Almost 39 12 months postpartum

I’m wondering if there are any ladies who have experience with postpartum at 38-39? I lost weight successfully after my other two children and still am finding I can’t budge the last 10 lbs. I am following a 6 day workout week with resistance and cardio and eat gluten free. Thanks in advance for any tips


  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    I had my first and only at 44. I was 98 lbs pre pregnancy. (I’m very petite). I have not gotten down that low since. I did lose weight and hovered at 110 for awhile, and then had mommy munchies and put some back on.

    I am determined to get down again to 100-103 area, unless I start looking gaunt. So we’ll see.

    Anyways, friend me if you want. I do think it’s possible. Maybe just a little work and determination. 🤷‍♀️