workout dvds??

Slim in 6:
has anyone ever tried these dvds? if so did they work? and is it worth getting them? i was thinking about it because i feel like getting other dvds don't really work :(

Jillian Micheals:
are these good dvds? if so, which ones? i'm looking to lose weight then tone, because i want to be able to see the build-up of muscle, and not just have it under fat.

i'm watching an ad on it right now and it looks really good, but i'm gullible. help?? (same questions as the first one)

Turbo Jam:
is it fun? (same questions as the first one)

Thanks for your help!


  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    Turbo Jam is awesome! I am sweating so bad within the first few minutes! It works ya and does it good! Plus, Chalene is a great motivator! She makes you move and makes you feel good about it! I highly recommend this! Also, after you are comfortable with Turbo Jam then you can move onto Turbo Fire which is like Turbo Jam on steroids! So much fun!
  • miss_shinobi
    miss_shinobi Posts: 37 Member
    I love Jillian Michaels! Especially 30 day shred and 6 week 6 pack! the workout's are only 20-30 minutes long so are really easy to fit in to your day, and they get you sweating in no time!
  • Skinny_Kitty
    Skinny_Kitty Posts: 136 Member
    ** Note - I am a beginner, so these are my reviews coming from a beg point of view.

    Turbo Jam - they are fun... a little hard to follow at first but once you get the hang of it, they are great. I am dripping in sweat by the time I am done and according to the exercise database... this burns a ton of calories (under kickboxing).

    Insantiy - My friend bought this and could not do 5 minutes of it. You need to work up to it. This workout is for people who are already very fit and have reached a plateau and want to challenge themselves even more. I would wait on this one...

    Brazil Butt Lift - These are hard and amazing. I did these for 3 months straight before going on a cruise and saw a huge difference. Not so much in the scale but in the mirror, I was a whole new person! I think I didnt lose and weight because I was eating out daily and eating really really bad, fried and high calorie foods. I think I would've seen amazing results if I counted calories as well.

    Jillian Michales - I have the 30 day shred kettlebell workout. It's amazing. It goes by quickly and I really like her style of motivation and teaching. At the end of the 30 min's, I'm soaked!

    Carmen Electra - DVD #2 called "fit to strip" is a great all over circuit training workout. I did this one today and was all red, soaked and shaking like a leaf when it was all over. This is more toning than straight cardio.

    Bob Harper's yoga - I have not tried this but my friend swears by it! She is already seeing muscle definition in her abs and arms.

    Zumba - One of the best cardio workouts out there right now. This is fun and you don't realize how many calories you are burning because you are having so much fun dancing. On average, 1 hour of Zumba burns 500-900 calories! That's more than the elliptical!!!

    Slim in 6 - I have not tried this however my friend works for beachbody and he advised to start with slim in 6 or turbo jam, then work up to P90X and then Insanity. That is his recipe for success (as well as the shakeology shakes.. but I tried them and I thought they were nasty!!!)

    Hope this helps! For me.. I have a bunch and just mix it up. I don't stick to just one program... or I will get bored. I just do whatever I feel like doing that day. :wink:
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    I've did Slim in 6 years ago! I had great results from it. The program really does work if you eat right. However, you do the same workout everyday for 2 weeks. So, if you would be bored with that, I'd pick a different program.

    I've also done Turbo Jam. It's alot of fun dancey kickboxing. However, I prefer Turbo Fire. The music's better and the choreography is more fun.

    Slim in 6, Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire and Insanity are made by the same company. Slim in 6 and Turbo Jam are great places to start. Honestly, I don't think you can go wrong with any Beachbody program. IMO they are worth the money. Most of them come with more than just the DVD's. SI6 & TF come with all the equipment you need to do the workout.

    Consistency is the key to fitness. Just pick a program (any one) that you think you'll want to do everyday.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    ** Note - I am a beginner, so these are my reviews coming from a beg point of view.

    Zumba - One of the best cardio workouts out there right now. This is fun and you don't realize how many calories you are burning because you are having so much fun dancing. On average, 1 hour of Zumba burns 500-900 calories! That's more than the elliptical!!!

    Wow - 900 calories - this would be great. How did you get the "average calories burned?" Do you use a heart rate monitor? I plugged Zumba in (to a different exercise website) and only got 233 calories. The other website has my gender, height, weight, age, etc.