How do you control sugar cravings?

Im a huge fan of sugar. i am an emotional eater and sugar is my weakness, since i can remember when i was little i.d sneak a biscuit or a chocolate get my fix. Even when i feel good i still want something sugary. I feel like it rules my life. How do you control your sugar cravings? Can anyone give me any advice help me beat my sugar demons?

Thank you


  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member
    I don't crave sugar... sweet things maybe. Coke zero for me. lol or gummy candy (lifesavers, swedish fish..etc..)

    I don't like candy chocolate thank god...
  • SusanRenee35
    SusanRenee35 Posts: 182 Member
    fat free cool whip with graham crackers made into an ice cream sandwich!

    frozen yogurt (chapman's is my fav right now), they have some seriously naughty but guilt free flavors!

    thinsations chunks ahoy drizzled with choc in thr snack packs

    thole whole thinsations line is perfect for sugar cravings :)
  • I have the same problem - the one thing I have found to help is to take the time to make sure that I am not eating because I am depressed, bored, or thirsty. If I still am craving something after that, I will eat fruit - watermelon, raspberries, grapes - something that is sweet and crunchy but not be something that is bad. I also have started using the chocolate Shakeology from beach body and that really helps!!
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    A crisp Granny Smith apple with 2 tbsp of a raw nut butter. Cashew is my favorite!
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    VERY difficult. I have no time for sweeties personally, but my wife is much like you. I think the best you can do is just be strong when you're at the supermarket, which'll help you cut down longer term. Good luck!
  • Won't lie - it's not easy. I have really grown to love fruit - especially in season fruit. If you can stop sugar for a few days, fruit will taste way sweeter. Yoplait Light yogurt has a lot of sweet flavors - the White Chocolate Strawberry is wonderful! I also chew the Extra Desserts gum from time to time.
    good luck & you can do it!!!
  • jinkies54
    jinkies54 Posts: 40 Member
    I am the same way! Unfortunately, the only way I've been controlling my cravings was to cut it out totally. Now, granted it's only been cut out for four days, but once I hit the third day, I haven't had a craving like I used to. Of course, my brain will play tricks on me like telling itself "wouldn't it be nice to get a burger?" or "mmm, think of all the tasty flavours of pizza" but they're not strong enough for me to lose to them. Then, the other day I committed 'carbocide' and had so many carbs in the form of bday cake, chips, buns, and the like and guess what? I got so bloated and uncomfortable I had to take advil! Now I'm back to my low carb regimen and feel great. More energy, no 'ups and downs', and no cravings. I think I can't rule them out entirely (like in special occassions), but not eating them so much definitely helps the mind and body.
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I am the same way! I am a true sugar addict and I treat myself like one..I have to be completely off refined sugar for the cravings to stop. Once Im off I only eat fruit that has natural sugar. I will also have cool whip every once in a while too. good luck
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I usually try find out if I'm craving sweets because I'm bored or thirsty. Most of the time I take a big drink of water to see if that helps. If not, I find fruits or low-cal snacks to compensate. If that doesn't work then I'll try to do busy work to keep my mind off of sugar!

    You could treat yourself once a week to some sugar. That will help with your cravings. It's better to set limits than to make something off limits especially if it you used to be a regular in your diet.
  • 4vhughes
    4vhughes Posts: 26 Member
    I have a HUGE sweet tooth. I just had a Fiber One 90 cal Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownie. It was actually really good and just the right size. Knowing that it's 20% of my daily fiber also keeps me from eating more than one....
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    bump. the sugar madness has gotten so bad lately that i've asked my husband to go to the grocery store for me.
  • nurseaim
    nurseaim Posts: 146
    Im a huge fan of sugar. i am an emotional eater and sugar is my weakness, since i can remember when i was little i.d sneak a biscuit or a chocolate get my fix. Even when i feel good i still want something sugary. I feel like it rules my life. How do you control your sugar cravings? Can anyone give me any advice help me beat my sugar demons?

    Thank you

    Thank-you for posting this question...I have the same issue. I get up in the morning craving sugar. So, I keep a small bag of Starburst gummi bursts in my pantry or gummi worms. I can't wait to read the answers. My Dad, a doctor, says that this is our body's way of saying we need to drink more water. So far it hasn't helped.
  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    I had to eliminate all starches from my regular diet, retaining only one ice cream treat in the evening (for good behavior). This has almost completely eliminated my carb and sugar cravings. If I have even one slice of bread or rice or cereal during the day, I crave carbs and sweets all day long.

    Sugar cravings feed on themselves... the more you indulge, the more you crave. Gotta go cold turkey. Have light yogurt in the morning with a scoop of whey protein powder to get your sweet fix. Eat berries first thing in the morning, but never after 2pm.
  • paulettebe
    paulettebe Posts: 10 Member
    I like the sugar free jello pudding snacks. 60 cals.
  • herillusion
    herillusion Posts: 62 Member
    I'm one who craves sugar all the time - whether it is pop, chocolate, cakes, chewy candy. I found that it was too much for me to go off of all at once. However, once I gave up pop (as a daily drink - I drink maybe 1- 8oz glass a week now) I found that I didn't crave the sugar goodies as often. It took me about 2 months to give up pop. I used to drink about 2-32oz fountain of Mountain Dew a day. I also increased my water intake (I drank none before and now I drink a minimum of 8 glasses). I'd say you should determine what you eat and then give yourself a goal.

    My goal for reducing my pop intake was this (Each was for a week):
    I knew I drank at least 2 of the 32 oz fountain pops.

    1. Add so much ice that its at the very top (less room for pop)
    2. Drinking 1.5 of the 2
    3. Drinking 1 - 32 oz
    4. Drinking 1/2
    5. Drinking 1/2 every other day
    6. Drinking 1/2 every 3 days
    7. Drinking 1/2 every 5 days
    8. Drinking 1-2 swallows if I absolutely needed it.
  • trac3
    trac3 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm so bad that if I do eat something sweet when I'm having those kind of cravings (with "portion control" in mind), I just go nuts ~ I simply can't control it!!!:sad: If I get my mitts on some chocolate or candy ~ it's all over.....:grumble: I am finding that bumping up my protein is helping ~ I've been eating Oikos Greek yogurt (the fat free vanilla) with some kind of fruit in the afternoon lately, and it's REALLY deterring the sugar demons. There are 22 grams of protein in one cup of it, and it has a nice enough vanilla flavor (not super sweet) to it that it is quite satisfying (especially with fresh blueberries or strawberries and a packet of Splenda). Hang in there!!!:flowerforyou:
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I am a HUGE fan of all things sweet..... Cinnamon rolls, danishes, donuts, chocolate bars, If it is sweet and you can name it, I LOVE it.... Well, I cut the pastries from my diet completely. I rarely ever have one now and don't typically crave them. We went to chili's for dinner the other night and I decided that I was going to split a molten lava cake with my hubby. I rode 10 miles to burn those calories so I wouldn't feel guilty treating myself LOL.

    Basically for me, I save sweet stuff for the evening after all my meal calories have been logged. If I don't have the calories to cover it, I exercise until I do, then I treat myself. :-)
  • BUMP
  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    After about a month of cutting out sugar and starchy carbs altogether, I completely lost my sweet tooth. So, I guess I control the sugar cravings by staying away from it completely.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I chew sugar free gum.