and Ripped in 30. Both are under 30 minutes but are great workouts for the small amount of time. I have actually had my 3 and 5 year old join me in the workout videos! They love it! I even bought them some cheap 1 lb weights! I know that doesn't really help with the C25K but it does get you moving. I have done the bike thing while running and it actually works pretty well. My kids actually motivated me to keep running AND run faster so I can keep up with them.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Unless your kid has a problem I would get him involved in running too. My son is 4 and he runs backwards and tells me to speed up! lol Scooters are really fun and pretty easy for the kids to learn how to ride, especially if you get one that is his size.

    Leslie Sansone are really cool DVD's to do at home. cheap, don't require much space etc.

    We have a track near my house that my kids play in the grass in the center while I run around them. And we also have a few nature trails that I stuff my kids into strollers and hand them a juicebox and I just go.

    We also really love to just kick a ball around the yard. We always end up laughing and having a great time. They also enjoy the dance games on the wii. :)
  • Chastityx
    Chastityx Posts: 192 Member
    My friend did it at the ymca, they have other activities for children. But he ended up wanting to do it with her, and did!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    1. I have never thought of a drop in daycare, to be honest. I'll check into that.
    2. I have a Wii! And am embarrassed to say I've... never used it *LOL* I do NOT have a Wii Fit. What are the best active games or do I need the Fit?
    3. Zumba - great suggestion, never thought to bring a kid, but he'd dig that!
    4. I don't have a bike w/ handle or anything else fancy - I would rather spend the buck on a treadmill when the finances allow it.
    5. scooter - he loves his scooter, that's a really good idea since that's just too far for him to walk without throwing himself into a ditch panting :)

    And love all the DVD suggestions, I'll check it all out. I do have a big living room to bust a move in... so no good excuses not to get off my bum.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Unless your kid has a problem I would get him involved in running too. My son is 4 and he runs backwards and tells me to speed up! lol Scooters are really fun and pretty easy for the kids to learn how to ride, especially if you get one that is his size.

    Leslie Sansone are really cool DVD's to do at home. cheap, don't require much space etc.

    We have a track near my house that my kids play in the grass in the center while I run around them. And we also have a few nature trails that I stuff my kids into strollers and hand them a juicebox and I just go.

    We also really love to just kick a ball around the yard. We always end up laughing and having a great time. They also enjoy the dance games on the wii. :)

    Seriously? 4? is that good for their little legs to go that far? *LOL* Maybe I'm equating children with young puppies and hip dysplasia too realistically :)
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    If there is a high school witha track around take him with you and let him play in the field while you run the track? always have a good view from any point
  • MarshallLuke
    MarshallLuke Posts: 177 Member
    I personally don't have kids, but I have always assumed they are much like dogs or cats. Just leave out a bowl of food, a bowl of water and some newspaper (or cedar chips if you are classy) in case they have to go and you should be fine. That's how it works, right.... right? I am going to make a great father!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I personally don't have kids, but I have always assumed they are much like dogs or cats. Just leave out a bowl of food, a bowl of water and some newspaper (or cedar chips if you are classy) in case they have to go and you should be fine. That's how it works, right.... right? I am going to make a great father!

    Marry me. You're perfect.
  • dodd319
    dodd319 Posts: 228
    I have Wii Fit & I'm borrowing Wii Fit Plus. Both are good, but I don't burn nearly as many calories with those as I do with Your Shape. After about 30 minutes of Wii Fit Plus workout routine I burned about 200 calories. After 30 minutes of Your Shape, I burned over 600 calories! She's totally a ***** at times but the numbers speak loud & clear! I LOVE JENNY MCCARTHY!!!!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I work out at 5am while the kids are sleeping. I do Turbo Fire. It has me in such good shape that I bet I could easily run a 5K.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I work out at 5am while the kids are sleeping. I do Turbo Fire. It has me in such good shape that I bet I could easily run a 5K.

    5am?? FIVE AM??? Dear lord, NOOOOO :sad:
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Unless your kid has a problem I would get him involved in running too. My son is 4 and he runs backwards and tells me to speed up! lol Scooters are really fun and pretty easy for the kids to learn how to ride, especially if you get one that is his size.

    Leslie Sansone are really cool DVD's to do at home. cheap, don't require much space etc.

    We have a track near my house that my kids play in the grass in the center while I run around them. And we also have a few nature trails that I stuff my kids into strollers and hand them a juicebox and I just go.

    We also really love to just kick a ball around the yard. We always end up laughing and having a great time. They also enjoy the dance games on the wii. :)

    Seriously? 4? is that good for their little legs to go that far? *LOL* Maybe I'm equating children with young puppies and hip dysplasia too realistically :)

    Too funny - we just started out seeing what we could do and he can 1 mile jogging easily or 2 miles walking. I have never been comfortable pushing it much further. I think he wants to be Dash from The Incredibles.

    Just dance and Zumba on the wii do not require the wii fit board. I would start with something like that, if you go the wii route.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Cool :) Thanks Darth Jenny! I have tomorrow off of work, so it's really the perfect time to test out this theory....
  • Tcasillas
    Jillian micheals.. Any of her dvds but I do 30 day shred and banish fat boost metabolism
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    You have gotten some great suggestions already. I wanted to second the having him ride his bike while you run. I often pass a woman and her son that are doing that in the mornings on my run. They were out there on weekday mornings before school was out, so he must have been about your sons age.

    Another idea is to find another mom in your area and trade workout times. I used to do this with a lady down the street from me when my kids were young. She would bring her kids to my house and they would play with my kids for an hour while she went for a run, then she would stop by when she was done and pick them all up and they would go down to her house for an hour while I went out for some exercise. We would do this a few times a week, when our schedules allowed. The kids loved the playdate and we both got a full hour to workout ALONE (honestly, the alone was better than the workout).

    Another option is the playground. I used to "play" on the playground while the kids were there. Its amazing how much a swing works your abs! And there are the monkey bars, ladders to climb and more. Just find a quiet playground without a lot of kids to trip over and you can get in a great workout! :wink: Also, the pool is great for this. Your son can splash and play in the shallow end and your can go a few feet over and tread water, scissor kick, or practice your breast stroke.
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    If you can't make your lifestyle fit your exercise choice, then you need to choose your exercise to fit your lifestyle.

    If C25K isn't going to work for you, then you need to find something that WILL work for you. I'd LOVE to be able to get out and walk/run more - but with four kids (only two in school) that just doesn't work for me. So instead I'm in the gym because they offer childcare...even though the confines of those walls is really not my preference! On the days I'm stuck at home because of naps or other circumstance I use DVD workouts (big Jillian fan here). Sometimes the only thing I can squeeze in with the kids is to have a "dance party" WITH them - turn on the tunes and bop around like crazy with my 9.7.4 and 2 year olds! It's not ideal, but it gets my heartrate up and burns up a bunch of calories.

    Where there's a will there's a way. If you have the will to exercise you'll find a way to make it work! :)
  • kathryn2bfit
    kathryn2bfit Posts: 28 Member
    What works for me with my kids is to either switch babysitting with my neighbor who also has young kids and needs workout time. I also do DVD's at home but the kids would be right there making it difficult and climbing on me so I learned that if I put their show on t.v. and I put my workout video in our portable DVD player, my kids feel good being in the same room with me but not climbing all over me since they are so into watching their show and I get my workout in. It works really well when you are doing the same video over again (like 30 day shred). My older boys also love running with me, they think it is so great to beat mom to the finish line and we are always having races!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Yeah, I do DVD's before he gets up in the morning. If I can't fit them in until the afternoon he likes to do them with me which is hi-larious because he's 2. Try a kick boxing dvd, I bet he would think that's really cool.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Unless your kid has a problem I would get him involved in running too. My son is 4 and he runs backwards and tells me to speed up! lol Scooters are really fun and pretty easy for the kids to learn how to ride, especially if you get one that is his size.

    Leslie Sansone are really cool DVD's to do at home. cheap, don't require much space etc.

    We have a track near my house that my kids play in the grass in the center while I run around them. And we also have a few nature trails that I stuff my kids into strollers and hand them a juicebox and I just go.

    We also really love to just kick a ball around the yard. We always end up laughing and having a great time. They also enjoy the dance games on the wii. :)

    Seriously? 4? is that good for their little legs to go that far? *LOL* Maybe I'm equating children with young puppies and hip dysplasia too realistically :)

    Too funny - we just started out seeing what we could do and he can 1 mile jogging easily or 2 miles walking. I have never been comfortable pushing it much further. I think he wants to be Dash from The Incredibles.

    Just dance and Zumba on the wii do not require the wii fit board. I would start with something like that, if you go the wii route.

    I started swimming competitively when I was 4. Let see, what else did I do when I was 4 . . . gymnastics, ballet, acrobats, tap, soccer, basement wrestlemania, owl pellet hunting, tree climbing . . . I had an older sister and 4 older cousins to keep up with, besides our parents would push us out the back door and say "go play, inside is no place for kids." I don't really know why parents don't find it fitting to make their kids active, and then we wonder why there's an obesity problem.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Wii fit. My 3 and 5 yr old do it with me, and you can still get a good workout if you push it. Their favorite exercise is the 2 player run.