60 but still trying!!!

New to fitness apps as of Feb 5. 60 year old woman who is finding it harder to lose pounds than ever before. Never tried food log before but find this first few days it is very helpful. Also back to getting up early to hit the ellyptical hard. Down 2.6 in four days. Am sure the weight loss rate will slow down significantly as I go (certain amount was prob water) but was very encouraging to someone who refused to see a scale reading for two years:)


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Hi Eggs! welcome to MFP :)
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I would change your title. "And" still trying. not "but".
  • suzelle4
    suzelle4 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello Eggs!
    Love it that you are 60 and getting in shape! I am right there with you, getting close to 60 and since I plan to live about 20-30 more years, I want to spend those years feeling better and living healthier. Enjoyed your post. Keep it up and you may have to change your user name from “Eggs” to “Legs”... wouldn’t that be fun?
  • thecat
    thecat Posts: 47 Member
    Hi all, I just turned 60 years old and boy do I need to lose weight. How do I join this group?? I couldn't see the selection to be a member. I have some health issues and my doctor has said that exercising and losing weight would be the answer to my health issues. My problem is alot of exercises I may not be able to do as I have a bad back and Fibromyalgia as well as arthritis. I recently started walking and getting in my pool and just walking. I would love to have some support with other women my age. Thanks you♥️
  • shellzbellz
    shellzbellz Posts: 38 Member
    Hello Everyone...I turned 60 last August and am getting back into shape also...would like to be part of this group...
  • thecat
    thecat Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome shellzbellz,

    It's great to be 60!!!!! Now if only my body would catch up to my mind cause in my head I feel 30 but my body aches and pains say a different story but I refuse to let get to me!!
  • shellzbellz
    shellzbellz Posts: 38 Member
    I have just recently started to like being 60...I can’t believe I’m saying that...lol...I’m healthy and strong and still excited about learning new things!
  • thecat
    thecat Posts: 47 Member
    Awesome shellzbellz
  • shellzbellz
    shellzbellz Posts: 38 Member
    Hello thecat... how is it going for you?
  • PatMae
    PatMae Posts: 5 Member
    At 64 I am learning to cook healthy. We can do this weight loss thing. It counts even if it is water weight.
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    61 here, just finished losing the 20 I came back here to lose nice and slow over 5 months, and determined that this time is the last time for that yoyo trip! MFP has been super motivational for me, @eggs32000 and I hope you'll follow up your initial success (congrats!) with a nice, steady loss.

    Motivation: I feel SO MUCH better, have energy, and just generally don't feel close to 60 (much less over!)
  • shellzbellz
    shellzbellz Posts: 38 Member
    Hi PatMae... water weight to me does count! It come off us and doesn’t return while eating healthy.
  • shellzbellz
    shellzbellz Posts: 38 Member
    brightresolve... what a cool name! I just lost over 20 too! I’m done with yo-yo at 60...lol. But feel really good and can do all I could at a much younger age!
  • cupcakes8kr
    cupcakes8kr Posts: 97 Member
    Good morning everyone and hello!
    Turned 61 in Jan. and have been fighting weight gain pretty much all my life. Some years more than others. I try to log daily, walk on my lunch hour - a good brisk pace for about 20 minutes, weather permitting. Joined a gym with hubby in Jan, but because of an injury have not gone in 2 weeks. We only go 2/3 times a week. I don't often get on the boards but I have starred this one so I don't lose it.
    Have a wonderful week.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    I'm closing in on 60 and putting in the good fight for good health. It totally pays off. Best of luck to you.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    66 and here everyday for mutual support! Send me a request
  • cupcakes8kr
    cupcakes8kr Posts: 97 Member
    Hi everyone,
    What a physical weekend I had. Cleaned up my garden space and decided I needed it to be bigger :) . Hauled 9 bags of garden soil from the store to my car, my car to the backyard. Each bag was 2 cf. i googled it - turns out they are 40 lbs each. Today I set up the garden & filled it. I put down some weed block to make it pretty lol . I also got some mushroom compost from one of the guys I work with, it's supposed to be great for the garden. Tilled that in. Then I did a bit of landscaping. Phew, If I can figure it out I'll attach a picture. You all have a great week.
    Oh didn't make it to the gym much this week, husbands still not quiet right and only walk one day because of rain. My eating was ok but kept forgetting to log what I ate. This week I will try my best to log daily and walk on my lunch hour.....weather permitting.
    How was your week?
    Take care

    Hahahaha, I figured it out but didn't think the picture would be that big, sorry.
  • ItsAJourny
    ItsAJourny Posts: 69 Member
    I turned 60 last June and have lost 39 pounds, currently in maintenance. Decided to try and see just how strong and healthy I can get in my 60th year and I have been surprised by the results. My sister says I am reverse aging. I feel better than ever, developing muscles I never had and feeling strong and thin. You can do it too! Good luck! MFP is a great place to get support and ideas. Just hang in there even when it seems tough and you will be successful!