How do you curb emotional eating?

For my whole adult life, I've struggled with eating too much when I feel depressed. I'm going through some really hard times right now. I've managed not to gain any weight back, but I haven't lost any for a month, either. Usually when I feel like eating when I'm sad, I try to ignore it, but then it gets worse until I binge. Any suggestions?


  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Sheer will power. I wish I could say anything else... but that's the only thing that's ever worked for me.

    I'm in a bad state of affairs and a big transition in my life at the moment, so I'm flat out not tracking, not dieting, notta. Until this wave passes, it's more than my head can handle.

    But when depressed, will-power and exercise tend to be your only friends.

    AND the message boards :)
  • knj12
    knj12 Posts: 11
    There are a number of different ways I try to combat this. Sometimes, i just get up and exercise. Sometimes I reach out to friends that can encourage me and motivate me. If I am sad, I might pull out my journal and start righting. When i can identify the things that trigger emotional eating habits, I am able to recognize that this is something I can control, and I respond to it in a healthier way.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    I try to occupy my mind on other things but I admit there are times the flesh is weak and I give in. Good luck!
  • almille
    almille Posts: 89
    I admit I have only mild problems with emotional eating, but lately I've been using the anxiety that usually makes me eat to go for a walk or run. Exercise, however intense, usually boosts my mood enough to help me resist the cravings, and keeps me busy enough to not do it automatically. Today I made my fiancee come with me to the beach and walk/sit/talk.
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    Stop eating. Get to moving.
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    you can't avoid strong emotions for long, so they need an outlet. instead of eating, choose a healthy outlet i.e. exercise instead, or find another activity that allows you to get out stress (some people might write or paint or garden or do some other hobby). if you replace eating with another activity, it will eventually become what you crave when you are having extreme emotions. the point is to create a new habit, one that benefits you and your emotional state of mind.
  • colorfulcupcakes
    colorfulcupcakes Posts: 122 Member
    Basic meditation.. sit with the sad feelings and just have them. Know that they aren't *actually* unbearable feelings, nor will those feelings be around forever, watch them change and pass as you sit there doing nothing. You could try this book:
    Women, Food, and God - even if you aren't religious, it's eye opening.
  • countrygirl_717
    There are a number of different ways I try to combat this. Sometimes, i just get up and exercise. Sometimes I reach out to friends that can encourage me and motivate me. If I am sad, I might pull out my journal and start righting. When i can identify the things that trigger emotional eating habits, I am able to recognize that this is something I can control, and I respond to it in a healthier way.

    I love the journal idea!
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Big cups of water with Mio in it and chewing gum. Sometimes, if it's really bad, I'll sneak in a really low calorie food.
  • mindy1719
    mindy1719 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in the same boat right now! I really don't know what is going on with me, but something has to give! Good luck on your weight lose journey and may you be able to fight that feeling!
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I drink a big glass of water and then start cleaning. I promise myself I will have some certain treat after supper, if i still really want it. delay the gratification, and you will be surprised how often you don't want it any more.

    Also, keep an eye on how you are really feeling. if you feel out of control, get some help. support group, doctor, something. sometimes we need to know when we can't go it alone.
  • margaret52
    i realize i get more upset if i'm not moving forward in my life... i soooo understand though. this time for me what i want for myself and my health is my focus. i was and stuggle with being a self sabotager. my sister is also doing this with me and that helps. she's a lot smaller then i am but she helps me over the bumps. if you screw up one day don't beat yourself up emotionally, just try harder the next day. good luck.:happy: :smokin: :smokin: :smooched:
  • MysterriGal
    MysterriGal Posts: 52 Member
    I am the same way. Things I try to do, drink water, do something to occupy my mind, eat something uber healthy and try and think about how good it is for me, keeping my mind away from bad food. Also, I find a really good workout is like a drug. I've hit some low points lately, some sad and stressful stuff, and sometimes when I'm staring down my keys thinking about driving to get some bad food (As I try not to keep it in my house) I dance like a crazy person for an hour, go for a walk and try to get my out of shape butt to run, or do some self styled martial arts type work out and imagine kicking and punching my problems in the face! Crazy adrenaline rush completely goes to my head, and lifts my mood, eliminating the need for fried things.
    Its really hard not to give in I know, thats my biggest problem with my weight. I hope you find your solution, good luck!
  • kdchick99
    kdchick99 Posts: 104 Member
    I have struggled my whole life with this and I don't think there is a best answer. You may have to try a couple of different things to see what will work for each situation. When I start feeling that way, I either call a support buddy or start cleaning around the house. If this does not work, then this is what I do next. I usually crave sweet things (buttercream, ice cream, and cake), instead I find something sweet but not bad for me. Lemonade, sweet tea, apple, pineapple, fruit yogart, etc. these are not that bad for me, but everything in steps.

    You just have to find what works for you... Add me if you need more support! Good luck
  • sunshine121276
    You have to be able to reach out to someone. Someone that will not judge you when you are at an uncontrollable time. Someone that you trust. Let them know that it is a serious problem. I did a lot of bingeing and hiding how much I would eat. Finally, admitting to my husband that it was at these times that I felt like I had no control over the desire to eat, helped. He would be there talk to me, even just hold me through it. A lot of times mine would come when I was feeling overwhelmed with my kids and all their "STUFF". Even he was at work and unable, I would try different things to keep my mind off of eating. I would blast the music and clean and dance until my mood was lifted. If you have too much time on your hands consider volunteering for a cause you think is worthwhile. Keep friends close and use them. Think of things you can do that dont involve eating.
  • jendra11339
    What helped me get a grip on emotional eating is going to over-eaters anonymous meetings. They are free and they use the same materials as Alcohols Anonymous.
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    I keep my iphone with me and log as i eat! or sum it up in my head as i go for a little reality check. Also, when I know I'm about to binge I go for something like rice cakes with sugar free jam - then even if I have 10 it's only like 450 calories
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    We are conditioned from birth to have a very dependant realtionship with food.

    As babies, we cry and we get a bottle!

    As we grow food becomes a reward / a bargaining tool. "Eat you veg and you can have ice-cream for dessert", "If you do your chores I'll take you to MacDonalds"

    From a very early age we have a realtionship with food. It is how that relationship progresses that shapes us...

    The question should not be why people emotionally eat but why SOME people emotionally eat and others don't!

    I used to snack on rubbish if I was feeling crap, eat junk if I was too tired to cook, go out for dinner and drinks if I was rewarding myself for something... The list is endless!

    I would turn any mood into an excuse to eat / drink!! Happiness, anger - you name an emotion and I had a food I ate when I felt it! I also ate a lot through sheer boredom.

    There wasn't an overnight cure - and although I probably could have done with some therapy I never went down that path.

    I think I just looked at myself and decided that in order to find true peace and happiness I had to admit that my current habits were not working for me. Food never made me feel happier, or calmer, or less angry - food made me feel worse!

    I saw that there was no point rewarding myself with food as I was doing it so often I no longer felt "rewarded". I was simply being greedy!

    I managed to make some small and gradual behavourial changes. I decided to control my calories and make an effort to put healthier stuff into my body .

    I made a vow to myself that I will stop eating for any reason other than being hungry and wanting food. I still eat pretty much what I want but I portion control.

    If I want to carry on eating after I have had a full meal I always ask myself why? Am I bored? or am I still hungry?

    I am always honest with myself nowadays, and I think that is the difference. I recognise that I am feeling emotional hunger as opposed to physical hunger.

    There are some days I feel like a bottomless pit, there are some days that I go over my calories, there are some days I don't exercise. I do not beat myself up about this and I do not let one bad evening turn into a bad week!

    By slowly reconditioning myself I find that I don't want to over-eat much any more. I don't want to have a blow out., in fact I actively choose [and genuinely prefer] healthier options most of the time!

    I also find that I can moderate foods a lot more easily. A bag of crisps is fine (not 3 or 4 bags!)

    It is all about living and learning how to be friends with your body!
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    For me personally It's smoking. I've had a rubbish few days and I was supposed to be quitting today but ended up buying some more! I don't advise you do this!

    We all have a vice or a crutch and I guess yours is food-it could be worse (booze, cigs, drugs!)

    I do however find that exercise helps. I always feel great after a workout and a lot more positive :)
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Sheer will power. I wish I could say anything else... but that's the only thing that's ever worked for me.

    I'm in a bad state of affairs and a big transition in my life at the moment, so I'm flat out not tracking, not dieting, notta. Until this wave passes, it's more than my head can handle.

    But when depressed, will-power and exercise tend to be your only friends.

    AND the message boards :)

    This ^ especially the message boards.

    Also, journalling. Get out of the house and out of your head when you want to eat your feelings. Also, see a therapist or an over eaters group, lots of legit support and help there, and people who will have a better grasp on how to help. I should add, I suggest therapy for everything, it's my favorite.