Over 100 lbs to lose! Anybody else?

I am new on here! Looking for friends who have around 100 lbs more or less to lose! Maybe we can encourage and support one another


  • abloom3611
    abloom3611 Posts: 1 Member
    That’s my goal too. I think it would be great if we could do it together Don’t now my way around app to good yet though
  • lowcarbvilla
    lowcarbvilla Posts: 4 Member
    Same here! Goal is to lose 136 pounds!
  • 139lbs here, God give me strength! Lol
  • smnorris99
    smnorris99 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello!!! I have over 100 lbs. to lose and I am on my way. I started my journey on Monday and I am down 10 lbs. so far. I am very pleased with my results. I am serious THIS time around! I wish you each the very best and know that we can do this!!!
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Where were you two years ago when I started? Afraid I'm not your target market; I've dropped 108lbs since October 2016 and closing on my last ten. But be assured that it's possible and doable!
  • AprilMLowe
    AprilMLowe Posts: 447 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Lets Do this Journey ! I am always looking for more friends!
  • ConfidentRaven
    ConfidentRaven Posts: 1,428 Member
    Hi! I have (now) just under 200 to lose, feel free to friend me, we can help each other.
  • I want to loose 100lbs 😰.. I have tried many times and failed however this time im taking a whole other path. Im not "dieting" im changing my life style. Its no longer something i "need" but soemthing I want. I belive that weight loss is both mental and physical. For Me its more mental to be honest. I hope we can all achieve our goals either way be proud everyone starts somewhere. Im only down two pounds however the scale doesnt bother me because i feel so much better already.
  • SusansGator0920
    SusansGator0920 Posts: 1 Member
    I weighed 299.9 at my last physical, the biggest I have ever been. Right then I said "I will not hit 300#"! So I changed my diet, not that I was on one obviously, but changed the types of food I was eating and actually got up off my butt to do some sort of cardio. I've lost 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks and feel fantastic already. My goal is to hit 199.9. I WILL HIT IT!!! the 1st time I closed out my diary and it said I could be at 271 in 5 weeks if I had the same day as that particular day, that motivated me even more. Good luck to you!
  • zaraizzy
    zaraizzy Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome everybody! Thank you for stopping by!! I have sent a friend request to everybody on here except for kay2005b & AprilMLowe who befriended me first. Thank you ladies!!
    My main desire on here is not just to get support and encouragement for myself, but that I may do the same for others. May you all reach your goals and accomplish what you you set out to do. Looking forward to this new adventure. Best wishes to everyone!! 😂
  • zaraizzy
    zaraizzy Posts: 36 Member
    If for some reason you didn't get the friend request Please let me know and I'll send another one. Everybody's welcome.
  • Victoriaspin
    Victoriaspin Posts: 5 Member
    90 pounds to lose!
  • udellch
    udellch Posts: 4 Member
    60 lbs down, 40 to go! This is also year three for me on this journey. Whatever method you all are using, make sure 1) it is sustainable! Don't do something to reach the goal if you don't intend on following that plan into your maintenance phase! 2) Be consistent. You will stumble, but you only fail if you don't stay after it. Do your best, and then do your best again. This will take time and effort, and WILL be worth both!
  • zaraizzy
    zaraizzy Posts: 36 Member
    @Victoriaspin sent you a friend request.

    @udellch- Your right, no drastic measures. Just find out what works best for you and stick with it and adjust as needed. Most of the time losing to fast like cutting calories to low, may seem good now because the weight is coming off. One of two things can 1.) When you do reach your desired weight and try to eat regular size meals for your new size it will be to many calories you could put weight back on. 2.) You will get frustrated along the way and give up and you may put the weight back on. However; you need to stay above 1200 calories. . You won't lose just pounds, but muscle tissue that's the last thing you want to do.

    My heaviest weight was 400 lbs and there was a time when I did take some drastic measures. I was desperate to get the weight off and over time I got frustrated and discouraged with the process and gave up on the whole idea of losing weight. I eventually lost down to where I am now which is 297 lb. But I've had my ups and downs and I've been at this weight for almost a year. Because of health and personal issues. But after losing 103 lb I finally decided I don't want to go back. I'm thankfuIl that I didn't gain any of the weight back because I realized now that you have to have a sensible diet and exercise the best you can what suits you don't give up

    @udellch Thanks for the advice and keep up the good work.

    Even though I've lost a 103 lb, I still have 117 lb to go to reach a healthy weight for me. Need the support and encouragement from my new mfp family, and want to support, motivate, and encourage others. Keep up the good work everyone! We can do this!!
  • kegilmor100
    kegilmor100 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I’d love to join the MFP family. I too, need to lose 100 lbs and look forward to encouragement and would love to support others along the way! This first week I’ll focus on drinking more water, I find that challenging. Small victories, right? Talk to you soon:)
  • FrankieFan84
    FrankieFan84 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there!
  • FrankieFan84
    FrankieFan84 Posts: 8 Member
    Also my goal!!
  • Twinklewood
    Twinklewood Posts: 47 Member
    Hi I have around 140 pounds to lose it seems such a daunting number. I have been doing slimming world but have danced around the same weight for a year now so I’m going to give calorie counting a try on the recommendation of my personal trainer. I would love to have friends who have similar amounts to lose x
  • When I started MFP, I had under 100 pounds to lose so I wouldn't be able to be part of this group. Since then, my scale has gone the wrong way - so now (sadly) I can be.
    As of this moment, I have 105 pounds to lose. When I reach that goal, I'll see if I want to go further in getting my weight down even more.