Not your usual introductory post



  • Thank you all for your very kind welcome, and words of encouragement. It took me a long time to decide to write my original post, mostly because ... well, I just don't currently have it in me to be all upbeat and excited. LOL Isn't that terrible? I SHOULD be upbeat and excited, but instead I'm filled with trepidation and a bit of fear. I can't say I'm sure things will be different this time, because I've said that the other 1,000 times ... and it always ends the same. I won't lie - I'm scared I will fail this time too.

    But I'm determined to make one positive step a day. Today's step was joining and posting. Anything past this is just ... well, I hate to say gravy, because that can't be good for me, can it? ;-)

    How do I add friends? I need all I can get!

    Thanks again, everyone!
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    You can do it! This time look at it like a previous poster said, a permanent lifestyle change and not a diet! That is the difference. Learn to cook decent meals, find an exercise that you enjoy doing and will continue to do even after the weight is gone and you will succeed. Also, check out the success stories section of this board. You will not believe the motivation you will find there looking at the amazing job so many people have done. Good luck!
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    Hi, welcome. I hope that this time will be THE time for you!
    Just remember to log everything . good and bad- it'll keep you on track :smile:
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    Welcome! I have a question though: Are you in my head?????????????? :noway:

    All of what you said is what I say everyday!! Good luck to you! My highest weight was 268. I've bounced around from 230 to 242 for the past couple of months, but its a process! (It didn't take a couple weeks to put it on, and it's gonna take as long to get rid of it!)
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    How do I add friends? I need all I can get!

    Click on someone's name (above their picture) and open their profile. Near the top is a button that says "Add As Friend". :happy:

  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Welcome and it does get easier as you establish your new routine. You can do it, and in a healthy, balanced way.
    Since you are new, you may find some helpful information and tips in the "Search" tab. I know I found out answers that I didn't know enough to ask.
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    What an intro! Very familiar to plenty of people here I'm sure.

    Take one day at a time in little steps and you'll be fine!!

    A statement I've heard lots is - Q : How do you eat an elephant? A : in little pieces
    Solve any problem / task bit by little bit

    Good Luck, friend me if you like

  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    Add friends by clicking on a person to get to their profile, & click add as friend
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Good for you. You'll do it! BTW, Diet Dr Pepper rocks. Give it a try ;-)

    I had to go cold turkey, even diet dr pepper leaves that craving there. And the sweetness of the artificial sweetners are suppose to increase your cravings, I lack enough willpower I couldn't chance it.. I do tell you some days all I want is an ice cold DP.
  • ashlielinn
    ashlielinn Posts: 920
    Switch to Diet Dr. Pepper, for sure! Diet Dr. Pepper is the only soda I like! While I certainly don't drink it every day, I will say it's very tasty, and MUCH better for you!

    I think we've all been in the same boat with being discouraged. This is a GREAT place for support and to finally teach you about a healthy lifestyle. It's become my favorite website!

    Good luck and welcome! :)