Need friends!

Hello all, been there done that- anndddd back again. With a new addition to the family! Looking friends for support for the good and bad days to help keep me motivated 😊

PS I have probably 60 lbs to lose


  • MamaBear517
    MamaBear517 Posts: 24 Member
    Congratulations on the new addition! I have 4 kids ages 4 to 11. MFP is definitely better with friends. I’ll add you.
  • Mward614
    Mward614 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks! My little one is 9.5 months now, although I was already heavy going into my pregnancy I’m still beating myself up for not being at a healthier weight post baby.
    Congratulations on the new addition! I have 4 kids ages 4 to 11. MFP is definitely better with friends. I’ll add you.

  • charlenekemp07
    charlenekemp07 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey! You can add me. I have 5yo boy and a 7mo girl. Need to loose both baby weights, so I have 50lbs to loose
  • FitMisss79
    FitMisss79 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! Sending you a friend request. I have 3 kids but two are in college and one in Jr High. So I don't need to lose baby weight.. just weight LOL Feel free to add me everyone else. Nice to meet you all :)
  • mistiica
    mistiica Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! Me too. New to this😩 also a mom
  • korva
    korva Posts: 22 Member
    I just had a baby too! I’ll add you. Anyone else can add me too b
  • Hope2890
    Hope2890 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi i have 2 little kids , 2yo girl And 1yo boy ,, struggling too with losing weight, i'll add u
  • Mward614
    Mward614 Posts: 30 Member
    Think I added, or have been added by everyone here! Thanks you guys! So happy to be starting this journey (again) with some wonderful friends 😊