OMG......didn't know where to post this but.........OMG



  • o0Amanda0o
    o0Amanda0o Posts: 41 Member
    *Jaw drop*

  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Many people confuse negative attention and positve attention.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    the local athorities should be notified about her addictive personality. If she wants to do her self in , ok ,fine but those 2 boys are being raised by a dame not playing with a full some of her bull****, about being sexxy, or go to her blog.......Shes a train wreck looking for someplace to happen. Those 2 boys are going to have to take care of their mother when they get older, and if she makes it to 40. Their lives will be filled with being housekeeper and nurse maids to take care of her. Literally, she is destroying thier chance at a normal life.

    if her sister could, I think she needs to take those kids to her house and give them some sense of normalcy. This dames out in left field and the sister needs to do an intervention. I know I would if it were my case............sad, really sad...........Llloyd
  • This is truly sad and to have her children helping her. . like to shop and everything. . . is sick. . I hope to God that she doesn't kill herself doing this.

    I totally agree. It's selfish beyond words. I mean, people have to be cared for by their families when they're struck by catastrophic illnesses -- but this woman is deliberately putting her children is such a horrible situation. Imagine those boys having to roll her huge body over to change the sheets once she's no longer able to get out of bed. And who is going to clean *her* up? Completely unconscionable.
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    How could she do that to her kids...she is nuts.
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    the sister needs to take the kids, no doubt about it, then drop her obese sister in Somalia, where theres an epidemic famine going on over there..........that would shake her *kitten* up a bit

    My thoughts exactly..

    And maybe she can go on her daily waddles while she's at it.
  • TeraJo
    TeraJo Posts: 58 Member
    WOW. That literally makes me feel sick.
  • poseyj88
    poseyj88 Posts: 140 Member
    It makes me sad for her children who will grow up with an altered perception of what healthy and normal are.

    I am also angry that she lives on government assistance... and that the reason she can't work is due to weight. Those programs are there for people who need them, not for people carrying out an insane experiment.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    That's gross. I don't think it's funny, interesting, or cute that she is actively trying to become the worlds fattest woman.

    I totally agree...

    And I think it's sad for her, her kids and the rest of her family. We all know physically this is unhleathy, but i can't even imagine the MENTAL problems that go with this. :(
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    ‘At my current rate of growth, I should be 115 stone by age 41 or 42.’

    No, she'll be DEAD by 41 or 42. Selfish twit is going to orphan her children.
  • Tabby1980
    Tabby1980 Posts: 75 Member
    How terrible - much as I feel sorry for her children I also feel sorry for her as she must have serious mental problems - I do think she should be institutionalised and given psychiatric help. No sane person could genuinely 'want' to do that. It's very sad for all of her family :(
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    why would you risk yourself like this?! if not for herself, think about her poor kids!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Im still lost about the sister posing next to her sister and night and day.

    the sister needs to get the family together for an intervention. The woman is mental, read her blog, according to her " shes taking time off from life, so she can sit and ponder about what life really is."

    Too mind draining to figure out this childish writing, but shes clearly out in left field. I know recently, they took a morbidly obese child from his mother, who worked nights as a nurse. They had reason to believe the boy was in danger of dying, he was 600 lbs and only 15 or so.........the mother blamed it all on the kid, saying that she worked nights and that the kid only ate junk food, even when she made healthy food, hed wait for her to leave at night, then go out and buy junk the courts intervened and removed him

    thats what they need to do with this one...............sad, really sad for those boys
  • kaswain
    kaswain Posts: 80 Member
    This makes me absolutely sick. Those poor kids will grow up knowing that their mom didn't love them enough to stay in their lives because she decided it would "feel amazing" to be 1,600 pounds. Her kids will come to resent her, and I am sure that they already hold some sort of embarrasment for who their mother is. How do you get to a place in life when you are willing to kill yourself for some stupid record? I think this proves the fact that she is an unfit mother and should not be able to keep those kids. They need a positive role model in their lives that is going to make sure they have the knowledge and life skills to stay healthy so they can see their grandchildren grow up because we know their mother won't see hers.

    Reading what she ate in one day made me sick to my stomach just thinking about it, and to top it all off we are paying for it.
  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    So sick.. so so sick. She cares for no one but herself.
  • SSGirlLV
    SSGirlLV Posts: 38 Member
    I am crying for her and her kids. Sh'e sick in the head and really needs some help!
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Here is my question...if she can't work because of her weight, how is she getting money to buy all this food? WHERE is that money coming from? And I swear to everything that is pure and holy, if she is getting Basic Food Help from the state, I'll lose my mind. We have people STARVING in this country - Children who don't get enough to eat on a daily basis, and this woman is purposely abusing her body...and is doing it on someone else's dime. This and what it's doing to her kids, which you all seem to have covered are my two issues with her. She's eating enough for ten people in one day. I just want to shake her: WE HAVE PEOPLE STARVING IN THE STREETS AND YOU'RE EATING OVER 21,000 CALORIES A DAY??? HOW SELFISH ARE YOU????

    GAAAAAHHHHH!!!! No wonder other countries hate us.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Wait...I just read she lives in Arizone?? (Must have missed it in the article)

    WTF???? That is freaking ridiculous! I work my *kitten* of and barely have enough to feed myself and boyfried but my hard earned money can pay for her fat *kitten* to eat herself to death?!?! What is wrong with this country?? I can't get on food stamps bc I somehow make too much money as a part time waitress and full time studet (even though I get NO help with school and am payig it 100% with student loans) and she gets to sit around and kill herself with the money I provide to the government???? Why the hell can't the politicians pay for her damn food expenses. Ugh!!

    PS: Sorry for the sour language but crap like this really gets to me!

    AMEN GIRL! A-freakin-MEN!!!
  • I find it sad and misguided...

    To me, this is a mental illness and should be addressed. This woman needs serious help and so do her children. We need to have interventions for this sort of thing. I can understanding not wanting to diet and become uber thin. I understand embracing your curves but this goes way beyond that!

    Why would anyone want this for themselves... and/or for their children? ...what would she do if her children had the same aspirations as her... to become morbidly obese and lose their mobility... ? After all, she is the biggest role model in their lives right now.
  • All I can say is Wow... That's... I don't even know... wow. And really sad.