Mini Challenge: 10 pounds down by Easter



  • WynterDreaming
    WynterDreaming Posts: 83 Member
    edited February 2019
    Beginning weight as of last weigh in: 258.2
    Goal Weight: 248

    I like this mini challenge, I like it a lot.
  • KatiesNewGoals
    KatiesNewGoals Posts: 29 Member
    I’ll give it a go! I’m looking to drop some weight after gaining back about 10 this past year. Perfect timing!

    Ultimate starting weight: 206
    Challenge starting weight: 162
    Goal by Easter: 152
    Ultimate goal weight: 140-145
  • VioletDonut
    VioletDonut Posts: 1 Member
    I'm down!!
    Ultimate Starting Weight: 314.4lbs
    Challenge Starting Weight: 267.2lbs
    Goal By Easter: 257.2lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165lbs
  • Allgaun
    Allgaun Posts: 222 Member
    Down .5 since recommitting
  • brittlb07
    brittlb07 Posts: 313 Member
    Please feel free to post progress!!!! I am going to use Friday as my weigh in day but this thread can be used however helps YOU!!!!! Maybe post your starts from the previous weeks if you want for motivation for yourself and others!
  • beebva4
    beebva4 Posts: 130 Member
    edited February 2019
    I'm in! :# Starting today at 187.4.
    Easter: 177

    I think this is just the right little goal/motivation for me! I'm two years post op from a full hysterectomy and I'm only in my 20s. I've struggled with my hormones and weight since then and I'm finally at a healthy level and have been able to lose weight slowly. It's been a severe struggle and I hope to make this goal happen, especially with the help of this thread!
  • ate8kez
    ate8kez Posts: 3 Member
    In. Ultimate start: 140
    Challenge start: 131.6
    Easter goal: 125, my ultimate goal.
    Will post on Mondays.
    Good motivation for these last pounds!
  • zeejane03
    zeejane03 Posts: 993 Member
    brittlb07 wrote: »
    Please feel free to post progress!!!! I am going to use Friday as my weigh in day but this thread can be used however helps YOU!!!!! Maybe post your starts from the previous weeks if you want for motivation for yourself and others!

    I've chosen Thursdays as my weigh-in day so I'll update tomorrow, pleased to see a slight drop on the scale this morning though :)
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,217 Member
    edited February 2019
    Have a great week this eating out...planning my meals and despite working two jobs, cooking with my air fryer and getting my 6k steps in each day! Feeling strong!! I too will use Friday as my weigh in day.
  • jlbtnc
    jlbtnc Posts: 725 Member
    I am in!
    CW 1/14/19: 222
    Easter Goal 4/21: 212
    I weigh in on Fridays.

  • shamarick1
    shamarick1 Posts: 1 Member
    I will love to participate. Any recommendations on meal plans that will help jump start my weight loss
  • zeejane03
    zeejane03 Posts: 993 Member
    edited February 2019
    Beginning of challenge: 135.6lbs
    Goal end of the challenge: 132lbs

    2/21: 134.2

    (I have a smaller goal, with a .5lb loss per week target, working on some maintenance vanity weight)
  • aliceamelia2019
    aliceamelia2019 Posts: 4 Member
    I’m in please!

    CSW: 226lbs
    CGW: 216lbs

    I weigh in on staturdays normally so will record my first weeks loss then 😀
  • dame_kaede
    dame_kaede Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in too! What a great idea!

    CW (2/17): 216.6 lbs
    Easter goal : 206 lbs
  • Adabada
    Adabada Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! Today's weight is 145 and hoping for 135 by Easter.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    patrickaa5 wrote: »
    If this stupid stomach bug doesn't go away soon, I might meet my Easter goal this week. Ugh!

    I hear you, been sick the past few days and dropped a bit faster than I wanted. Hopefully will slow down a bit now.
  • vanityy99
    vanityy99 Posts: 2,583 Member
    Girl. The struggle is real this week, doesn’t look like Ill managed to see a lost on the scale due to my period and having munchies, fluctuations, and bloatations.
  • 13ecca4
    13ecca4 Posts: 201 Member
    13ecca4 wrote: »
    Ultimate Starting Weight: 304 lbs
    Challenge Starting Weight: 278 lbs
    Goal by Easter: 268 lbs

    22/02 - 276.2

  • jlbtnc
    jlbtnc Posts: 725 Member
    I am in!
    CW 1/14/19: 222
    Easter Goal 4/21: 212
    I weigh in on Fridays.

    2/22: 219.2lbs (↓ 2.8lbs) (Total lost 9.8lbs)