Slim for Life Program?



  • ginmurphy
    ginmurphy Posts: 1 Member
    I signed up for Slim 4 Life 5 weeks ago. I have paid 1200.00 in US Dollars thus far to lose 11 1/5 pounds. The Supplements are VERY PRICEY... I work in the medical field and did a " little" research "before" starting the program. Once I signed up for the year membership 600 dollars later and bought the snacks and protein drinks and 3 months supply of the water pills which aren't needed which the manager convinced me that I needed and I bought 3 months supply of EFA's which they say are needed and then I ask about how much the LIPOCELL is per bottle? The Lipocell is the MOST important Supplement of them all which by the way you will need to be off of 6 weeks before having any surgery do to the high risk factor of a heart attack. The Lipocell is 150 a bottle and they will try to convince you to take 6 capsules per day to lose the weight faster. I am here to tell you that I was taking 6 of the Lipocell per day and I could not sleep at night they were making me VERY edgy. I started feeling like my sugar levels were off "NOT A DIABETIC" but I could tell that something is off in my system. So I stopped ALL supplements cold turkey 2 days ago..I have not felt good at all haven't been able to stay out the bathroom and am VERY lethargic. I have heard that people who have done this program ALWAYS GAINS the weight back when they stop taking the supplements. You eat maybe 600 calories a day then you take a lot of supplements to keep your body from going into starvation mode and start storing calories as fat.. The sad thing is.. You lose muscle mass. They don't encourage exercise which I thought was very odd.

    If you are considering slim 4 life I would check with your physician first.. Now I wished I had of. I am out the 1200 dollars and don't plan on going back. I will go to Weight Watchers in hopes that I will be able to keep the 11 pounds off that I have lost so far. I work with a lady who paid 2500.00 and lost a lot of weight she said quite fast but.. As soon as she STOPPED the supplements she gained back ALL her weight back. She said the program is GREAT "IF" you want to take supplements for the rest of your life..

    I also told the lady whom signed me up that I have High Blood Pressure. I asked if the Lipocell was safe for me to be taking? It is a amphetamine and she said oh yes.. I took the product to a local GNC and asked the man who we deal with all the time who KNOWS supplements and asked him if they had anything that is similar to the Lipocell that is cheaper and he said no the MAIN ingredient that makes the product work is called the geranium oil and GNC had to PULL all the products that had geranium oil in it off their shelves. So I did my own research on Geranium Oil on Google and found that they are trying to ban the Geranium Oil from the United States all together.. Look it up yourself.. I don't quite understand the dangers of the product except the fact that it speeds up your heart rate with out giving you the getters like caffeine does. It will keep you up at night if you take too much..

    I also wanted to add that Slim 4 Life knows that I have High Blood Pressure so one would think that they would check my blood pressure at least 3 times a week since I "was" weighing in EVERYDAY.. But in the 5 weeks that I went every day they checked it once.

    I would just do your own research Via the internet and by going to a health care professional for advise BEFORE starting the program since you will be taking LOTS of supplements EVERY DAY for months to get your weight off. It is a quick fix but is it a healthy way to get weight off? That is all up to the individual who is paying the hundreds or thousands in my friends case to get the weight off and by the way if you buy a supplement that you can't take they will NOT take the product back even if you haven't opened it meaning you were talked into buying the 3 month supply of any certain product.. Once you take it out their door its yours.. Regardless. So if you are prone to having problems taking stuff you might think twice before buying 3 months supply of any of the supplements before you try taking them first.. Just a suggestion. Slim 4 life might work for you but its not for me.. I believe I can train myself to eat right with out depending on SO many supplements daily.. Weight Watchers is by far a cheaper program and they do teach you how to eat right and to exercise. I checked into that program also but seen the Slim 4 Life commercials that said you will lose 30 pounds in 30 days. That seemed so appealing to me.. We all want that quick fix but we will pay for the quick fixes one way or another.. Either out of our pocket book or our health.

    The only advise I have is RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

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    e.g. "message me for more info", “I can get you free samples”, etc.

    MFP Moderator
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    I would never pay anyone $600 to tell me how to lose weight. If you need structure or help, try a book. There are plenty of authors out there who have published full diet plans, and though they tend to rely on a gimmick or two, they are basically tutorials on ways to maintain a calorie deficit while eating (pretty much) good food.
  • carsha5
    carsha5 Posts: 1 Member
    Meal plan for this program is on Pinterest.
  • jdefferari
    jdefferari Posts: 2 Member
    I did slim for life
    I stopped because it got too expensive
    I did loose weight
    The food listed above is their correct diet however no one has talked about the pills & extras they want you take
    You take about 15 pills a day that are not included in your fees
    You get a few when you sign in but then you have to buy them & their not cheap
    If your not loosing weight they tell you to take more pills! Taking these gets really old fast!!
    They also try to sell you all their products
    Every time you go in
    Is a huge money grabber
    I have found their pills on other websites for half the price-exact same ingredients & their food you can get from bariatric supplies
    It’s not worth the money unless you just need the weigh in process to make you stick to it
    I found their counselors pretty worthless
    All they ever did was weigh me & tell me to stick to the diet & buy more stuff
    Hope this helps!
  • Teddys1mom
    Teddys1mom Posts: 2 Member

    I just joined slim 4 life...........
    The said it would take 6 months to take off the weight I need to loose. Then 2 years of maintenance to teach me how to eat. (I eat 2x/day now - what the heck are they going to teach me??).

    They SAID in the sales pitch and nutrition class that the diet worked with a lactose free requirement.

    EVERY FOOD supplement they want me to take CONTAINS LACTOSE. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Caisen whey protein powder........... The peanutbutter tastes like paste.

    When I ask the 'nutrition' counselors - what I should do "instead" - I am NOT given a straight answer.
    I've been doing this for 2 weeks and am SO frustrated.

    Lost 10lbs during the "cleanse phase" - just eating meat and lettuce........
    but since then 3 have come back.

    2 proteins, 2 starches, 1 fruit, and 1 fat............. is what is allowed.
    How many grams of protein is that? DOES ANYONE KNOW?
    How many grams of starch?
    How many carbs in the fruit.

    There is a list of allowed foods now (2019) and their supplements........
    This is a VERY high level marketing scheme........ but evidently some people do loose weight.

    The nutrition COUNSELING? - Is complete BS.
    It's - "eat 2 proteins, 2 starches - which the only thing allowed is a 40 cal diet bread or 2 pieces of melba toast... and 2 fruits..........

    The A - supplements have 15g protein.
    The B supplements - are a lot of carbs............. 12-20 net carbs.. and about 10g protein.

    I will keep trying to figure it out.
    But it's not a good review after 2 weeks....... for anyone with 1/2 a brain or who has extensively researched nutrition the counselors are camp counselors for children at disneyland. It's THAT bad. They frustrate me - much more than they offer actual assistance.

    If you can't afford it - I bet you can find a powdered protein supplement to add to your sugar free drinks, cut the sodas, and follow the "food plan" - whatever that is.
  • Teddys1mom
    Teddys1mom Posts: 2 Member
    oh and 4 servings of veggies - how could I forget the veggies...........

    Oh yeah - if I eat their lactose products it irritates my stomach and bowel and I can't eat any veggies..............
    Fun times.
  • mariececilia10
    mariececilia10 Posts: 77 Member
    berly63 wrote: »

    I did the S4L plan over 5 yrs ago and lost 25 lbs in a month... wow... I used their plan and items.. My book was absconded w/by a past roommate... so, what I found was the following and from what I remember it is VERY close.

    Hope you enjoy... I am trying again to loose 30 - nothing excessive and nothing to fast - want to keep it off longer this time.

    Below is a list of the categories of food you must eat each day. which foods fall into these categories, and how much of that food constitutes a serving.

    •Proteins: 2 Servings/day
    Beefs (only twice a week/never 2 days in a row)
    ** 4 oz is about the size of a deck of cards

    - Arm Roast... 4oz
    - Chuck Roast... 4oz
    - Rump Roast... 4oz
    - Ground Sirloin... 4oz
    - Club Steak... 4oz
    - Flank Steak... 4oz
    - Round Steak... 4oz
    - Sirloin Steak... 4oz
    - T-Bone Steak... 4oz
    - Lamb Loin... 4oz
    - Ground Turkey... 4oz

    - Cutlet... 5oz
    - Rump... 5oz
    - Chop... 5oz


    - Chicken Breast... 6oz
    - Turkey Breast... 5oz
    - Ground Turkey Breast... 5oz


    - Beef Liver... 4oz
    - Calf Liver... 4oz
    - Chicken Liver... 3oz


    - Striped Bass... 5oz
    - Cod... 6oz
    - Flounder... 6oz
    - Haddock... 6oz
    - Halibut (steamed)... 5oz
    - Lake Perch... 5oz
    - Fresh Tuna... 5oz
    - Mahi-mahi... 5oz
    - Lobster... 5oz
    - Shrimp (fresh)... 5oz
    - Sole... 5oz
    - Whitefish... 5oz
    - Orange Roughy... 6oz
    - Scrod... 6oz
    - Red Snapper... 5oz
    - Grouper... 5oz
    - Yellow Tail... 5oz
    - Bluefish... 6oz
    - 2 x wk *Swordfish... 5oz
    - 2 x wk *Crab (steamed)... 5oz
    - 2 x wk *Salmon Steak... 4oz
    - 2 x wk *Scallops... 4oz
    - 1 x wk *Tuna (water packed)... 4oz

    Dairy and Eggs

    - 3 x wk Cottage Cheese 1 % Fat... 5oz
    - 1 Lg Egg & Cottage Cheese... 4oz
    - Eggs... 2 Lg.


    Fresh Water... 10 8oz/day (required)
    Tea of Coffee... 2 cups daily
    Diet Pop (no colas)... 2 12oz cans
    Crystal Light... 2 glasses
    Herb Tea... no limit
    Parsley Tea... as needed
    Decaffeinated Coffee... no limit

    •Vegetables: 4 servings/day (1 cup raw - 1/2 cup cooked)

    Asparagus... 1 cup
    Bean Sprouts... 1 cup
    Broccoli... 1 cup
    Cabbage... 1 cup
    Cauliflower... 1 cup
    Celery... 1 cup
    Chard... 1 cup
    Cucumbers... 1/2 med
    Egg Plant... 1 cup
    Green Onions... 5 small
    Lettuce or Endive... 1 cup
    Mushrooms... 1 cup
    Mustard Greens... 1 cup
    Okra... 1 cup
    Peppers (green, red)... 1/2 med
    Radishes... 10 med
    Rhubarb... 1 stalk
    Spinach or Kale... 1 cup
    Squash (summer)... 1 cup
    String Beans (was, green or yellow)... 1 cup
    Tomatoes... 1 small
    Turnip Sprouts/Greens... 1 cup
    Zucchini... 1 cup

    •Fruits: 2 servings/day (do not eat after 6 pm/fresh or frozen fruit, not canned)

    Grapes (green)... 10 reg
    Apple... 1 small
    Apricot... 3 med
    Blueberries... 1/4 cup
    Cantaloupe... 1/8 lg
    Cherries... 9 med
    Grapefruit... 1/2 small
    Lemon... 1 small
    Orange... 1 small
    Peach... 1 small
    Pineapple... 3/4 cup
    Prunes... 2 med
    Raspberries... 1/4 cup
    Strawberries... 12 small
    Tangerine... 1 small
    Watermelon... 1 cup diced

    •Starches: 2 servings/day

    Diet Bread (40-45 calories)... 1 slice
    Melba Toast (unseasoned)... 2 slices
    Bread Stick (Diet Stella D 'Oro)... 1 lg stick
    Akmak Cracker... 1/2 sheet
    Rice Cake (unsalted)... 1 cake per day
    Millers Bran... 2 tbsp
    Kavli Crispy Bread, thin... 1 wafer
    Corn Tortillas (6" dia.)... 1/2 tortilla
    Ryvta Cracker... 1/2 of 1 pack (3 x per week combined)
    Baked Potato... 1/2 small (3 x per week combined)
    Brown Rice... 1/4 cup cooked (3 x per week combined)

    •Fats: 1 serving per day (apply after cooking)

    Diet Margarine... 1 tsp
    Promise Lite... 1 tsp
    Promise Ultra... 1 tsp
    Fleishman's Lite or diet mayonnaise... 1 tsp
    Portions listed a raw weights unless stated.

    You must also have 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of Morton's Lite Salt per day. You may also use 1 tbsp of mustard as a condiment per day.

    You may prepare all foods by steaming, boiling, roasting, broiling, baking, pan frying, microwaving, or grilling. Do not use fat, lard, etc. Pam original, no butter, is allowed.

    Limit artificial sweeteners (Equal, Sweet N' Low, Splenda) to 2 to 3 packs per day.

    Allowed seasonings: Morton's Light Salt (1/4 to 1/2 tsp), pepper, garlic, fresh herbs and spices, apple cider vinegar and tarragon vinegar, Mrs. Dash, juice of one lemon per day. No regular salt or condiments.

    Salad Dressings: 2 tbsp daily of Fat Free salad dressing.

    All the best my friends in your quest to lose and be healthy,

    And on Wednesdays we wear pink...