HCG Diet

So I got those HCG drops and am going to start taking them on Thursday the 25th which will be the first day of Phase one!! I have lost 30 pounds in the last 6 months but for the last month have really been struggling to lose the last 25 pounds! I have heard of this diet and did a bunch of research on it and am very excited to start it! I figured it couldnt hurt to try it and I need to get out of the habit of eating so much carbs and sugar so am sure with the strict diet you have to go on with the HCG it will help me get to the weight I want to be at!! Just wondering if anyone on here has done or is doing this diet and if you have any pointers for me!!


  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    The instructions on this diet are to take the drops and eat 500cals a day.. of course you will lose weight but good luck eating only 500 cals a day, that's not a diet that's starving yourself!
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    1.) Stupid waste of money fad diet.
    2.) You're eating a crazy low amount of calories. OF COURSE you're going to lose weight. Drinking a pregnant lady's pee isn't going to help.
    3.) There's a search function on the forum. Use it.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
  • I honestly think it's a bit of a scam. If you DON'T take the drops, and you eat 500 calories a day, you will lose weight. That is how I lost my initial 80 pounds. I ate 500 calories a day. I also looked into the drops, and when I saw you could only eat 500 calories a day, that was the "well, duh!" moment. The drops are a bit expensive...so I would say use them since you bought them, but then just do 500 calories a day...you'll definitely lose weight fast.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    HCG products are fraudulent:

    If you just want to eat clean, you should do that and don't waste your money on these scams.
  • JenGilronan
    JenGilronan Posts: 30 Member
    I won't try it...
    Research that I have found said that it's the LOW restricted calories that make you lose weight not the hcg...
    I don't know about it...
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    ...I figured it couldnt hurt to try it ...

    Actually it can really hurt you. with a 500 cal/day diet you will most likely lose a large % of lean muscle, not just fat. This will slow your metabolism down ,so if you go back to eating "normal" you will gain weight as your BMR and maintenance calories will be lower than you think.

  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Mmmm.... pregnant lady pee! That does sound good!
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    What would a typical meal plan be like for a 500 calorie diet? Does a person who enjoys food just go right into eating 500 calories with no cravings or similar issues? The will power for that just magically appears?
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    It will work for a while, then any muscle you've built up will be eaten away in favour of any remaining fat. Avoid ANY fad diet!
  • I did the drops a couple months ago, with great results. I lost 50 lbs last year on Weight Watchers, and then I resorted back to my "old habits" and gained 30 lbs back. The HCG drops were meant to help kick start my weight loss again, and I lost 20 lbs with it, and now an additional 10 on my own.

    There are going to be haters out there with this diet.....and everyone seems to have an opinion.....which is fine, but please people....have some respect.

    I found eating the 500 cals/day pretty easy....the first couple days I was hungry, but it worked. I don't suffer from head aches anymore and didn't have any other side effects.

    I'm not sure if you are used to exercising regularly, but when on the reduced calorie phase, you really shouldn't be working out, since you are eating so few cals. The phase when you can eat up to 1500 cals is awesome...eating eggs and cheese again!

    If you have other questions, feel free to message me.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Go to DR. OZ's website, talks about the dangers.
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    i tried to do that as well because a friend had success with it, but I'm hypoglycemic so it makes me sick if i don't eat every few hours so i couldnt do it
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    ...I figured it couldnt hurt to try it ...

    Actually it can really hurt you. with a 500 cal/day diet you will most likely lose a large % of lean muscle, not just fat. This will slow your metabolism down ,so if you go back to eating "normal" you will gain weight as your BMR and maintenance calories will be lower than you think.

    totaly agree , and when that stops working what you going to do ? stop eating , life is for living!

    eat healthy move more, and keep it real..
  • I've done it a couple of times. While your on it it goes well, but you need to do the 6weeks maintenance, that's the hard part, if you screw up one day, you gain 3pounds +.......
    I had trouble with the maintenance cause your on a 500cal. diet so you are so deprived for so long, once you get off of it after 23days or 40+ days you want to eat all that is in front of you hahahahaa.....
    but you need to still control without having anymore drops to stop the hunger this is were I stumbled:(
    In maintenance weeks (6weeks) You are not allowed to carbs for the next 3 weeks and certain other things, anyway you have the list, and then the 4th week you can start putting in carbs and see how your body reacts... and so ... some gain 2+ pounds as soon as they put carbs in there mouth, so then you need to do a steak day... only that to lose the 2 pounds you've gain and so on.......
    I rather do this, eat health, and exercise....
    Good luck ! :happy:
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I did it last year. I will NEVER do it again. I felt great while doing it and thought it was the cat's meow. I lost 23 lbs. Then a month later...I started getting sick. As in picking up every stupid virus circulating this winter and was sick for FOUR MONTHS every other week. My immune system was SHOT (think about what you are doing to your immune system). Needless to say...since I was sick for four months, I used a lot of tasty food to wash down the mucus...and well, gained back SEVENTEEN pounds. Was it worth it? HELLLL NO. Because guess what I'm dealing with NOW?!?!? A blown metabolism that I'm having to WORK MY *kitten* off to revive. I've been working out five days a week for an hour each time since mid-June and have lost a total of 7 pounds. How's that for a sluggish metabolism?!? Don't do it. It's retarded. This...coming from a "been there, done that, and look what happened to me a year later". HCG = waste of money and time and LOTS of frustration/anger!
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    Try cutting out 1/3 of what you eat first for a month. Let me know how it works for you. Friend me
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    My cousin's crazynut gf did a 500 calorie a day program. All I could think of was Y-I-K-E-S!!!!!!! She told me her routine because I was trying to lose weight and she was trying to get me on this diet.
    Basically she had a coffee for breakfast with no creamer or sugar. Some chicken breast with like two vegetables for lunch and like 1 serving of fruit in the WHOLE day. FFS. Oh, and she said she had to keep her activity at a minimum due to low cals...... :sick:
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    1.) Stupid waste of money fad diet.
    2.) You're eating a crazy low amount of calories. OF COURSE you're going to lose weight. Drinking a pregnant lady's pee isn't going to help.
    3.) There's a search function on the forum. Use it.

    AGREE. seriously, how are you going to sustain the weight loss after only 500 cals a day...once your body starts getting a more normal amount of food, it will want to hold on to it. 500 cals is a ration amount.

    good luck with all this...
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