Hi everyone! Anyone on here with an office job..? Yeah.. basically sitting down from 9-5 lol. Well I have an office job! Sometimes I feel like I might gain weight by just sitting here working, then again I do go to the gym 3 times a week.. what has worked best for you?


  • NatalieWiley
    NatalieWiley Posts: 147 Member
    I have an office job. I go on walks (when the weather permits) with my coworker (who is also on MFP). I also try to take the long way around the office to the copier. I keep a weeks worth of food in the fridge so I don't have to think daily about what to have for lunch.
  • grimms11208
    grimms11208 Posts: 146 Member
    I have an office job and they know that I am trying to eat healthier and lose weight and they are very supportive. For the most part one of the girls even eats the same things as me. we each bring certain things and make oatmeal, cottage cheese variations and such it is really nice!
  • tnc9424
    tnc9424 Posts: 47 Member
    I sit at a desk all day. I wonder the same thing!! I have started jogging but just for a week and have not seen results yet.
  • hwilliams519
    I have an office job. I go on walks (when the weather permits) with my coworker (who is also on MFP). I also try to take the long way around the office to the copier. I keep a weeks worth of food in the fridge so I don't have to think daily about what to have for lunch.

    I have an office job too. I have thought about keeping more food here so I don't have to plan so much. I think I will have to try that.
  • Rickie_Raver
    Rickie_Raver Posts: 27 Member
    I have an office job too. What I have found that works for me is going to the furthest restroom from my desk each time. Also each time I leave my office I do three flights of stairs as fast as I can. I also use my breaks to walk around outside or in the parking garage if it is raining. Keeps my metabolism boosted all day :) Hope this helps.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I have an office job! I'm only part-time but you are so right, i feel like i gain 80 lbs everyday haha. I keep HEALTHY snacks at my desk so I'm not tempted to go to the vendng machine ... I take a billion trips to fill my water cup, which results in a billion trips to the bathroom. I just make sure I take a lot of walks around and get up whenever i can. I also dance under my desk - like move my legs alot and tap my feet to just stay moving! I can listen to music at my desk so I'm always dancing haha

    I work out usually 5-7 times a week, since I only work part-time. i think if I worked full-time it'd be less, like 3-5 times a week! and it really is about the diet too.. I just stick to water and my healthy foods and I'm good :)
  • ShannaKayB
    ShannaKayB Posts: 157 Member
    I have an office job as well. I'm not sure how much it is helping, but I sit on an exercise ball at my desk. I'm constantly moving around on it. More so than when I sat in a chair. Plus it's just fun. :) I find that I don't get as sleepy in the afternoon and as an added bonus my back doesn't hurt anymore. I squeeze in some crunches and other exercises on the ball when no one else is in the office. I also bring a lunch everyday so I'm not as tempted to order delivery or walk over to the Union ( I work on a college campus).
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    I snuck a mini 9 can cooler into my office and have it under my desk. its stocked with cheese sticks, laughing cow, yogurts, some fruit and baby carrots. I am getting some egg beaters to keep on hand too. Pour a little in a coffee mug with cheese or whatever you want in it.. cook 30 seconds fluff and micrwave until set :D Super easy and filling!
    I work out 3 days a week and the off days from working out, i park WAY far away from the door, I take the stairs daily no matter what... I bring my own coffee and creamer from home... Its tough with people brining in treats and stuff.. but I just keep thinking about my goal and its pushing me! ADD me, we can keep eachother motivated during these boring workdays!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I have an office job. I go on walks (when the weather permits) with my coworker (who is also on MFP). I also try to take the long way around the office to the copier. I keep a weeks worth of food in the fridge so I don't have to think daily about what to have for lunch.

    I've been worrying about this too, and this is my plan for when term starts up again. When I'm not in front of a class, my work is incredibly sedentary, and I also work long hours, so can be sitting still 10-12 hours a day. Not good for health or weightloss! So my plan is to take a couple of 20 minute breaks and walk round campus, as fast as I can manage. I don't think it will 'fix' things, but I think it will help.

    Of course some days I'm standing in front of a class for 8 hours. I don't think those will be problem days! :-)
  • bree_yoga
    It is so great to hear this and know that I am not alone in my thinking on this! I typically do all of things noted here (taking the long way to copier, going for walks, etc). Also, while sometimes nothing is going to stop me ;), drinking green tea, reading fitness websites/articles and munching all I want on fresh fruit and veggies helps!! Good luck to us all
    i have an office job as well but im back and forth thru out the office so luckily i do burn cals. i also keep snacks at my office so im not soo starving when i get home or when i go to lunch.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I had an office job, I found restricting my diet to stay on track with calories and exercising 3 days a week worked best. I would have like one cheat meal a week, but I think working out and keep my calories up to mfp helped me have that and still lose. I would usually take my lunch which was usually a tuna kit and I would take snacks like an apple, grapes, strawberries
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    been behind a desk for over 4 years now, and decided to start doing something, im currently on C25K W4 and i also bike ride 3 times a week, i like to have just 1 day off, 2 if im sore :)
  • nomerebutterfly
    nomerebutterfly Posts: 62 Member
    I snuck a mini 9 can cooler into my office and have it under my desk. its stocked with cheese sticks, laughing cow, yogurts, some fruit and baby carrots. I am getting some egg beaters to keep on hand too. Pour a little in a coffee mug with cheese or whatever you want in it.. cook 30 seconds fluff and micrwave until set :D Super easy and filling!
    I work out 3 days a week and the off days from working out, i park WAY far away from the door, I take the stairs daily no matter what... I bring my own coffee and creamer from home... Its tough with people brining in treats and stuff.. but I just keep thinking about my goal and its pushing me! ADD me, we can keep eachother motivated during these boring workdays!

    Oh my god! That sounds amazing! Found my new MFP BFF!
  • runninggirl262
    runninggirl262 Posts: 58 Member
    I will walk to colleagues desks instead of sending an e-mail or calling. I bring my own breakfast and lunch as well as a late afternoon meal.
    I run on the treadmill before work.
    AND, with all the water I am drinking there are many trips I need to take.

    Good Luck
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    I also have an office job, 8-5. I try to always bring my own lunch so I'm not tempted to go out and buy fast food. I get up from my desk every couple of hours or so and just walk up and down the hall (to help stretch out and get SOME exercise). Our restroom is at the back of the building, so I am frequently walking back there during the day. After I eat lunch (usually at my desk), I'll go outside and walk if the weather is nice. I try to keep healthy snacks in my desk drawer and fridge so I'm not tempted by the vending machine. I also try parking in a space farthest away from the front door, so I get some walking in back and forth to my car. And in the evenings after I get home, I try to do some kind of exercise (walking my dog, Wii Fit, etc). Due to a knee problem I can't do much in the way of high impact, so that's an adjustment. Sitting all day is not the greatest thing, but it can be done..... and I LOVE my job!
  • miss_shinobi
    miss_shinobi Posts: 37 Member
    I also have to sit on my butt all day :( i get around this by walking to and from work - which adds up to 6 miles a day!! I also bring in my own food and make sure i have no spare cash on me so im not tempted by the vending machine!
  • hwilliams519
    My office is teny tiny, so everything like the bathroom, copy machine, and kitchen are all very close to me. Sometimes I will take the trash to the dumpster or get up and stretch, or clean, but that's as much exercise as I get at work. For a while I would go for a walk on my lunch break, but then it got too hot. I was getting sweaty and once I got a tiny sunburn just for walking 30 minutes. I need more creative ideas of things I can do at my desk. I think my desk is too tall for me to sit on a yoga ball. I do like the idea of dancing, seeing that I'm in the office by myself most days. I almost always bring my lunch and healthy snacks and drink mostly water. So that's not really an issue. I just need more ways to keep moving.

    Any ideas?
  • shazzamax11
    I have an office job whereby I'm sat down for 8 hours (although I do make myself get up and about to have a walk around) as my spine stiffens up. I also try and get out at lunchtime for a walk.
    I have been going to the gym every other day for 3 weeks now and that is helping me a) to lose weight and b) feel a lot fitter. I guess you have to do what's best for you really.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    My office is teny tiny, so everything like the bathroom, copy machine, and kitchen are all very close to me. Sometimes I will take the trash to the dumpster or get up and stretch, or clean, but that's as much exercise as I get at work. For a while I would go for a walk on my lunch break, but then it got too hot. I was getting sweaty and once I got a tiny sunburn just for walking 30 minutes. I need more creative ideas of things I can do at my desk. I think my desk is too tall for me to sit on a yoga ball. I do like the idea of dancing, seeing that I'm in the office by myself most days. I almost always bring my lunch and healthy snacks and drink mostly water. So that's not really an issue. I just need more ways to keep moving.

    Any ideas?

    I have an idea (since you are alone) - Look up these 3 walking videos on Start! Walking (either 1 or 2 miles) and Cardio Slim Down (they're free instant play right now) by Leslie Sansone.

    I use walking videos when it's too dang hot to go outside. You can even use your own music if you like. These are very simple, no choreography workouts. I actually have a couple of DVDs in my desk (and light handweights) for hot, cold, or rainy days.