what SHOULD your goal weight be?



  • Hmm, I'm not sure about that body fat percentage calculator! I've tried a couple of others to get a rough idea of mine (they often say different things) and I've always been between 16% & 18%. That one said I was at 25% (!!) which is a pretty nifty trick for someone who weighs about 102lbs with a 25 inch waist!
  • The BAI seemed totally bogus for my mom...
    her height is 65", weight is 120ish, hips are 34" = underweight!!!?!? yea she isnt underweight at all :/
    the thing talks about taking nationalities and other things into account but it doesnt have anywhere to input that data so..... yea not really buying it :-/
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    Thanks for posting this! Ive always been aiming for 170 (I am 5'10" and 181 now--26.5% body fat) and people are always giving me such a hard time about it--both ways-- "youre fine where you are now--you dont have more to lose" or "really, 10 lbs, thats all--youre gonna quit?" and now I can tell them all to bite me! I visited your site and found that my 11 lbs will put me at 20% body fat....at the borderline fitness/athlete category.
  • Julbella78
    Julbella78 Posts: 161 Member
    Mine should be around 120 but I will be happy with 140.
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    So am I doing this right?
    I am currently 203. My lean mass is 128. So if I want to be 25%body fat, my "goal weight" should be 160?

    203 x .37 (my body fat, as of 3 weeks ago) = 75.11 pounds of at (lets round down to 75 just for ease of math).
    So then 203 pounds - 75 pounds of fat, means my current lean mass is 128.

    So to have body fat at 25% (which is my current goal)...

    128 x .25 = 32 pounds of fat.
    128 lean mass + 32 pounds of fat (25%) = 160

    Is that right.. that at my current lean mass, I would be 160 pounds at 25% body fat?

    So, at 18% body fat, I would weigh about 151..
    128 current lean mass x .18 = 23.04
    128 + 23 = 151

    So at 18% body fat I would weigh approximately 151 pounds.

    Wow.. I feel discouraged. I was thinking 25% fat was a good goal. Now it looks like it's still not enough.. how on earth am I going to get down to 18% body fat????? I don't think I've EVER been 18% body fat!!!!

    And also, since I'm doing weight training with my cardio, as my body fat decreases, my muscle mass increases... so is this formula even accurate, given how much I have to loose? Even if I re-adjust my goal to 150 pounds, that's still 53 pounds to loose until I hit goal weight. And by then I'd have even more muscle mass.... so really, how good is this equation to use for a long term goal, as far as setting a goal weight?

    Although since it's been 3 or 4 weeks since my measurements were taken, it's possible my body fat is down a couple points.
    God bless!
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks for posting this! Ive always been aiming for 170 (I am 5'10" and 181 now--26.5% body fat) and people are always giving me such a hard time about it--both ways-- "youre fine where you are now--you dont have more to lose" or "really, 10 lbs, thats all--youre gonna quit?" and now I can tell them all to bite me! I visited your site and found that my 11 lbs will put me at 20% body fat....at the borderline fitness/athlete category.

    Glad i could help... my trainer at work told me to try to watch my body fat more than my bmi or my weight and id have a better measurement of how healthy i actually am... she showed me this site that way i woudn't have unrealistic expectations about what my weight should be :) best of luck to u!