Bad sugar cravings

Think i may have a sugar addiction. I have to have it every single day. Anyone else deal with this ? If so, howd you overcome it?


  • aishmartin
    aishmartin Posts: 468 Member
    I have an apple a day. The sweetness is enough to satisfy me :smile:
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 585 Member
    edited February 2019
    I'm in the same boat. Sometimes having some fruit or a small piece of black chocolate is enough to take the edge off. Other days I need to make a 150-200 calorie hole to fit in some butter cookies or an extra sweet coffee. It's all in the moderation.

    Edit: I'm not sure if this is related, but in a study sample of one (me), ever since I took the extra salt out of my diet, the sugar cravings have been getting weaker.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    For me, it’s all about moderation and portion control for all foods. No food is off limits. I look forward to my “treat” at the end of the day, usually a Fiber One brownie and a piece of dark chocolate, under 150 calories. I eat it slowly, and savor each bite. Before, I could have probably eaten the whole packages of both. Sometimes it’s hard, and the temptation is still there, but it’s the way it has to be for me now, and probably forever, if I want to keep the weight off😢
  • magnusthenerd
    magnusthenerd Posts: 1,207 Member
    Dilvish wrote: »
    Sugar addiction is a real thing. The saying "Carbs beget carbs" is true. The more you consume the more the body craves.

    Try swapping out sugary things for fruit or try chewing gum (low dose of sugar but helpful) or just drink water and exercise more!

    Careful...sugar consumption can lead to way worse things than obesity...Type 2 Diabetes is the real concern. It doesn't matter if you are fat or thin...if you take in too much sugar (in all it's forms) your pancreas can stop producing insulin over time...that's why Type 2 Diabetes is at epidemic levels these days.

    Is this supposed to be satire or a Poe? Stopping production of insulin would be Type 1 Diabetes.