Looking for McDougall (Starch-based diet) Followers

nwebb822_cancel Posts: 69 Member
edited December 2024 in Food and Nutrition
I've been following a plant-based diet since August 2011. I started specifically following Dr. John McDougall's starch-based diet (The Maximun Weight-Loss Plan) this past March. I was wondering if there are other McDougallers here on MFP. It would be great to find like-minded friends to share stories and recipes. Even though I love it, sometimes I feel so all alone with this diet. If you are out there, let's join up! :)


  • veggiesaurus15
    veggiesaurus15 Posts: 152 Member
    I am not following the McDougall program, I've been following Fuhrman's Eat to Live program, but I would be interested in learning about your progress and success with the starch-based program.
  • RayRay1500
    RayRay1500 Posts: 158 Member
    I am curious what you eat on this diet. Just tried to go to Dr. Mcdougall's site and you cannot get a lot of information without making a purchase.
  • nwebb822_cancel
    nwebb822_cancel Posts: 69 Member
    The McDougall Plan is very similar to Eat to Live. They are basically the same philosophy with minor emphases on the type and amount of starch. Near as I can tell from reading/studiying them both, Furhman emphasizes a higher ratio of plants to starches and prefers beans as a starch. McDougall keeps the ratio at 70/30 starches to plants and his preferred starch is the potato. This is a gross oversimplification, but still true. I'm hoping to make friends with people who follow a true whole foods/no oil/no refined anything/plant-based diet (Eat to Live, Engine 2, Forks Over Knives, and Starch Solution). What I'm finding is that mainstream society is using the term "plant-based" much more broadly than any of these diets would condone. Also, I notice that as a plant-eater, the vegan groups don't quite fit for me either (they use a lot of oil, nuts, and process soy products).

    RayRay1500, I've learned a ton from the McDougall website and so far have never paid a dime. I cannot afford to attend his live-in seminar, although I would love to and I'm sure it would be a great experience. My husband and I are cruising on our sailboat down the coast of CA on our way to Mexico. When we reached San Diego, my husband was suddenly diagnosed with cardiovascular disease and angina. Out of neccessity we scoured the McDougall website, joined the forums and conversed with others following the plan. We even sent Dr. McDougall emails (he personally took the time to respond immediately to our questions) and were very grateful for all we learned. Six months later, his angina is gone, his health is stable and it is all due to the McDougall diet which is very strict: no animal foods, dairy, nuts, avocados, processed foods. We feel that Dr. McDougall saved our health and quite possibly my husband's life. Also, because I need to lose weight, we are consuming very limited amounts of whole wheat flour derived foods (bread, pasta)--as per the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Plan. I hope you are able to find the time to scroll through his newsletter on the site as they contain tons of info. Also you can view his short videos on You-Tube for free. And his recipe database contains thousands of entries. You may also be interested in reading the book The Starch Solution, as it encompasses all of McDougall's rearch and clinical practice findings to date. Please let me know if you have trouble finding info on the site and I'll see if I can help.

    If either of you are interested, you can friend me. Cheers! :)
  • RayRay1500
    RayRay1500 Posts: 158 Member
    I apologize, I was at work and did not see all of the info on the site. It seems to restrictive for me and I fo not prefer to eat starches. Good luck to you :-)
  • MGibbs72
    MGibbs72 Posts: 169 Member
    I most definitely am a follower of this approach. the more I do my food in this direction, the faster I lose and the better I breathe, walk and feel.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I just started Rice diet solution 2 weeks ago. It is almost the same as Mcdougall diet but I keep track of my serving.
    I'm trying to reduce my B/P so I eat low sodium dieta.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    yikes. that sounds terrible.
  • Greetings one and all,

    I am starting the McDougall lifestyle and I purchased his Quick and Easy Cookbook.

    There are over 300 recipes and some do allow nuts and avacados in limited quantities, along with a variety of rices in addition to potatoes.

    So far, all of the recipes I've tried are very god AND quick to make...both important factors for me. And while buying yet another cookbook wasn't my intended goal, I figure it's an investment in me. I also borrowed his Digestive Tune up book from the library and found it full of easy to understand and helpful information on exactly how our digestive system works and WHY we need to eat this way. Many Blessings.
  • I am retiring from teaching adapted PE and am entering Act III of my life. My new "Job" is to return to fitness. It has been years. I study nutrition, exercise physiology, pay gym memberships and have even attended two of Dr. McDougall's events. But in the past I have done nothing. I've gotten too wrapped up in work. The assessing, writing reports, non-active stuff.

    So today I launch into living by new habits. My new job (getting fit), by eating McDougall style, tracking with fitbit and myfitnesspal. Anyone in San Diego want to come along?:smile:
  • irivas1
    irivas1 Posts: 35 Member
    Week 1: I thought I would die! I have the new book. I need something simple, not complicated to follow. I was overwhelmed with the daily prep work for my meals. This is a seriously restrictive program! I wanted to throw in the towel. I feel guilty eating so many starchy potatoes (my food addiction). I eat too many of them! I have gained 2 pounds! Week 2: I searched my neighborhood stores to find the ingredients to stock my kitchen and had to give away the chicken, butter, and other foods not on the program (money lost). Organic food is costly, so I have to budget more carefully. Frustration breeds failure! I am still overindulging on starches, however; I am never hungry and I have more energy! I now have gained one more pound. Week 3: Menu planning is a must. I choose two new recipes to try for the week. I make a large batch and freeze half of it (loving my Food Saver). I make large pots of veggie soup and freeze them in one to half cup containers. I now have created a stash of frozen food. I have gained an additional pound! Week 4: Finally, finding the program doable. Eating out with friends is a difficult challenge. It seems that when I order less and the cooks have to refrain from using oil, salt, and sugar; I have to pay more for my meals. I ordered half a cup of applesauce and was charged $2.95! Note: I have gained 4 pounds on this diet, since starting it. I am rarely hungry. This week I am concentrating on eating to lose the weight. Since this past Monday, I am down 2 pounds. Foods that are made from flour like breads, taco shells, and others seem to aid in maintaining and/or increasing weight gain. I plan to limit the amount of these foods. I will continue this program because I am feeling so much better. I no longer experience brain fog, I am breathing better, and although I have gained on this program; the weight gain was slow. Previously, I could gain 5 pounds overnight and I was ALWAYS HUNGRY! Not now! I can concentrate on living!

  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    @irivas1 Is your goal to lose weight, gain weight or to make a sustainable lifestyle change? I guess I am confused. It sounds like your definition of concentration on living is much more narrow than mine is.
  • BEARSpaternalUNIT
    BEARSpaternalUNIT Posts: 22 Member
    Any active McDouglers here? Looking for like minded supports.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    I’m not a practitioner but do get his e-newsletter that includes some great recipes. I have upped my starch-content foods, primarily boiled potatoes eaten cold after a night of being in the refrigerator and rice and they both are great food choices for me in my current successful journey.

    Have you read about starch resistant food?

    You’ll lose weight following his protocol but you do need to have a calorie deficit. More importantly, I predict you’ll achieve significant improvements in many health markers.

    Don’t think you’ll get a lot of action here but many woo’s. You’ll find more like-minded people on his discussion forum o his website.
    My best to you.
  • rilesapp
    rilesapp Posts: 22 Member
    Im currently following the starch-based plant based diet. I am seeing amazing results. I started off very strict and I was losing weight too fast. I now consume about 10-20 grams of fat per day. I am not counting calories and doing mostly potatoes. I am still avoiding all oils. I notice my body doesnt do well with white rice and I dont like eating brown rice so im going to only do potatoes. I do white potatoes and red potatoes but no sweet potatoes
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    @rilesapp look forward to you sharing more updates. My best to you in your journey.
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