Which Running Shoes Should I buy?

So I got to my first GW and my reward was to buy myself a new pair of running shoes, so which ones should I go for?

I don't want to spend a fortune but this is a reward, so I want a decent pair, preferably black lol!

Any reccomendations guys?


  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Nike has some new models U just bought a pair of Lunarglides theyre prodominently black with a bit of blue and pink...but they were 140 bucks...they had cheaper ones for 100 still black, worse quality
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    Go to a running specialty store. You'll get fitted, and spend a fortune but you'll be glad you did. Consider getting a pair of Newtons. Bought mine a year ago for $155 and I still have them. They are well worth the money. You'll be glad you bought them.

  • blowtotheskull
    Go to a specialist running shop and have your gait analysed (they'll do that for free) - the type of shoe you need will depend on how you run, the way your feet move when they hit the ground etc. If you want to save a bit of money, go for last year's model of shoe that you like. Manufacturers are *always* bringing out new versions of the same shoes, year in and year out, which means that older stock from previous years is frequently discounted. Online is a good place to look once you've an idea of what you need.

  • MuffinMan25
    I love my BROOKS shoes!!!!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Honestly, it depends on YOUR foot type and how you run. If you plan on doing any amount of running in them, you should get fitted for shoes at a running shoe store. This will prevent you from getting injured (i.e. EVIL shin splints) later. Tell the store your budget or write down the shoe/size they suggest and look for it online for cheaper. Make sure its the same model because even with different color changes, the shoe can be slightly different weight/fit. Roadrunnersports.com generally has the best prices, from my experience.

    Good luck!
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Go to a running store and actually get fitted for a pair! You can tell them your budget and they will analyze your stride and make recommendations about which shoe will work best with the way you run. And most good running stores will do it for free.

    Totally worth your time and then you'll get a pair that really work for the way your body moves. :smile:
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Color should have nothing to do with it, sorry. Go get fitted at a running store and pray that the ones that FIT your gait aren't hideous. My last pair were so ugly I wanted to cry.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Go and get fitted for some running shoes at a running store otherwise you end up with sucky running shoes.
  • Melindaleigh12
    Try on as many as you can and pick whatevers best for your feet! I tried every running shoe on in the store before I found one the was perfect, same when I bought hiking boots, they are all built a little different and everyone has different feet!
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    go to a running-specific store to get fitted for the proper shoes. your body will thank you!
  • sarahsmart88
    There are so many styles and brands, I think it's best to try them on and see what's best for you! =) What's best for my feet and running style might not be best for yours.

    Check out this link from runners world. http://www.runnersworld.com/video/1,8052,s6-4-0-4,00.html?bcpid=2891005001&bclid=63792773001&bctid=63870792001
    It's a review of some of the best new running shoes. Personally, I like anything by reebok, but I'm probably going to go try on some Brooks on my next shopping trip.

    Good job and happy running!
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    Barefoot running is where it's at. Try some Vibrams, you'll never go back to regular running shoes.