any tips for drinking more water

Stupid question I know...get a glass fill it with water, drink.

My problem is I forget to drink. I have always been this way. I can honestly look at the clock at 5pm and say I have not had anything to drink.
I have started to drink a glass of water at dinner every night and drink one bottle of water while working out. This is a big step in the right direction!

Has anyone struggled with this?


  • sweetchick06
    sweetchick06 Posts: 30 Member
    I have a 32oz Weight Watcher mug that I fill up at night and first thing in the morning I take it out of the fridge and carry it with me throughout the house. Never leave the house without a water bottle in your bag. Also, I have a desk job so I always make sure I have my 32 oz water cup on my desk. I ever have my Outlook set up to remoind me every hour that I should be drinking water.

    Once you get into the habbit of drink water every day it becomes easier.

    Hope this helps!
  • dreiley
    dreiley Posts: 3
    I have struggled with it too. You just have to remind yourself constantly because by the time you realize you are thirsty, your body is already dehydrated. My doctor told me to drink a full glass of water before I put anything in my mouth....whether it be food, vitamins, or what have you. This way you get a bit more water than you usually do. I hope this helps...
  • ldickie
    ldickie Posts: 7
    I put a reminder on my email at work, it pops up "drink water!" every 30 minutes. Really works! Just a daily alarm with a continuous 30 minute reminder....helps me a lot. :drinker:
  • JaiJai33
    JaiJai33 Posts: 3 Member
    I HATE water with a passion! But, what I have found that helps me - get a water bottle (I prefer camel back style) and keep it with you ALWAYS. I carry it everywhere I go. I have started drinking at minimum 5 of them a day! Also, I have given up all else to drink - except the occasional Vitamin Water Zero - 2-3/wk.
  • Chastityx
    Chastityx Posts: 192 Member
    eat ice, if you have a Sonic close, they have great ice, just get some ice water
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I've got several tips: set a reminder on your phone (or if you're low tech, use a post it). Drink a big glass of it as soon as you wake up. Pretty soon you'll have to potty, which will remind you "oh yeah..water". Carry around a water bottle/jug/cup all day long. Tattoo a tiny little water molecule on your hand (jk, but it could be kinda cool). Whenever you see someone else drinking something, get some water.
  • trilikeagirl
    If I sip it will take me all day to get through my first 8 ounces of water! I simply made new rules. I have a 16 oz glass. I fill it up in the morning and drain it while standing at the sink. I only drink water with meals, and make sure I finish. I figure out where I am with water intake when I get home and drain one or two glasses standing at the sink. Again at bedtime. Sounds boring but I feel way better.
  • ItsMeMaryW
    ItsMeMaryW Posts: 119 Member
    Try using MiO Liquid. It tastes great and for me I drink more water. I love water so it not a problem to drink but I always have a bottle with me. I like it cold though so I keep bottles in the frig and just grab one in the morning I keep filling it all day long from the water cooler at work. I always us a big bottle so most of the time it counts as 3 to 4 cups.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Thank you all very much!
    The reminder is a good idea! I am very rarely in the same place during the day, I am a stay-at-home mom. Maybe set on my phone...thank you
    I have heard about the bringing the water bottle with me everywhere. The issue is my daughter drinks it before I get a chance. I am going to try this any way...maybe bring two one for her and one for myself.
    Also the idea of drinking before eating is a really good idea.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Glad I am not the only one struggling with this.
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    I used to have the same problem. Then I bought an insulated glass (plastic) with a lid and straw (Wal Mart $5) I fill this up with ice and water (approx 3 cups) and I always carry it around. I don't get out of my chair without it and I don't leave the house without it. I try to drink one glass before lunch, one before dinner and one before bed and I usually end up drinking one during workouts. That's 9-12 cups of water a day. I also stopped drinking sodas at meals.(super hard for the first week) but it works! Hope this helps!

    P.S. I have the same problem with my little ones drinking my water so they each have a 'sippy' cup with a straw and I only put ice water in it for them (just like Mama!)
  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    i have a water bottle that holds 4 glasses, one that holds 3 and a glass of water. I have them in different spots when home like one int he kitchen and 1 in the lounge. This way i am always around 1. I find I drink a lot more at night. I do late afternoon workouts and always drink a few after that.

    try having a glass with each meal. I had 1 with breakfast with a little lemon juice in it as I was out of orange juice:(
  • malvakai
    malvakai Posts: 32
    I had to find water I LIKED to drink. I like the zero calorie sparkling water you can get generically at supermarkets. I get mine at Alberstons (west coast) and Walmart. I drink one a day, sipping on it all day instead of soda. That's 4 cups out of a 32 oz bottle right there. Then I have a refilable bottle that holds 16 oz I refill with my Britta and drink that working out every day. Anything else I drink out of my 16 oz coffee cup: milk or coffee or tea. Tea is a great evening sipping drink, I had to try a bunch of different teas to find what I liked there too. Remember water is preferred but any liquid that isnt soda or juice (too much sugar in both) is good for you.
  • MelC2564
    MelC2564 Posts: 182 Member
    I find if I have a water bottle in front of me I'll usually pick it up and drink whether I'm thirsty or not, without even thinking. Just take one everywhere, and after a while you'll miss it when it's not there!
  • HisBeloved65
    I have a water bottle that holds 20 ounces. I take it everywhere with me. It has a dial on it that helps me keep track of how much I have drank. My goal is 6 of those during my workday and then at least 1 more after I get home. But I have also never really struggled to drink water but it is a nifty water bottle :-)
  • HisBeloved65
    I have a water bottle that holds 20 ounces. I take it everywhere with me. It has a dial on it that helps me keep track of how much I have drank. My goal is 6 of those during my workday and then at least 1 more after I get home. But I have also never really struggled to drink water but it is a nifty water bottle :-)
  • yjsanchez
    yjsanchez Posts: 2 Member
    I always take a jug of water to work. If I am not at work I always try to have water in my purse. My co worker has cases of water underneath her desk. If you hate water then flavor it. I like to put pure cranberry juice with no sweetner in my water. It is good for your kidneys.
  • myfriendamy
    myfriendamy Posts: 131 Member
    I like the calorie free flavored sparkling waters as well (I get mine at Vons or CVS, 10 for $10). but I can't have any till I drink my 24oz water jug :)

    I also get the propel things to add to water, if I don't feel like drinking. but I think what works the best is just always having ice water handy. :) and yep - I got one for my son too, so we each have a water glass available all the time!
  • krm0789
    krm0789 Posts: 134 Member
    On my previous weight loss journey, I used Crystal Light packets to help me enjoy water. After a few months I didn't need them anymore. Then I re-discovered soda & so now I'm using the packets again.

    I try to drink 16 oz before and after my lunch break. I use a Crystal Light packet in the morning, then plain water in the afternoon.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    I have done much better today!! Only 7 glasses but a big improvement from the 2 maybe 3 I was drinking