

  • mrtentaclenun
    mrtentaclenun Posts: 179 Member
    Current Weight: 156
    Goal Weight: 135
    Challenge Goal: 150
    Biggest Struggle In Your Journey Right Now: My boyfriends mother is dying of pancreatic cancer and it is very hard to be there for him and still focus on me.
    Favorite Zombie Themed Book/Movie/Game/Show/Etc: Anything zombie! world war z, shawn of the dead, resident evil, the walking dead.
  • MakinMoves
    MakinMoves Posts: 364

    Today for me:

    4/25 Miles
    10/40 Airplanes

    Been seeing some great posts...and great goals for these challenges!!!

    :laugh: Team Explosives Doesn't Stand A Chance! :laugh:
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    Current Weight: 156.6
    Goal Weight: 110/115
    Challenge Goal: 138 by Halloween!
    Biggest Struggle In Your Journey Right Now: Working shift work and shifting from 12 hour days to 12 hour mids every month
    Favorite Zombie Themed Book/Movie/Game/Show/Etc: Book-Breathers Movie-Zombieland haha Game-this one! Show-Walking dead!
    I live in Germany so I am 6 hours ahead of eastern time in the states but I will try and make sure all my posts make it by your Monday!

    Today 4/25 miles 20/40 airplane poses Reached out to 17/23 teammates
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    Just got home from the gym and wanted to update my stats for the day. I had a little extra motivation at the gym because today I fit comfortably into a pair of jeans I haven't been able to wear in 2 years!!!

    airplanes 20/40
    miles 12/25
  • michz
    michz Posts: 102
    Went for a long run yesterday so today:
    1/25 miles
    20/40 airplane poses
    friended everybody on our team!

    Tomorrow I will get some mileage! Wishing I had a bike!
  • KimberlyDenice
    7.5 / 25miles....I tried to get alot done tonight since i have to work a bunch of 12hr and 14hr shifts this week. I am exhausted!!,,,BUT YAY ME!!!....:bigsmile:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Current Weight: 182.8 (at least right at this moment, but my last weigh in day I clocked in at 181). 5'6"

    Goal Weight: 1.....something. I have it set to 150 but its probably more like 140. I'd like 130 but I'm not sure that's a realistic number with the muscle I'm adding. Whatever is a comfortable size 6 designer jean.

    Challenge Goal: Ugh. I don't know. Anything. As long as I see a continued downward trend I am happy -- how long is this challenge? Depending on how long I'd say -- get into a size 10 comfortably. Currently a somewhat roomy 12 except for the belly.

    Biggest Struggle In Your Journey Right Now: Impatience I guess. I want to lose more, now, faster. But I also don't want to do a 2lb a week loss because I think its a) unsustainable and b) too restricted, I can't eat 1200 calories a day and be satisified. SOME days yes but not every day.

    Favorite Zombie Themed Book/Movie/Game/Show/Etc: PLANTS VS ZOMBIES!!!!!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Mon 8/22:

    3/25 Miles
    20/40 Airplanes
    Sent 12 friend request
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    So far for my mileage today I walked 2.5 miles to the gym, running with my friend later for her PT test (1.5 miles) and than however far I go during my spin class! Did 20 air plane poses on each leg as well! I think that's a good start! GO TEAM RANGED!
  • jenfunfur
    jenfunfur Posts: 263 Member
    update so far:
    2.3/25 miles :(
    0/40 airplanes
    sent out 8 friend requests with messages

    Everyone is doing so well i'm glad to see the new recruits have made these boards come alive
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    short morning walk adding another 1.5 miles to my total and a few more airplanes

    Miles 5.5/25
    Airplanes 12/40
    8 friend requests with messages!!!

    Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Current Weight: 220
    Goal Weight: 150 to be a healthy BMI then we'll see
    Challenge Goal: 199 i would love to be in Onderland
    Biggest Struggle In Your Journey Right Now: kids being off school losing my exercise routine and not having as well organised eating
    Favorite Zombie Themed Book/Movie/Game/Show/Etc: love walking dead too, can't wait for it to come back, love this thread too of course
  • jenfunfur
    jenfunfur Posts: 263 Member
    just walked another 3 miles :) playing catch up
  • MakinMoves
    MakinMoves Posts: 364
    Current Weight:
    Goal Weight:
    Challenge Goal:
    Biggest Struggle In Your Journey Right Now:
    Favorite Zombie Themed Book/Movie/Game/Show/Etc:
    - - -
    Challenge Goal ----> This could be weight based such as "lose 15 pounds" or non-weight related such as 'be able to run for 5 min straight"

    Biggest Struggle In Your Journey Right Now ---->You having a hard time with getting your water in? No veggies? Losing motivation? Whatever it is...let's share it so we can support each other!

    Favorite Zombie Thing ----> Just Because! hahha

    See You Soon!:heart:
    Team...I'm Still Missing The Above Post From...


    We'd Love To Hear From You...(but at the very least...I just need your Current Weight)....
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member
    Update for today:

    6/25 miles done
    20/40 airplane poses done

    Feeling motivated but very tired tonight. Time to chill for the evening and watch a movie with my son while he eats his ice cream and I stare at it wishing I could have some too! Haha. Have a great night everyone (or day for those ahead/behind my time zone)
  • I'm loving this miles challenge. I'm a student nurse working on wards at the moment so I'm walking anywhere between 6 and 12 miles a day just for work. Last night was so busy I got to the end of the night and my Pedometer told me I'd walked 11.8 miles!!

    So in total: 16.8/25 Miles
    and 15/40 airplanes
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    Yesterday was killer! I hit all my goals plus some! So here are the final numbers 25 out of 25 miles (I've done 30 this week already!) 40 out of 40 airplane poses, and again the number for members I reached is still 17 out of 23! I'm so proud of my day yesterday but I am super sore today!
  • MakinMoves
    MakinMoves Posts: 364
    Yesterday was killer! I hit all my goals plus some! So here are the final numbers 25 out of 25 miles (I've done 30 this week already!) 40 out of 40 airplane poses, and again the number for members I reached is still 17 out of 23! I'm so proud of my day yesterday but I am super sore today!

    Wow Girlie!!! Congrats on already making your 25....Everything you do now is extra and will add to your percentage....(at this rate, you'll earn 400% or more...hahaha...)

    As a team we are ROCKIN!!!!! Way To Go!!!
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 172 Member
    3.5/25 Miles Complete
    10/40 Airplanes Complete

    Yesterday (Monday) wasn't so great but I did try and make it up today (Tuesday). I know I didn't do that great but I got to the gym to late and only had an hour to workout before they closed. I am planning on going and doing 4.5 miles first thing in the morning and then another 4.5 miles late afternoon/evening. I don't want to let you guys down :heart:
  • KimberlyDenice
    Day 2....12.5 / 25 ....walking..treadmill and bike..:happy: