Hey everyone! Don't know how to really start, so here's my story...

My name is Roscoe, I'm 23 years old at the moment. My story starts off at a young age. I use to be very outgoing, happy, and positive just as a child should be till something horrible happened to me at the age of seven. It basically changed my life from that point. Isolation began to become my only friend, and of course food was the only thing I had to comfort me.

Now this trauma didn't just bring negativity to me, it has its positivity as well. Like I promised myself to help those around me as much as I can because I don't want anyone to feel helpless as I have. To me, making people laugh is like medicine to me which helped me throughout the years.

Unfortunately, that came to an end as my anxiety went high, depression went high, suicidal thoughts went high. I began to cry at nights as memories came to show itself since the beginning of 2018. I've been through a lot, from molestation, heart break, and betrayal. These brought a strong force of hopelessness. Hopelessness is among the worst feelings to have because it makes everything just feel so dark. Positivity is nothing, and negativity is the only thing that can be focused which feeds into hopelessness. It's probably as close to hell as one can get in reality.

To end my story short, I've started seeing a psychiatrist and therapist since August 2018. My weight had increased from 194 to 255 due to these feelings. I'm basically forcing myself to become desperate for help. I just joined daily burn yesterday, mfp today, and hoping to find social support groups that I can join along the way. As of now, I'm going to try to find that ounce of hope left or that small flame in me to not give up on my physical and emotional problems.

Feel free to add me if you want. It would also help if some people are going through or went through similar things as I have and give advice if possible.


  • GummiMundi
    GummiMundi Posts: 396 Member
    I'm glad you've searched professional help. It takes a lot of courage and inner strength to do so. I wish you all the best, not only on your weight loss, but also on your emotional problems. Don't give up, better days will come!
  • Klahnemann
    Klahnemann Posts: 8 Member
    You are one heck of a brave soul! The courage you’ve displayed by reaching out and asking for help is remarkable. I believe you will reach your goals if you continue to ask for the help you need-in all aspects of your life. Feel free to add me to your list of supporters. Take care!
  • carmkrose
    carmkrose Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with the above comments. Keep up the good work! I saw a therapist for some of the things you mentioned and she really helped me. I remembering it being the turn around in my thinking. You can do this!! You are young and have your whole future ahead of you! Such a good time to get counseling and live the best life you can! You deserve it.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,627 Member
    Hey Roscoe, trying to add you as a friend but it isn't letting me. Feel free to send a friend request my way!
  • Time2Focus
    Time2Focus Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there new pal... It sounds like you are on a path of healing. I am a mother of 4... my youngest is 18. I have also had the same experiences. You sound determined to make your life manageable which is necessary. I love that you are facing things at 23. I don’t think I started until much older. Best of luck to you. Lots of support here. Reach out anytime.