Ultimate Accountability Challenge March 2019

RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member

Hi Friend,
You are invited to check us out...

The Ultimate Accountability Challenge (UAC) provides both weight losers and maintainers with incredible accountability partners AND an emphasis on life-changing healthy basic habits.

This is not the flash-in-the-pan 'biggest anything" short-term challenge. This is the real deal!! We are a non-commercial volunteer group with a proven track record of significant team member success.

We enthusiastically welcome our returning veterans and newcomers too!

The accountability is a daily report of:
1)More than 20 minutes of daily exercise;
2) Tracking the caloric intake of both food and beverage;
3) Consuming no more than your chosen limit of daily calories
4)Daily or every third day reporting of your fulfillment of the above.

A non-fulfillment of any of the above equals a Pass Day. There are 3 Pass Days allowed per month
Those who end the month with less than 4 Pass days are celebrated in the monthly Winner's Circle Qualification!!

This group emphasizes long-term changes, but you can sign up for one month at a time.


  • fatbambi2017
    fatbambi2017 Posts: 1,295 Member
    This challenge has become a way if life for me, lovely people, no weigh ins, just stick to the rules if you can!
  • Sunshinfit
    Sunshinfit Posts: 232 Member
    March will be my first month. I’m in!
  • Sunshinfit
    Sunshinfit Posts: 232 Member
    How do I join!
  • w8goal4life
    w8goal4life Posts: 1,375 Member
    Sunshinfit wrote: »
    How do I join!

    Sign up here...welcome! So pleased to have you aboard. :)
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,246 Member
    edited February 2019
    March is my 5th month in UAC. The accountability has meant that I have made it to the Winners Circle each month so far. It's a friendly supportive and inspirational group of people, so come along and join us.
  • fitphoenix
    fitphoenix Posts: 9,673 Member
    February has been my first month in the UAC, and I have really enjoyed it! I appreciate the straightforward structure, ultimate accountability, flexibility with the option of a few pass days (instead of the unrealistic goal of perfection vs. failure), and the really supportive group. I encourage everyone to sign up for March!
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member

    If you are looking for a great group to share your journey to healthy habits..join us for the March Ultimate Accountability Challenge.
    See links in the posts above.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    I'm back again ... and expecting to hit my initial target maintenance zone this month. At that point, I will probably "hold station" as I try out a new exercise program that targets toning up my core muscles / spend more time studying than I have in a while / and deciding if my final-FINAL maintenance zone is going to be even closer to BMI Dead Center Normal than I originally envisioned in May 2017 .....

    Once I get to my initial target maintenance zone, it's gonna be more about vanity INCHES than vanity POUNDS.

    I REALLY like how this challenge is structured to suit / support ANYONE regardless of whether they are just starting their transformation - in the middle of a long haul - or already at maintenance.
  • kellywoo82
    kellywoo82 Posts: 11 Member
    Even though I've used MFP on and off for 5 years, this is my first time joining a group challenge. I've decided it's time to make some lifestyle changes and hold myself accountable. I've already made a huge step by cutting out soda. I'm 15 days soda free!
    I can't wait to take this journey with all of you! Good luck everyone!!
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    Join us for the March Ultimate Accountability Challenge, the UAC.
    Frankly, it's the most sane challenge in the MFP
    See the link right here https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/131420-ultimate-accountability-challenge-march-2019
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,956 Member
    edited February 2019
    Im reposting in "Introductions"
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,050 Member
    Hi there!

    This will be my 12th month in UAC!!!!
    I’ve been in the Winner’s Circle each month. The most difficult month was the first as I got the hang of it. Now, I don’t want to break my streak, so I keep on keeping on!

    UAC is the most effective tool I have when things go sideways, as they did Feb 19. It’s my insurance that I won’t be a runaway train & gain back the 77 lbs I’ve lost (1 to go).

    The members are friendly & supportive - and inspiring.

    Please try UAC. We post these testimonials to let you know this great tool is here to support your success! Try it, and give it 2-3 months!!
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    Thanks so much, @MadisonMolly2017!!
    There are just two days to go until we start the March UAC. Join us. See signup links above in prior posts.

  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    Here is a post from one of our UAC members today:
    Congratulations to everyone who is still posting through the end of the month of February!!
    Before I list the qualifiers for the Winner's Circle, I want to thank @bisonpitcher for his inspiring and wise post on 2/26.
    Here is his post, "Went off the rails a bit yesterday! Its all good. One bad day does not ruin 115 lbs lost. Good lesson for those that are starting out. Don't freak out over a bad day. I've had lots of them over the last 2 years. Even with those bad days, I've gone from almost 300 lbs to 180lbs. and 40+% body fat to 12%. I've done that by having many more good days than bad and not stressing over bad days and getting right back on the horse the next day. Don't let 1 bad day turn into 2 or 3 or a week. Consistency is key. I was over my calorie budget by 3200 yesterday. But i will still reach my goal. Take that attitude and you will reach your goal too." @bisonpitcher

    Thanks for that big dose of reality. Don't beat yourself up when you have those momentary lapses or intentional splurges. What really matters is what habits you have 90 percent of the time.
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    Join us...see March UAC links in posts above