eczema in the neck

I have a plate of eczema on the neck, what can I do, because I do not want to go to the doctor yet.


  • change_happens
    I have a plate of eczema in the neck, what can I do, because I do not want to go to the doctor yet.

    in the neck? on the neck? Assuming this is on the neck... having children and a hub who suffers from eczema, which is nothing more than an allergic reaction to something, I would try to figure out what is triggering the issue. Could be the washing powder you are using, the soap, lotion, foods you are consuming such as dairy products.

    To calm it down you might want to use Eucerin products. There is a jar of cream that I would use on my son and it worked wonders at keeping the area moisturized while the healing process took place. I would also eliminate dairy from his diet and his would clear up in less than a week.

    When you apply the cream, make sure you apply the cream on a clean, moist neck, this helps with absorption. Also, I would use cold pressed, unflitered, extra virgin olive oil to spread over his little body. It worked well, and it was my go-to before the cream. Hope that helps a tiny bit.
  • anberlingasm
    E45 cream, helps to moisturise.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    what does it mean when you have a "plate"? I have HORRIBLE eczema on my neck and it is soooo irritated by sweat/working out. I am in bad shape!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    you mean ON your neck, right? I don't know of any natural remedies. The only thing that takes my exczema away is a prescription cream (i was given triamcinalone- works like a charm!) the over the counter stuff never takes it away completely for me.
  • khoran45
    khoran45 Posts: 91 Member
    Have you ever tried Aquaphor?
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    Why don't you want to go to the doctor? S/he can give you a prescription to help it. I've have it on my hands and will be getting some sort of steroid cream later today (prescription) to help it. They said it was from washing too much / too much harsh cleaner. Try Dove Soap for your washing, and if it doesn't clear up soon, go to the doc.
  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    use dr bronners castile liquid soap on your hair and olive soap on your body. Both contain only fat and lye which is all soap ingredients needs.

    Use a little vinegar instead of fabric softener in your laundry or better yet just use soapnuts for all your laundry (no need for softener) and soda crystals/soap for stain remover. This is what I use and all my white shirts stay white.

    Do this before you even think about food allergies as more often than not its soaps/washing powder. Use natural oils instead of creams as they usually have other irritants in them.
  • JulieTremblay
    E45 cream, helps to moisturise.
    sorry i would like said eczema on the neck sorry for my bad english
  • JulieTremblay
    because i'm looking for grandmother recipe for that sometime that's work well
  • JulieTremblay
    sorry i have hard time with my english

    i would like said i have eczema on the neck
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    my son has it BAD and my husband also does when ever he deploys (on a submarine so gets kinda sweaty in the sub) for my son my doc makes me use a non sented body wash on him and then a cetaphil or aquaphor lotion non sented for his body. it helps too for right after he gets washed to put the lotion on to keep the moister in :)
  • JulieTremblay
    i see the pharmacist and she toll me to try Glaxal Base by Wellskin

    Its a Moisturizing cream, hypoallergenic, perfume-free, lanolin free, non-greasy

    The Moisturizing Glaxal Base is non-medicate cream specially formulated to help relieve dry, chapped and rough skin.

    And its work well i just apply yesterday and i can see the difference on my neck.