How many calories are you eating?



  • LaurasaurusF
    LaurasaurusF Posts: 5 Member
    Hang in there! Sounds like your body has been through a lot if you've yo yoed a bunch of times. Try and have grace for yourself and give your body time to adjust. As I type this, I'm trying to do the same for myself! I'm curious if you've ruled out any medical stuff potentially with the lethargy? Just worth mentioning. Do you try to add more calories in on days you work out extra hard?
    I'm no nutritionist, but for me I find protein isn't always the thing to make me feel like I've eaten "enough." Are you making sure you have enough fat & carbs in your diet? It doesn't take much to get the satisfying taste of fat & a little bit of fat goes a long way to make you feel satiated. Plus, our brains need fat! I've been enjoying eating baked potato with a little (nondairy) butter with homemade veggie chili. Its delicious & hits the spot. Whatever you decide, I feel that choosing a meal plan that doesn't leave you feeling deprived will ultimately be one that you'll have the best chances to stick with. :)
  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member
    edited February 2019
    5 foot 2-ish.

    MFP has presently set me to 1820 calories plus exercise to lose 0.25kg because I've just adjusted my activity settings up to active. I found I was feeling really on edge and easily overwhelmed over the last week, so I reassessed my winter calorie needs and bumped myself up from lightly active (1550 cals + exercise calories to lose 0.25kg a week).

    OP, have you been consistently dieting for a while? It might be time to take a week off to eat at maintenance.

    Read this. Everyone should read it.
  • Anna022119
    Anna022119 Posts: 545 Member
    I'm 5'6 mid 40s and not that active during day hours but follow a progressive lifting program.
    I'm currently lean bulking at 2400 calories but shall have to start eating more as I have stopped gaining weight.
    My maintenance before the lifting program was 2000 calories.
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    6'0 165lbs
    ~3,000kcal/day avg maintenance
    ~2,500kcal/day avg weight loss
  • stricklee11
    stricklee11 Posts: 218 Member
    edited February 2019
    I'm 5'9 with a very sedentary lifestyle. To lose a pound a week, I try to eat 1,550 calories as MFP calculated. So far so good, I started 12/21/18 at 195.2 and now I am 184.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 787 Member
    The last 15lbs are killer, it's like a switch went off and everything has slowed down. ugh
  • SRJ5820
    SRJ5820 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm 6', 300, 42, male and eat 1880 kcal a day to lose 2 #'s a week. I also get about 10000 steps in a day, but do not eat that back.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    It sounded like a lot to me, but all of the TDEE calculators give me a similar number when I subtract 15%.
    My other option is to lose 1.5lbs at 1,700 calories & that just feels too low most days.
    nowine4me wrote: »
    I’m 5-7” and active and MFP ain’t never gave me 2000. Even to maintain. But roll with it and adjust accordingly

    -15% may not be a 1 Lb per week rate of loss. Does your -15% give you a 500 calorie deficit?
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    Take a diet break. Sometimes we need a mental break and if you feel like you’ve been at it for so long you need a break! I’ve been through a crazy journey with my food and currently I’m 5’4”, aged 25 and weigh 150 lbs. I need to get down to 129lbs. I was eating around 1500-1600 calories last year not knowing that I was undereating by 900-1000 calories. My hair fell out and I felt terrible! I always had a fast heartbeat. Fast forward to now, I feel much better with more calories. Guess what?! I didn’t gain any weight despite eating 1000 more calories per day. Yes initially I gained a few pounds but it all went away after a few weeks. I’m waiting for my period to finish so then I can go into a deficit again. I’m currently maintaining on 2500-2700 calories on my exercise days (5 days) and 1800 on my rest days (2 days). TDEE is approximately 2480. To lose weight I would need to consume 2080 on average. Personally I’ve yo-yo dieted for like 10 years and slow and steady wins! Don’t rush fat loss. Even if the last 15 take a year, it will eventually come off. That’s what I tell myself.
  • LauraSrock18
    LauraSrock18 Posts: 125 Member
    Yes! It took off 500 calories
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    It sounded like a lot to me, but all of the TDEE calculators give me a similar number when I subtract 15%.
    My other option is to lose 1.5lbs at 1,700 calories & that just feels too low most days.
    nowine4me wrote: »
    I’m 5-7” and active and MFP ain’t never gave me 2000. Even to maintain. But roll with it and adjust accordingly

    -15% may not be a 1 Lb per week rate of loss. Does your -15% give you a 500 calorie deficit?