Amount of calories.

I'm struggling to get my calories up , I have been told by doctors I have to be very low carb . I am eating 3 meals a day and fruit as a snack but I'm still way under were I should be . I have oats for breakfast , zero fat yogurt and berries for dinner and a veg stir fry for tea with either chicken . It fills me up I don't starve . Any ideas for more calories without fat and sugery foods.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    slipslimo wrote: »
    I'm struggling to get my calories up , I have been told by doctors I have to be very low carb . I am eating 3 meals a day and fruit as a snack but I'm still way under were I should be . I have oats for breakfast , zero fat yogurt and berries for dinner and a veg stir fry for tea with either chicken . It fills me up I don't starve . Any ideas for more calories without fat and sugery foods.

    that sounds rather high in carbs?

    if you're eating a low carb diet, it should also be high in fat.
  • slipslimo
    slipslimo Posts: 18 Member
    It's around 150g of carbs per day. I find it impossible to go lower. I don't eat bread or dough pasta rice potatoes etc.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Why low fat? That in conjunction with your doctor-recommended low carb leaves you with one option - lean protein. Non-starchy vegetables are great for bulking up meals but don't add much in the way of calories. Personally, I'd add more fat and increase the protein in the meals you've outlined. Eggs with breakfast, a better rounded dinner (fat free yogurt and berries as a midday meal seems very light), etc.

    Also, be sure you are weighing and logging everything correctly and accounting for all additions. Incorrect logging can make you think you're eating less than you really are.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    slipslimo wrote: »
    I'm struggling to get my calories up , I have been told by doctors I have to be very low carb . I am eating 3 meals a day and fruit as a snack but I'm still way under were I should be . I have oats for breakfast , zero fat yogurt and berries for dinner and a veg stir fry for tea with either chicken . It fills me up I don't starve . Any ideas for more calories without fat and sugery foods.

    that sounds rather high in carbs?

    if you're eating a low carb diet, it should also be high in fat.

    ^this. How many grams of carbs per day did your doctor advise you to eat?

    Add snacks like nuts and string cheese? Hummus with some lower carb veg to dip in it? Hard boiled eggs? Any kind of eggs?

    Why are you using zero fat yogurt? Why are you only eating yogurt and berries for dinner?
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Was there a specific reason? I ask because most medical practitioners are not formally trained in nutrition and only advise what may have worked for them, worked for someone else or what news article they have read recently. It doesn't mean its sound advice.
  • slipslimo
    slipslimo Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks , I weigh and log everything and yes yogurt and berries does seem light , I just can't afford to put weight on . Before for the yogurt it was 4 cheese burgers and 4 pints of guiness . And I really do enjoy what I'm eating and the weight I have lost threw changing food and the exercise I do I'm happy but on paper the calorie numbers are poor .
  • slipslimo
    slipslimo Posts: 18 Member
    slipslimo wrote: »
    It's around 150g of carbs per day. I find it impossible to go lower. I don't eat bread or dough pasta rice potatoes etc.

    impossible? really?

    swap the porridge for eggs, swap the low fat yoghurt for full fat, swap the chicken for beef or lamb and add some pesto or olive oil.

    that would probably half your carbs.

    Ok cool , ill swap the porridge for eggs , I can't eat red meat anymore so I'll stick to chicken but will full fat yogurt not increase my weight .
  • StephSuter2508
    StephSuter2508 Posts: 31 Member
    I dont understand the benefits of a low carb, low fat diet? If you are eating mostly veg with some chicken, and fruit with fat free yoghurt as two of your main meals what is your body burning for energy? I am not an expert but I would be worried about losing muscle following a diet as restricted as this.

    I dont cut out any food group in my meal plan but I do within individual meals, for example if I am having a high carb meal such as pasta then I will pair it with a low fat protein such as lean bollognaise, but if I am having a low carb meal such as a salad then I will pair it with healthy fats like fish or avocardo etc. to ensure my body has fuel for exercise and it balances out throughout the day

    I would review with a dietitian before cutting out a food group, most GPs are not qualified to give diet advise only general health advise such as to reduce body fat / blood pressure etc
  • slipslimo
    slipslimo Posts: 18 Member
    cathipa wrote: »
    Was there a specific reason? I ask because most medical practitioners are not formally trained in nutrition and only advise what may have worked for them, worked for someone else or what news article they have read recently. It doesn't mean its sound advice.

    I was told that Xmas 2018 would likely be my last if I didn't change , so the doc had a nutritionist call me and said very low carbs , no red meat , no alcohol ever as my liver can't deal with it anymore . By the im not an alcholic my liver is just wrecked never been a drinker really. .
  • slipslimo
    slipslimo Posts: 18 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    slipslimo wrote: »
    I'm struggling to get my calories up , I have been told by doctors I have to be very low carb . I am eating 3 meals a day and fruit as a snack but I'm still way under were I should be . I have oats for breakfast , zero fat yogurt and berries for dinner and a veg stir fry for tea with either chicken . It fills me up I don't starve . Any ideas for more calories without fat and sugery foods.

    that sounds rather high in carbs?

    if you're eating a low carb diet, it should also be high in fat.

    ^this. How many grams of carbs per day did your doctor advise you to eat?

    Add snacks like nuts and string cheese? Hummus with some lower carb veg to dip in it? Hard boiled eggs? Any kind of eggs?

    Why are you using zero fat yogurt? Why are you only eating yogurt and berries for dinner?

    She just said I need to be low carb . It's quite complicated as I have been unwell with a cancer cells here and there . But your advice is appreciated there s 2 changes I'll make immediately.
  • slipslimo
    slipslimo Posts: 18 Member
    I dont understand the benefits of a low carb, low fat diet? If you are eating mostly veg with some chicken, and fruit with fat free yoghurt as two of your main meals what is your body burning for energy? I am not an expert but I would be worried about losing muscle following a diet as restricted as this.

    I dont cut out any food group in my meal plan but I do within individual meals, for example if I am having a high carb meal such as pasta then I will pair it with a low fat protein such as lean bollognaise, but if I am having a low carb meal such as a salad then I will pair it with healthy fats like fish or avocardo etc. to ensure my body has fuel for exercise and it balances out throughout the day

    I would review with a dietitian before cutting out a food group, most GPs are not qualified to give diet advise only general health advise such as to reduce body fat / blood pressure etc

    Thanks I'll look a bit more into the diet plan .
  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    slipslimo wrote: »
    slipslimo wrote: »
    It's around 150g of carbs per day. I find it impossible to go lower. I don't eat bread or dough pasta rice potatoes etc.

    impossible? really?

    swap the porridge for eggs, swap the low fat yoghurt for full fat, swap the chicken for beef or lamb and add some pesto or olive oil.

    that would probably half your carbs.

    Ok cool , ill swap the porridge for eggs , I can't eat red meat anymore so I'll stick to chicken but will full fat yogurt not increase my weight .

    The only thing that will result in weight gain is consuming more calories than you burn. Having full fat yogurt, accurately logging the calories, and staying within your calorie deficit is a perfectly reasonable way to replace a few carbs with fat in your diet, and won’t result in weight gain.

    You usually adjust the kinds of food you eat so that you can feel fuller (some people find that protein and fats fill them up more than the same calories from carbs), but pretty much any food can be part of your weight loss regimen as long as you eat it in moderation, log it accurately, and stay within your calorie deficit. I have chocolate and full-fat peanut butter for dessert every day, I had pizza and cake this weekend for a birthday party, and I have salty snacks on a regular basis, but I just keep the portions small and I’ve lost 80 lbs since last May.

  • slipslimo
    slipslimo Posts: 18 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    slipslimo wrote: »
    Thanks , I weigh and log everything and yes yogurt and berries does seem light , I just can't afford to put weight on . Before for the yogurt it was 4 cheese burgers and 4 pints of guiness . And I really do enjoy what I'm eating and the weight I have lost threw changing food and the exercise I do I'm happy but on paper the calorie numbers are poor .

    There’s a vast difference between the calories in 4 cheeseburgers and 4 pints of Guinness, probably easily 2000 cals Alone, and some low fat yogurt and berries, probably 200 cals.

    It’s good you’ve taken the doctors advice to heart and also that you saw a nutritionist (although a registered dietician would be better) but making such extreme changes that it’s not sustainable, or worse, that you aren’t taking in enough calories to support your lifestyle and basic energy needs, isn’t healthy either.

    That's my concern as regards to calorie intake and my exersize
  • slipslimo
    slipslimo Posts: 18 Member
    slipslimo wrote: »
    slipslimo wrote: »
    It's around 150g of carbs per day. I find it impossible to go lower. I don't eat bread or dough pasta rice potatoes etc.

    impossible? really?

    swap the porridge for eggs, swap the low fat yoghurt for full fat, swap the chicken for beef or lamb and add some pesto or olive oil.

    that would probably half your carbs.

    Ok cool , ill swap the porridge for eggs , I can't eat red meat anymore so I'll stick to chicken but will full fat yogurt not increase my weight .

    The only thing that will result in weight gain is consuming more calories than you burn. Having full fat yogurt, accurately logging the calories, and staying within your calorie deficit is a perfectly reasonable way to replace a few carbs with fat in your diet, and won’t result in weight gain.

    You usually adjust the kinds of food you eat so that you can feel fuller (some people find that protein and fats fill them up more than the same calories from carbs), but pretty much any food can be part of your weight loss regimen as long as you eat it in moderation, log it accurately, and stay within your calorie deficit. I have chocolate and full-fat peanut butter for dessert every day, I had pizza and cake this weekend for a birthday party, and I have salty snacks on a regular basis, but I just keep the portions small and I’ve lost 80 lbs since last May.

    Wow that's great on your weight loss and thanks for the advice.
  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    edited February 2019
    It sounds like your doctor told you to eat low carb, and you are telling yourself to eat low fat. It’s VERY HARD to drastically cut two out of your three macronutrient groups without forcing yourself to subsist on grilled chicken and shrimp. Definitely not sustainable. Usually people pick one, either low carb or low fat. (Personally I think low-carb is a little better, because reduced-fat foods often have tons of sugars and other additives to mask the taste difference).
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    slipslimo wrote: »
    slipslimo wrote: »
    It's around 150g of carbs per day. I find it impossible to go lower. I don't eat bread or dough pasta rice potatoes etc.

    impossible? really?

    swap the porridge for eggs, swap the low fat yoghurt for full fat, swap the chicken for beef or lamb and add some pesto or olive oil.

    that would probably half your carbs.

    Ok cool , ill swap the porridge for eggs , I can't eat red meat anymore so I'll stick to chicken but will full fat yogurt not increase my weight .

    what is your calorie goal? the number of calories that you consume will dictate whether you lose maintain or gain weight, not the macros of them.
  • slipslimo
    slipslimo Posts: 18 Member
    slipslimo wrote: »
    slipslimo wrote: »
    It's around 150g of carbs per day. I find it impossible to go lower. I don't eat bread or dough pasta rice potatoes etc.

    impossible? really?

    swap the porridge for eggs, swap the low fat yoghurt for full fat, swap the chicken for beef or lamb and add some pesto or olive oil.

    that would probably half your carbs.

    Ok cool , ill swap the porridge for eggs , I can't eat red meat anymore so I'll stick to chicken but will full fat yogurt not increase my weight .

    what is your calorie goal? the number of calories that you consume will dictate whether you lose maintain or gain weight, not the macros of them.

  • StephSuter2508
    StephSuter2508 Posts: 31 Member
    slipslimo wrote: »

    If you need to increase your calories, how do you feel about having a salad for lunch instead of fruit and yoghurt? You can add in avocado, fish or nuts to add some fat and calories into a basic salad, depending on how far under your goal you are maybe have a salad as an extra meal each day?

    My salad today was 328 calories (cucumber, celery, tomato, peppers, spring onion, carrot, avocado, prawns and balsamic vinegar)

    I also love hummus and carrots as a snack, home made so I know exactly what is in my hummus. One portion of hummus with 80g of raw carrot comes to 185 calories for my afternoon snack