Anyone else get irritated when they see people lose weight super fast.

So I’ve lost around 23 pounds sense June. I’m very proud of myself, I still have to lose about 40 pounds to lose.
But I’m not going to lie it’s been extremely hard when I see other girls losing 40-50 pounds in 5 months. It seems everywhere I look woman are losing tons of weight super quickly.
I know that I’ve done this in a very healthy way I dunno I just get discouraged when I see how slow my journey is going.


  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    The OP who says we can't compare others weight to ours- hit the nail on the head- I used to get soooo discouraged becuase I am a "turtle" as we say on ww-while others just zip past me- but as soon as i STOP looking at others I found that i culd be proud of my own success- i am now learning to celebrate "any" loss or even maintain- like during christmas holidays- I maintained and that was GREAT for ME-
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    So I’ve lost around 23 pounds sense June. I’m very proud of myself, I still have to lose about 40 pounds to lose.
    But I’m not going to lie it’s been extremely hard when I see other girls losing 40-50 pounds in 5 months. It seems everywhere I look woman are losing tons of weight super quickly.
    I know that I’ve done this in a very healthy way I dunno I just get discouraged when I see how slow my journey is going.

    Yes, it's frustrating. I find the loss comparison with men to be more frustrating - I am staying within my calories, weighing everything, and getting in lots of workouts and lose one pound, and my husband has one fewer slice of pizza than usual and drops 5 lbs. You kinda have to laugh about it, but at the same time there is that little nagging voice in your head.

    I think it's normal to get discouraged from time to time - have you taken a diet break during this time at all? Sometimes just designating a few days where you don't count calories, and just kind of relax with the entire process, can be what you need to mentally reset.

    We have those "seriously?" (as my tween would call it) moments with weight loss - I also get them with running. I'll struggle for months to shave 30 seconds of my mile time and someone else will pop in and say "first run in 6 months, 8:30 mile, such a turtle over here, gotta get my running mojo back!" :s
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    wmweeza wrote: »
    Am I frustrated that I'm losing slowly? Absolutely. However I am still a success, and I'm doing things the healthy way. Maybe I treasure my loss more BECAUSE I have worked so hard at it?
    Your post reminds me of this quote:qkm7ntp1pwfl.jpg

    This is one of my favorites and the first thing that popped into my head when I read the OP
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,000 Member
    I'll admit that there are times it really does bug me. Yes, I know that ultimately my loss is much healthier, and I know I can sustain it, but it is VERY slow. I know I don't have a ton to lose, I'm in a "healthy" range, but I would prefer to be a bit closer to my goal before slowing down as much as I have.

    Reality is that I still also need to stay active, I can't afford to lose muscle, I need to gain strength, and while I have fat to lose, doing both in any appreciable amount is basically impossible. So, I've accepted a slow loss (I'm averaging less than a pound a month over the last year) but my fitness has increased significantly, I've learned the eating habits I need to sustain it, and overall I know it's a solid long term solution.

    There are still days when people's much faster "transformations" bug me though!!
  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    I here people who lose it super fast and I honestly doubt they will stick with it. I had a lady in my class who stopped drinking wine for a week and lost 7 pounds. Who knows if she kept it off or went back to drinking.
    I lost 128lb in 8 months. Everyone noticed and said something. I hated the comments and gained half of it back.

    This time Im aiming for a pound a week weight loss and feel so much better about it!!! The entire process is better. I feel healthier. I am finally learning how to make lifestyle choices. I am not sharing my weight loss. A few people have noticed. Im down 31 with 33 more to go.

    23 is awesome!!! You should be so proud of yourself!!!!! You are doing this the smart way!!!
  • jwells62
    jwells62 Posts: 6 Member
    edited February 2019
    So I’ve lost around 23 pounds sense June. I’m very proud of myself, I still have to lose about 40 pounds to lose.
    But I’m not going to lie it’s been extremely hard when I see other girls losing 40-50 pounds in 5 months. It seems everywhere I look woman are losing tons of weight super quickly.
    I know that I’ve done this in a very healthy way I dunno I just get discouraged when I see how slow my journey is going.

    It's a matter of setting goals. What is your monthly goal? If it's 8lb/month, you need weekly 2lb of loss. Daily -1000kcal.

    Other people hitting their goals has nothing to do with yours.
    "healthy" or not, if your goal is to lose 1/2-3/4lb a week, sure, you're doing great. If you're not happy with that, you have to create a larger deficit. -500/day would have you at -34lb right now. -1000/day would have you at
    -68lb right now.

    This is like golf. You're only competing against yourself. You have the ability to go as fast or slow as you want. Unless you want to *do* what others are doing, don't compare your journey to theirs.
  • vanityy99
    vanityy99 Posts: 2,583 Member
    So I’ve lost around 23 pounds sense June. I’m very proud of myself, I still have to lose about 40 pounds to lose.
    But I’m not going to lie it’s been extremely hard when I see other girls losing 40-50 pounds in 5 months. It seems everywhere I look woman are losing tons of weight super quickly.
    I know that I’ve done this in a very healthy way I dunno I just get discouraged when I see how slow my journey is going.

    Maybe they had more weight to lose? weight is easier to lose when you’re bigger. I wouldn’t compare my weight loss to a person whose starting weight was way higher than mine.

    Either way just be happy for others and try not to care 😊