staying on track during the football season!

hey all, with football season approaching, i was wondering what ppl do to maintain their weight while enjoying a day of football?

personally, i plan on doing a big work out in the morning, an hour of cardio (bike) and some strength training.

at the start of the 1 o'clock game i'm gonna have a nice healthy sandwich, maybe some carrot sticks and hummus, but if i get the craving for some chips i'll have some sun chips or baked chips so at least they're a little healthy. also a nice healthy dinner before the primetime game.

as far as alcohol, i'm going to buy myself a six pack of beer, but i'll limit myself to 4 beers on sunday, and that way i have two left over for monday night.


  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    One of the tricks is not to have a big bag of snacks readily available. Measure stuff out ahead of time so you're not randomly grazing. Also, keep active during commercials and halftime. Do some Heisman jumps around your living room or go out and throw the ball around during breaks.
  • CatMauro
    CatMauro Posts: 225 Member
    We have season tickets for the Riders (CFL) and let me tell you, eating healthy at the games, so much harder than watching them at home while they're away :(
  • smrtcar
    smrtcar Posts: 104 Member
    great idea to frontload your days exercise. Another alternative is to balance your consumption throughout the week to allow for some slippage on Sunday. (try and stay 100 calories below your daily target so you have 700 calories to drink/eat on Sunday) or get an stationary bike and bike during the pregame/halftime chatter.
  • Football season has always been hard for me! But I found this new website called and have already tried making some of the apps so I know they are good. Check it out. There are some really great healthy finger foods that look perfect for sunday football.
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    Hahaha my brother plays year-round so every season is football season in my house.

    I just don't eat while I watch it, but that's unrealistic for a lot of people. I personally get so wrapped up in the game that I can't be bothered. If I do snack I eat dry cereal or something.