New and would like some help!

Hello everyone i am new to the online site, i have used the ipod app to track my calories but never came to the online site until today. I am obesed and am looking for safe ways to lose weight. I know that there is not quick solutions so i am opened to advise from anyone who may know what is a better way to drop the pounds. Thanks.


  • allison_joan
    No secrets! Just eat healthy, clean food, hit the gym (or get some type of workout in), and don't give up if you have a "bad" day. Every day is a new day so keep pushing through.
  • changeisgood55
    The best and safe way is to count your calories and exercise. This site will help you figure out how many calories you should have per day. It will also calculate how many calories you burn through exercise. The basic way to lose weight is to burn more calories than what you eat in a day but do it safely. Take one day at a time. Plan your meals and exercise can be anything you enjoy doing like walking. Just make sure it's something you enjoy and will want to do everyday. We are all here to help you and this site is great for information. Good luck! Feel free to friend me if you like.
  • curryinahurry
    curryinahurry Posts: 83 Member
    Asch is right, I just joined also and find eating better and working out when I can is golden.

    I feel better, and once I start seeing results I am sure it will feel soooo gooood.

    Just start tracking all your bad habits and take them out of your life one at a time.

    you can do it..
  • lucyortiz
    Thank you all for your encouraging words. I hope i can do it.
  • SheShe1987
    Welcome! I just joined as well, and have started back with exercising. Now that I can see exactly how what I'm eating is affecting things, I'm more determined to eat better and healthier to stay within my limits. Also knowing what I need to do exercise wise so I can actually enjoy eating, is a plus. Take it one day at a can do it! Feel free to add me if you want. :flowerforyou:
  • carlobuff
    Remember the little engine that could that we used to read when we were little

    I think I can, I think I can, I know I can, I know I can, I can, I can, I can reach the top of that mountain.

    Eat healthy. no junk, no sweets, no preservatives, and drink a lot of water.
  • carlobuff
    Oh, yes, exercise by walking, or whatever you do .
    My doctor told me to just keep moving. When sitting, move something, hands, feet legs, head, shoulders, arms, anything on your body that moves, --- move it.
  • caligirl328
    Hi Lucy, welcome to the site :-)
    I am also a new member here. My advice is to get a exersize plan going. i started out just taking 45 minute walks in my neighborhood and when I felt that wasnt enough i joined a gym and started going 4/5 days a week. Cut out fast foods and sodas and try and eat as many whole foods as you can. Portion control is very important eat lots of veggies and fruits!
  • lucyortiz
    I am trying the slim fast way, and doing more walking, and dance exercise. i will definitely continue to try what i can to make it work. i want this to be a perminent thing in my life. the sad part is for me food is on my mind 85% of the time. I have cut out soda and rice from my diet, the one thing that i have problems avoiding is the white starch. Like bread and pasta...Thank you guys for the positive reinforcements., I know that thinking positive is half the battle to any goal in life.
  • Angelamu77
    I am trying the slim fast way, and doing more walking, and dance exercise. i will definitely continue to try what i can to make it work. i want this to be a perminent thing in my life. the sad part is for me food is on my mind 85% of the time. I have cut out soda and rice from my diet, the one thing that i have problems avoiding is the white starch. Like bread and pasta...Thank you guys for the positive reinforcements., I know that thinking positive is half the battle to any goal in life.

    Food is always on my mind as well...or was. Bread is my lover I tell ya but with that said I gave it up for a while and just told myself (or told the bread) "I will NOT eat that" and after I maded it past that I was not as focused on it. And if I go to a Chick Fil a than it is a down hill race for me so I just don't go. I know it is a trigger so I just don't (there are other places as well but that came to mind because I have the wall caladar staring at me every day with the monthly free things).

    YOu can do this and just stay focused. Eating health does not have to mean you don't enjoy your food; just spice it up with something and seassoning is awesome. Plan your food in advance. I have precooked things in the freezer for thos 'OH MY GOD I AM ABOUT TO EAT EVERYTHING IN SIGHT MOMENTS"

    Good Luck!

    (4 years ago I gainned 80lbs in 30 days due to meds and packed on another 20lbs before it was all said and done and I had surgery. I am working on the last 50+ lbs now)